
Here We Go… Biden DOJ Notifies Rural Missouri County They will Be Inspecting and Harassing Precinct Officials on Election Day – How Is This Possible?

Cole County Missouri – maps of the world

Here we go.
The Biden Department of Justice is overstepping its jurisdiction in Missouri on election day.

Assistant US Attorney Charles Thomas wrote Cole County Missouri Clerk Steve Korsmeyer this week and notified him that the Biden DOJ will be in Jefferson City, Missouri on Monday and Tuesday to inspect and harass election officials during the midterm elections in Missouri.

Charles Thomas says he is working with the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.

As most of you are aware, this is the most radical far-left office in the US government.

Why are they making a visit to the middle of Missouri on election day? Why did they spring this on the Cole County Clerk now?

And does the DOJ have jurisdiction over Missouri elections?

And should they not have gone through the Secretary of State’s office?

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is very capable, and honest, and has an open door. Why did they bypass the Missouri Secretary of State?

What is the Biden regime up to now?

Steve – Thank you for your email and the information. I am working with the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice on this matter. We wanted to let you know that we will be reviewing Cole County’s voting program on site on Election Day. There will be four Department of Justice staff (including me), working in two teams. One team would like to come by your office on Monday, November 7, 2022, to just briefly touch base. Is there a time that would be convenient for you? For Election Day, we would appreciate it if you could identify for us the election official we should touch base with at each polling place – for example, would that be the Election Judge? Also, if you would please let the Election officials know that we will be visiting each polling place and have a few questions for them, that may assist in making the visits to go smoothly. Rest assured that we understand that you will be administering the election and we will try to minimize the time we spend at each site. Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts on this. You can almost always reach me on my cell phone, shown below.

Thank you, and I hope to get to meet you.

Charles M. Thomas
Assistant United States Attorney
Western District of Missouri

Here is a copy of the letter to Cole County Clerk Steve Korsmeyer.


Why are they focusing on middle America? Shouldn’t the DOJ be protecting our elections and not harassing rural counties?

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