
HERE WE GO: Voter Registration System in Pennsylvania Experiencing Outages

In Pennsylvania, power outages are being reported which are impacting the 2022 Midterm election. 

The Post Millenial reported yesterday on the situation in Pennsylvania:

The Pennsylvania Department of State issued a memo on Friday telling election officials in all counties that a “widespread outage” is impacting Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) services. This means that the voter databases, as maintained by the state, is essentially non-functioning as election day approaches.

SURE is the state-wide system to maintain accurate voting records that county election officials can rely on when managing and facilitating polling places in their counties.

Any unusual acts that impact the 2022 midterms are now being tracked after the election steal in Pennsylvania in the 2020 Election. 

President Trump was up by nearly 1 million votes on election day in 2020 but over the next three days after the election, ballots were counted in Pennsylvania until there were enough votes for Joe Biden to overtake the lead in Pennsylvania.

One Democrat in Philidelphia reported on the corruption going on in the city.


The post HERE WE GO: Voter Registration System in Pennsylvania Experiencing Outages appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.