
EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Actors Want to Prevent Access to CSV Reports from 2020 Election – Individual in Greene County, Missouri Sued for Requesting CSV Report

If American elections cannot be reconciled to local results using voting machines, then the machines must go.

There appears to be only one way to reconcile local election results in US election systems to the final results shared with the media and the state.  This method is being taken away by corrupt actors involved in the election process. 

We reported on this 10 days ago.  There is a sudden push to get rid of the “cast vote records” (CVRs) produced by the voting machines in elections.  These records are the only inventories of votes produced locally from the voting machines and are therefore the only locally machine-driven inventory of records that can be used to tie with the eventual state and ultimately national results.

If local results from these CVRs do not agree with the final state results, then that would indicate that the votes may have been illegally altered in an election.

In theory, the local and state data supplied to the secretary of state office and the media should all agree in count and in timing or movement (i.e. the votes should increase at the same rate).  Not surprisingly, in the 2020 Election, when the CVRs were compared to the state results for a locality, the inventories did not match.  

These unreconcilable results have never been addressed by local and state election officials where they have been identified.  

The solution for corrupt actors in the election process is not to reconcile the results or ensure a process is put in place where local results reconcile with state results, but rather to eliminate or altere CVRs in the election process.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Recent “Solution” to ‘Voter Privacy Issue’ in Election Systems Actually Eliminates Ability to Reconcile Local Results with Final Results and Should Not Be Implemented

The reason for the sudden push in eliminating CVRs appears to be related to the fact that Americans want to get to the bottom of the results certified in the 2020 election.

Springfield, Missouri Actions

In late August (August 21) at the close of the Truth Summit in Springfield, Missouri, Mike Lindell made a call to action.  He asked people there in person and those watching online, to request CVRs from your counties.  This could then be provided to a group of individuals who would reconcile these CVR’s to the final reported results for the state and locality.

On August 29, Citizen-Activist Laurie Huddleston tried to obtain the CVRs in Greene County, Missouri, where Springfield is located.  Ms. Huddleston spoke with a clerk employee and then she sent an email to Linda Rantz who has been involved in election integrity in Missouri since the election.  Ms. Huddlston shared her experience in attempting to obtain the CVRs in her county and she was unable to obtain them.

Then out of the blue, on September 14, Springfield Greene County Clerk, Shane Schoeller filed a lawsuit against Ms. Huddleston.  (Schoeller is a Republican.)

In the filing, Schoeller called out Mike Lindell, Truth Summit, and Linda Rantz (Missouri Canvassers) for instigating/inspiring people to request CVRs.

This lawsuit requests that the court rule that CVR data cannot be given to citizens.   The lawsuit also asks the Court to have Laurie Huddleston (defendant) pay for County’s attorney fees.

The lawsuit also alleges with no evidence that by providing the CVRs to Ms. Hudddleston, the secrecy of the election may be impaired.  This is nonsense with no support.

Petition Greene County_Redacted by Jim Hoft on Scribd

On September 16th a ‘guest editorial’ written by Shane Schoeller was published in many county newspapers across Missouri labeled: “Missouri Sunshine Law illuminates government work”. In it, Schoeller states,

“One specific example that has become relevant recently for election officials is requests for cast vote records that, if opened, could compromise the secrecy of a voter and their voted ballot.” Schoeller goes on to say, “To ensure I am being held accountable, I am seeking accountability through a court ruling before proceeding …”

Schoeller fails to mention that he is suing a citizen in his county in order to obtain his court ruling.  He also provides no evidence to support his secrecy claim.  Again, Schoeller is a Republican.

On September 22, Schoeller’s lawsuit was served on Laurie Huddleston and she reached out for help.   A few days later, on September 27, attorney Dave Roland from the Freedom Center of Missouri, whose practice is to fight for citizens’ constitutional rights, learned of the case and reached out with a message to help.

Mr. Roland quickly pointed out that it’s his understanding that “… because the government initiated the lawsuit, … Missouri law requires the government to foot the bill for this sort of lawsuit, win or lose.” Of course, this means taxpayers will pay for Schoeller’s lawsuit.

On October 24th, Roland filed a reply on behalf of Laurie Huddleston  In it he includes the quote:

… this Court should rule in Huddleston’s favor and equip Missourians to see for themselves whether or not our election machines are improperly affecting the outcomes of our elections.”

Huddleston Answer and Affirmative Defenses by Jim Hoft on Scribd

If successful, it could mean that Missouri will make CVRs from all counties available to the public.

Americans deserve the right to know that their elections are free and fair and that they can be supported by actual legitimate votes. 

The post EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Actors Want to Prevent Access to CSV Reports from 2020 Election – Individual in Greene County, Missouri Sued for Requesting CSV Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.