
High School Phys Ed Teacher and Father of Six Put on Disciplinary Leave for NOT Allowing 14-Year-Old Girl into Boys Locker Room – VIDEO LINK

Cody Hiller is a physical education teacher at a high school in southern Illinois, north of Marion.

Last week he was suspended for refusing to follow orders and allow a girl to change clothes in the boys’ locker room.

Last week Mr. Cody Hiller, a Physical Education teacher for 14 years at West Frankfort High School in Illionois refused to follow orders and let a girl into the boys locker room. Mr. Hiller was removed and put on disciplinary leave.

Cody Hiller went on and told his story to Brannon Howse on Frank Speech on Wednesday.

Exclusive First Interview: Illinois PE Teacher and Chrisitan Cody Hiller Suspended For Refusing to Allow A 14 Year Old Girl Change In The Boy’s Locker Room https://t.co/jJZMXgz5JO

— CountrySalvage (@JFulleman) October 27, 2022

This letter from a parent at the school was sent to Sherronna Bishop at Frank Speech. She shared this with The Gateway Pundit earlier today.

On Monday the girl was sent into the boys locker room without any warning to the boys.  Joseph (a student) saw her and left the area saying I’m not changing with a girl in here it’s not right. I spoke with the school and the superintendent’s office and they said there is nothing they can do. Today he went Into the locker room and the girl was in there he told her from across the room you should not be in here and you are not a boy.  Another boy got up and shoved and cussed at Joseph.   Another student came in and broke things up.  No punches were thrown.  Joseph is on the scholar bowl, Beta Club, National Honor Society, youth and government, band, the wrestling team, is at the top of his class, and was chosen and won of the senior of the month by the faculty. Joseph has no absences this year and a GPA for this quarter of 5.51 on a 5 point scale.  Joseph was taken directly to ACR while the other kid who put his hands on him was not.  I was called by the school and told the situation.

At this point, I was not happy with what was going on and my wife went to the school and signed him out. I called Donkin to discuss the situation and after 33 minutes of conversation, nothing was resolved. I asked him how it was legal to have an 18-year old boy with his wiener out in front of a 14-year old girl?   And was told it was OK because it was a locker room and people are expected to be in various stages of undress. If your 14-year-old daughter (a minor in the eyes of the law) is changing in her bra and an 18 yr old boy (an adult) walks into the locker room with no warning and drops his pants in front of her, exposing his penis, she is not expected to say anything and if she does she will recieve ACR as punishment for discrimination.

Evidently, this administration does not care about your children’s safety and will not stand up for what is right. To send a minor girl into a boys’ locker room without warning and expect none of them to say anything not even out of shock for the situation is completely unreasonable.  I was told that they didn’t give the kids a heads up this was happening or give them an alternative to avoid the situation before they sent her in because they didn’t want to discriminate against her and bring attention to her. But instead, they just expect to send her into a locker room with no response. and when a perfectly reasonable response happened my son gets ACR (discipline).  Meanwhile, the boy who I’ve told has been in several fights was not punished until my wife came to the school and made a comment as to where the other boy was.

Your sons and daughters are not safe in the locker rooms at their own high school. All it would take is one wrong look or someone with a grudge against another and they could be in the middle of sexual harassment case.  Or worse, if one is an adult and the other is a minor you could be listed as a registered sex offender.

Why would we set our children up for this danger and exposure?  I am hoping that I am not the only one heartbroken by this situation or the only one thankful for the Teacher who was willing to stand up for the safety of our children even though it may cost him his job.  He is a good man in my book, and evidently in our school system that is a bad thing.  What is right has become wrong and your kids are paying the price.  Joseph is expected to serve his punishment and was told because of his ACR (discipline) he would be kicked out of the BETA Club.  And Joseph is expected to change the rest of the year in an alternative space for Phys Ed.

I am asking everyone who does not want your children exposed to please come to the school board meeting tomorrow night at 6 and voice your concerns. Please pass this on to anyone you feel will stand up for the safety of our children.

Last night at the school board meeting over 225 people showed up to support tips teacher and express concern over this insane school policy.

Cody Hiller joined Brannon Howse on Frank Speech on Wednesday to tell his story.

Exclusive First Interview: Illinois PE Teacher and Chrisitan Cody Hiller Suspended For Refusing to Allow A 14 Year Old Girl Change In The Boy’s Locker Room https://t.co/jJZMXgz5JO

— CountrySalvage (@JFulleman) October 27, 2022

The post High School Phys Ed Teacher and Father of Six Put on Disciplinary Leave for NOT Allowing 14-Year-Old Girl into Boys Locker Room – VIDEO LINK appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.