
Ten Reasons Why Kevin McCarthy Should NEVER Be Republican Speaker of the House

Republicans may retake the House of Representatives after a lack-luster performance in the 2022 midterm elections.

The United States is now under a communist assault from within. We need strong leadership.

Here are several reasons why Kevin McCarthy should never be Republican Speaker of the House.

1.) Kevin McCarthy: “We’re not going to impeach Joe Biden.”

BREAKING: Weakling Kevin McCarthy: “We’re Not Going to Impeach Joe Biden” – Refuses to Confront Marxist Onslaught Destroying America

2.) Kevin McCarthy recommended President Trump resign after January 6 protests that killed four Trump supporters… Then he lied about it.

FOX News BOYCOTTS and CENSORS Kevin McCarthy Scandal — Not One Mention of GOP Leader’s Phone Call and Audio on Removing President Trump from Office

3.) McCarthy spent millions to defeat pro-Trump Republicans.

GOP Challenger Joe Kent: Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and GOP Establishment Spent $4.5 Million on Smear Campaign to Defeat Him in Last 12 Days of Election

4.) McCarthy booed at Trump rally.

WATCH: Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Booed at Trump Rally

5.) Kevin McCarthy following 2020 election, “I Don’t Think Anybody is Questioning the Legitimacy of the Election… It’s Over With”

Frank Luntz’s BFF Kevin McCarthy After Cheney Ousted: “I Don’t Think Anybody is Questioning the Legitimacy of the Election… It’s Over With” (VIDEO)

7.) McCarthy pushed RINO Tim Scott for president.

GOP ELITES DUMP TRUMP! Weakling Kevin McCarthy and RINO Lindsey Graham Push Tim Scott for President After His Rebuttal to China Joe (VIDEO)

8.) McCarthy blamed President Trump for January 6 riot.

“Republicans Are Better than That” – GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Blames Trump for DC Rioting Earlier in Week — Then Calls Rep. Marjorie Greene to Disagree with Her on Biden Impeachment

9.) McCarthy voted with Democrats to outsource US jobs.

Kevin McCarthy and 140 GOP Lawmakers Vote For Democrat Plan to Outsource Jobs – But Here’s the List of GOP Heroes Fighting For Americans

10.) Kevin McCarthy helped sabotage MAGA favorite Madison Cawthorne’s re-election effort.

Cawthorn’s Spokesman: NC GOP Republicans GLOATED After Uniparty Took Out MAGA Rep. Madison Cawthorn in NC Primary (VIDEO)

Steve Cortes agrees.

Many of us correctly held our intra-party rhetorical fire into the general election.

But now, it’s time for tough decisions. @GOPLeader should not be Speaker — he represents corporatist interests and bows to the demands of Big Pharma and Big Tech.https://t.co/OooFc6mSVw

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) November 9, 2022

The post Ten Reasons Why Kevin McCarthy Should NEVER Be Republican Speaker of the House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.