
Here We Go… Ultra MAGA Lauren Boebert Loses Rural Colorado Seat to Slimebag Leftist Who Was Caught Having an Affair inside a Storage Locker

We all saw this coming.

Rural Colorado voters were so upset with record diesel prices and record inflation that they voted in a a liberal Democrat who cheated on his wife in a storage locker.

As of Wednesday morning, Lauren Boebert is losing to Adam Frisch in rural Colorado by 1% and less than 5,000 votes.

As reported earlier…

Adam Frisch is a good Democrat.
A Family Man.

Adam Frisch pictured with his family on his campaign webpage.

Why are all of these Democrats the same?

Colorado congressional candidate Adam Frisch was caught having sex in a storage locker with a woman he was having an affair with.

He later was blackmailed and sold his vote out to a business owner.

Adam Frisch is running against popular conservative Lauren Boebert.

Breitbart.com reported:

A man who owned a taxi service and storage facility in Aspen, Colorado, has claimed on video tape to the Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) campaign and in a separate exclusive interview with Breitbart News he allegedly blackmailed high profile congressional candidate Democrat Adam Frisch with surveillance footage of him showing up to a storage unit facility where, according to the business owner, Frisch was caught allegedly having an affair.

The wild story stands out even in this crazy election cycle. Democrat congressional hopeful—Frisch (pictured) is currently challenging Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) in the upcoming November midterm election—has yet to respond to the allegations when Breitbart News asked his campaign about them.

The business owner, a man named Todd Gardner, alleges on video shown to Breitbart News that he successfully blackmailed Frisch, then a city councilman in Aspen, Colorado, into changing his vote on the Aspen City Council regarding a crucial multi-million dollar transportation project. Gardner has reaffirmed those allegations to Breitbart News in a separate interview.

Gardner has provided emails which purport to back up his claim. And, Gardner points to a friend who wishes to remain anonymous but who also separately confirmed to Breitbart News that Gardner told him about the alleged affair incident contemporaneously – this all allegedly happened a few years ago. To be clear, the friend was unaware of any alleged blackmail, but does remember hearing about—and joking with Gardner about—the alleged affair in a rented storage unit.

The post Here We Go… Ultra MAGA Lauren Boebert Loses Rural Colorado Seat to Slimebag Leftist Who Was Caught Having an Affair inside a Storage Locker appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.