
Trump-Endorsed AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers Talks About The AZ Legislature’s Plans In 2023: “Governor Kari Lake Will BUILD THE WALL” (VIDEO)

Trump-Endorsed Arizona State Senate incumbent Wendy Rogers recently spoke to The Gateway Pundit about the new Republican Legislature’s plan to secure the southern border under the next Governor, Kari Lake.

Kari Lake has vowed to declare an invasion on the border and finish the wall starting on day one in office.

Rogers also commented on holding the fake news media accountable for their lies and protecting election integrity in Arizona.

Senator Rogers discussed these plans and other candidates she supports with The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson on Saturday night after Kari Lake’s rally with Trump-Endorsed Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh.

“I was able to get $335 million for the wall,” Rogers said regarding the southern border of Arizona.

She told us that Arizona must reelect State Senator Nancy Barto and elect former police officer Robert Scantlebury to get a 2/3 majority in the Senate and enact meaningful legislation.

We also asked Senator Rogers about her plans to work with State Rep. Jake Hoffman on legislation to hold the fake news media accountable for their election interference.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Rep. Hoffman promises to introduce legislation to hold the media accountable for election interference following the FOX10 stunt where they aired the “results” of the upcoming gubernatorial election 12 days before the actual election during their live broadcast.

Arizona GOP Lawmaker to Introduce Bill to Hold Media Accountable for Election Interference Following FOX10 Election ‘Test’ Stunt

Rogers said that she will make sure this legislation is strong and that it has “teeth in it.” She further indicated that with a 2/3 majority in the legislature, they can finally pass strong election integrity bills, including “one day, in person, paper only.” She is expected to chair the Arizona Senate Government Committee and pass some of the best legislation in the Country.

Rogers also vowed to use SB1487 against the rogue County officials who disregard the law without consequences. Under this law, a member of the Arizona Legislature may request an investigation, and the Attorney General is required to investigate any official action adopted or taken by the governing body of a county, city, or town that a legislator alleges violates state law or the Arizona Constitution.

We recently reported that rogue RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer violated laws by using his office to campaign against a ballot initiative that would require all voters to have proof of registration regardless of how, when, or where their ballot is cast.

Rogue RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Violated Two Laws Using Public Funds To Campaign Against Arizonans For Voter ID Ballot Initiative

Rogers will work with Arizona’s next Attorney General, Abe Hamadeh, to “hold these rogue county officials accountable.”

Watch the interview below:

Conradson: What are you looking forward to most next session? Are we going to secure Arizona’s border or what?

Rogers: Absolutely. I was able to get $335 million for the wall. And you know, and I know, that Governor Kari Lake will build the wall.

Conradson: I know you’re supporting Kari Lake, you’re supporting Blake Masters Abe Hamadeh. What other Republican nominees for office are you looking at this election? What are the key seats that we need to fill with America first Republicans?

Rogers: Well, we have some State Senate colleagues that I’ve been helping, namely Nancy Barto, who’s in a very tight race in Phoenix/Paradise Valley area. She’s been in the legislature for 16 years. She’s the finest mind in the legislature for Health and Human Services. And I’ve also been helping former police officer Rob Scantlebury over in the Mesa area, and when I say help, I help them raise money. I knock doors, and it’s my honor, because we’ve only had a one vote majority in the Arizona Senate. So we need to keep Nancy Barto, we need to elect Rob Scantlebury and others. We want to have 19, possibly 20 seats out of 30 so that we have a two thirds majority.

Conradson: We recently saw from the fake news media false, defamatory stories about Kari Lake, and following that, Arizona State Rep. Jake Hoffman said he’s going to introduce legislation to hold the fake news accountable. What do you think that will look like and will you support that legislation?

Rogers: I will support that legislation, but we have to have teeth in it. You have to have teeth in a bill to assess a consequence to someone who violates it. And so I will be working with Jake to make sure that we put through cogent legislation that has a consequence to it. We had a lot of feel good bills this last session. They were difficult to get through because we only had the one vote majority and they weren’t strong. And now we have to make strong legislation that has consequences and namely legislation that will restore election integrity. I’m looking forward to leading on the government committee, so that we have legislation to shore up election integrity in terms of one day, in person, paper only. That’s what we will be striving for.

Conradson: We recently reported on The Gateway Pundit that Stephen Richer violated two election laws by illegally electioneering against a voter ID law. Will you vow to hold county officials accountable using this 1487 and sending it to Abe Hamadeh?

Rogers: Absolutely. We need to use that tool more and more to hold these rogue county officials accountable. They flout the law. And why have a state of Arizona legislature if you’re going to have lesser entities flout the law? It’s just not right.


The post Trump-Endorsed AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers Talks About The AZ Legislature’s Plans In 2023: “Governor Kari Lake Will BUILD THE WALL” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.