
RAV’s Ben Bergquam Banned from Maricopa County Press Room After TGP’s Conradson Was Banned from Room – Real News Not Allowed! (VIDEO)

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held a press conference in early October “to discuss the start of early voting, how to track your ballot, and misconceptions about voter registration and the voting rolls.”

As The Gateway Pundit  reported at the time,  Maricopa County will “require an official Press Pass for members of the press to enter its facilities and/or cover events related to the 2022 General Election,” according to a new order from the County.

We later reported that TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson was blocked access to Maricopa County’s election-related events in a clear effort to silence this news organization and stop us from reporting on election discrepancies in Maricopa County.

BREAKING: Maricopa County ‘s Ministry of Truth BLOCKS The Gateway Pundit Reporter Access To 2022 Midterm Election Coverage In County

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the election day incompetence in Maricopa County, where Republican voters were turned away from the polls due to printer malfunctions and ballots not being available while facing other issues stemming from the County’s shady felt-tipped pen recommendation.

The county officials did not appreciate our reporting because we challenged their behaviors and practices.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that the RINO-controlled County hired 145 more Democratic activists than Republicans to watch the polls, which is likely illegal. They are now facing a lawsuit as a result.

On Thursday morning Ben Bergquam from Real America’s Voice was blocked from attending the press conference in Maricopa County. He did not have the proper lanyard only given to acceptable fake news reporters.

This is a travesty and likely illegal.

Via The War Room.

The post RAV’s Ben Bergquam Banned from Maricopa County Press Room After TGP’s Conradson Was Banned from Room – Real News Not Allowed! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.