
Maricopa County Now Admits That Over 30% Of Polling Locations Were Affected By Machine Failures, NOT 20% As Previously Stated – But They Want Us To Believe Only 17,000 Ballots Transported For Tabulation

Maricopa County has admitted in a new statement that 70 out of 223 voting centers were impacted by the election day debacle, where tabulators failed the moment that polls opened on Tuesday.

The Gateway Pundit reported that tabulators in Republican districts across Maricopa County were not working when the polls opened at 6 am, and voters were being told to place their ballots in a separate bin referred to as “box 3” to be counted later on.


Voters were stuck waiting several hours in several Republican districts due to Katie Hobbs and the Maricopa County officials’ incompetence and malfeasance.

As we reported, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates and County Recorder Stephen Richer claimed that about 20% of the vote centers were experiencing these serious issues that disenfranchised Republican voters.

Now, they’ve come out again, claiming that this issue affected 70 vote centers out of their 223. This equates to over 30%.

Maricopa County is still “counting” the ballots from Tuesday’s election, with hundreds of thousands remaining to be counted. They appear to be slow-walking the process to demoralize Republicans or rig the vote.

The Gateway Pundit reported last night that Maricopa County and Pima County released another dump of early mail-in ballots, which gave Democrat Kris Mayes a lead over Abe Hamadeh and increased Katie Hobbs’ lead by a fraction of a percent.

Maricopa County released the following statement claiming they will investigate their own department again to find the “root cause of this issue.”

Stop talking and start counting https://t.co/GBLFekioAi

— Mark Finchem #JustFollowTheLaw VoteFinchem.com (@RealMarkFinchem) November 10, 2022

Kari Lake’s election attorney Harmeet Dhillon called Supervisors incompetent after this 31% error in Maricopa County was reported in an apologetic statement.

Root cause is you are incompetent. https://t.co/Y9GqzP6mGZ

— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 10, 2022

Maricopa County reports that 17,000 votes were placed in “box 3,” the separate bin where ballots were stuffed on election day.

These ballots are expected to lean nearly 100% Republican. However, as Kelli Ward noted, they want us to believe that only 17,000 ballots were affected by this issue that affected tens or hundreds of thousands of voters.

These ballots were transported to be counted at the Maricopa County Election Center.

We have no idea how many ballots were dropped in box 3 because they were not tabulated on site like they were supposed to be. They could have removed and added whatever votes they wanted to.

The chair of the BOS wants Arizonans to believe “only” 17K were affected by the incompetence of Maricopa Co elections on Tuesday because that’s how many “Bin 3” ballots they have. Tens of thousands were affected & it is unacceptable. It’s time to un-elect these guys. https://t.co/gtln5naDuW

— Dr. Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) November 10, 2022

These criminals must be investigated independently for their roles in this corrupted election.

The post Maricopa County Now Admits That Over 30% Of Polling Locations Were Affected By Machine Failures, NOT 20% As Previously Stated – But They Want Us To Believe Only 17,000 Ballots Transported For Tabulation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.