
As Gateway Pundit Reported: Democrat PACs Are Already Tracking 2022 Midterm Votes Cast, By Party, By Age, By County, and Gender –Why Is This Allowed?

Earlier this month GOP Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss GOP efforts this election cycle.

Obviously, the Republican Party was caught flat-footed on Election Day on November 3, 2020, when President Trump exceeded all expectations and gained the most votes ever for a sitting president but ended up losing the election several days later in the greatest theft in US history to a corrupt, imbecile who spent most of his time in his basement during the campaign.

For some reason, Ronna McDaniel did not resign in shame at the time.  She should have.

And, do not forget, when President Trump called supporters to the Ellipse in Washington DC on January 6th, one million patriotic Americans turned out in the cold while the GOP elites met at a Ritz Carlton resort on Amelia Island instead.

During her discussion with Steve Bannon, Ronna McDaniel urged Republicans to vote early.

This suggests she’s either clueless or really is controlled opposition.

The Gateway Pundit wrote a response letter to Ronna McDaniel after the interview on why we believe voting early is a bad idea for Republicans.

ATT: Ronna McDaniel
RNC Chairwoman

Dear Ronna,

Please Vote on Election Day, and in Person! Yesterday on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom show you said:

I would ask that people “early vote” and in person. Do early vote, in person. That’s gonna be open in almost every State next week. Vote as soon as you can. I just went to my own County Clerk and voted in person.”

Those fighting for election integrity over the past few years are stunned by that comment. You’re suggesting people vote almost 3 weeks before election day. This would allow Democrats massive insight into who voted, who has not, areas of low participation, the vote gaps in races, and much more.

In the days and weeks leading up to election day, Democrats have near real-time data on mail-in ballots, in-person voters, UOCAVA (uniform military and overseas voters), provisional, everything.

Their voting analytics systems rival that of NASA.

Conservatives can help disrupt their massive insight by shortening the opportunity of Democrat election malfeasance. That means you vote on election day, and in person. TGP readers are acutely aware that Democrats use various methods to obtain insight into how many votes they need to win. Instead of giving Democrats 3 weeks to influence an election, legally or otherwise, you reduce this window to just a few hours by voting in person. Early in-person voting already started September 23rd in four States. Ronna, our elections have become nothing more than “glorified surveys”.

The Gateway Pundit then provided several examples of how Democrat analytics firms post in-person voter totals on Twitter.

As an example, one Democrat analytics firm posts in-person voter totals on Twitter. Their analyst did this for the 2020 General and again for the 2022 Primaries. He posts charts showing exactly how many voted in-person, by party, ballot requested over the previous 60 minutes. For instance, shortly after 9AM he posts how many voted between 6-9AM. Shortly after 10AM he posts totals from 6A-10AM, and so on. There’s a new chart at the top of every hour, until the polls close. They have access to this data when the election officially starts, not just election day.

In the past, this company UpLift has posted mail-in ballot details on their website as ballots arrive in the weeks leading up to election day. That Twitter account shows they also dissect to the precinct level. If this is what they share publicly, imagine the data they have privately. Many wish conservative rural Counties would withhold voting results until all sketchy liberal jurisdictions report, even it this takes days. We need to disrupt their election insight because this is what triggers their extensive voter fraud.

Most jurisdictions start tabulating ballots well before election day. These results are not made public until election night. This does not mean they are “kept secret”. It would be naive for anyone to believe early tabulation results do not end up in the hands of election operatives. In fact, it’s easier then you think. Many like Utah County use the ESRI Election Management System. The below dashboards of 2020 election results are from Utah and Illinois.

During 2020, the Utah County Clerk would read live tally’s at her press conferences, right from the ESRI app on her phone. This phone leaves the election building every night, just like all other phones of election employees. Coincidentally, not one ESRI GIS Map Department has ever been audited. Not even in Virginia when city blocks of voters were shifted into, then back out of districts. This happened right before, and after elections, for years.

GP recently published Seven Suggestions to help reduce election fraud while the election is active. They are challenging suggestions meant to stress test people and groups for the midterms. What they learn now, will be needed adjustments for 2024. The Gateway Pundit reviewed all 2,300 reader comments from that article. The below is what people want, listed is in the order most mentioned, being first.

Same Day Voting – To help prevent the left from knowing how many additional votes they need to win.
Remove the Machines – Don’t trust their ability to manipulate votes, and their people.
Voter ID – Most feel this is the simplest way to prevent illegal and non-citizens from voting.
Paper Voting – Suggest we use paper ballots, not machines that convert them into an image.
Law Enforcement – They want onsite investigations immediately and fraudsters punished harshly.
Hand Counting –  Counting done at precinct level with both party oversight, then roll up results.
No Ballot Boxes – Prefer the elimination of mail-in ballots and all boxes.

Early voting has started in several states including Arizona. Democrats, with Joe Biden, were able to manufacture enough ballots following election day to steal the state in 2020.

And we now have proof they are tracking all of the votes cast so far in Arizona.

Here is the latest readout by Uplift – a far left PAC on the 2022 midterm returns.

Democrats are up 18.8 thousand votes.

The Democrat PACs even have the number of ballots returned by age group.

UPLIFT is also tracking ballot returns by gender.

Democrats are already calulating their desired vote totals based on this information.

Republican early voting is lagging this year.

This is a travesty that early ballots are counted and reported to private groups before Election Day.

Why is this necessary?
Who started this practice?
Who is allowed to receive this information?
And why would Republicans EVER agree to such a practice.

Republicans in Arizona are running AMAZING canadidates this year in Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Abe Hamedeh, and Mark Finchem, among others.

It would be a catastrophe if Democrats were able to steal Arizona again in two weeks.

At some point Republican voters need to get serious about what to expect and what to demand from their party.

The post As Gateway Pundit Reported: Democrat PACs Are Already Tracking 2022 Midterm Votes Cast, By Party, By Age, By County, and Gender –Why Is This Allowed? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.