
Battered Republican Syndrome – The First Step Toward Escape is to Admit You’re Being Abused

Guest post by Bill Hennessy

Republicans lose because Republicans don’t fight. T’hey don’t report their abuser. They don’t call the cops and get away.

Republican Establishment in its natural habitat.

I listened to Steve Bannon interviewing a Republican candidate for a statewide office in Nevada. The candidate was well ahead of his Democrat opponent. Bannon wanted to help this guy, but he ended up making the candidate look like a battered woman.

The candidate aired a list of grievances that would humble Frank Costanza. All legitimate, by the way. But when asked what he’s doing about the locked rooms, the lies from election officials, the confusion, his answer was, more or less, “We have people on the inside observing and taking notes.” Mall cops.

(Mercifully, Bannon did not post a clip of this segment.)

So sad. Republicans still think this is 1958, that they and Democrats have different paths to the same goal. At least, that’s what they pretend to believe. Republicans actually suffer from pathological cognitive dissonance. The story they tell themselves—that Democrats love America as much as Republicans—is obviously untrue.

Democrats crave control of the country, for sure. They want control of everything, including every human’s brain. They want the power of life and death. In short, Democrats’ end game is the same as Hitler’s and Stalin’s. They want it all, and they don’t want to be bothered with competing goals.

Moreover, Democrats will do anything to achieve their objectives. The only thing stopping them is the Second Amendment, and they more or less admit that. American Democrats differ little from their comrades in Australia and Canada where police brutalized citizens for not wearing masks. Psychopaths love defenseless victims.

People living with battered woman syndrome may feel helpless. This can cause them to wrongly believe they deserve the abuse and that they can’t get away from it. In many cases, this is why people don’t report their abuse to the police or loved ones.


Republicans have been abused by corrupt Democrat election officials for 60 years or more, but the elections of 2020 and 2022 have made the abuse impossible to deny.

India, with over a billion people, counts 600 million ballots by 11 p.m. on election nights. The land of the free requires a month to count 60 million.

Republicans know the vote count delays, the garrisoned counting centers, the expulsion of non-Democrat observers, the late-night ballot drops days after polls closed are evidence of stolen elections. But to admit that elections are crooked would be to admit they are part of a fraud. If the vote is rigged and you’re a Republican officeholder, you won for one of two reasons:

Your election was rigged.
You’re not important enough to defeat.

Those are sobering and humiliating conclusions to reach. So the battered Republican takes careful notes and excuses his abuser.

The stages of abuse, according to Healthline, are:

Denial. The person is unable to accept that they’re being abused, or they justify it as being “just that once.”
Guilt. The person believes they caused the abuse.
Enlightenment. In this phase, the person realizes that they didn’t deserve the abuse and acknowledges that their partner has an abusive personality.
Responsibility. The person accepts that only the abuser holds responsibility for the abuse. In many cases, this is when they’ll explore their options for leaving the relationship.

That Nevada politician is stuck in stage 3. He realizes he doesn’t deserve the abuse and that Democrats have an abusive personality. But he won’t move to stage 4. Like most Republican “leaders,” he won’t leave the relationship.

Democrats begin filing lawsuits months before each election. Specious suits in pre-selected courts with pre-selected judges who will grant whatever they ask for.

Republicans are afraid to file election lawsuits, believing their abuse will only get worse or that they’ll be disinvited from the cool parties.

“Why don’t you leave him?”

“Because, when he’s good, he’s so good to me.”

To certain Republicans who’ve spent too much time in politics, “when he’s good to me” is invitations to the right soirees with George Clooney—things you have to know a Democrat to get into. They’ll take “his” punches if “he” leaves a small Army post in the Republican’s state.

How sad. How depressing.

Meanwhile, the Republicans who have not been in politics long—Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Donald Trump—fight like hell. They don’t concede (which is the whole purpose of the Looooooooong count). They don’t apologize. They don’t “respect” their Republican elders. They stand for things you and I can rally around. They paint pictures we can see and desire unlike the Turtle and that fake crier Paul Ryan.

The only faction of the Republican that’s actually growing is MAGA. The establishment GOP is like the Novus Ordo Catholic Church—closing parishes and schools because of lack of interest.

I don’t hate the battered Republicans. They don’t know any better. Their methods once worked.

But the battered Republicans are fighting a 20th century war in the 21st century. You don’t have to hate them. You shouldn’t listen them. You cannot support them or elect them.

Jim Jordan for Speaker.

Rick Scott for Republican Senate Leader.

Fighters only need apply.

Read more from Bill Hennessy at Hennessy’s View

The post Battered Republican Syndrome – The First Step Toward Escape is to Admit You’re Being Abused appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.