
Concerns that Massive Identity Theft in 2020 Election Will Occur in 2022 – Attorney Clements Tells GOP Voters: “If You’re a Victim of Identity Theft Contact Law Enforcement Immediately”

In the 2020 Election training was given in Detroit on how to disregard notices of votes being stolen.  Rumors are that this is now standard training at elections training events around the country. 

After the 2020 Election audios from training events before the election in Detroit were released.  In the audios, a trainer told trainees to accept provisional ballots when someone says they didn’t vote but someone voted for them.  The trainer then went on to tell the trainees to ignore these provisional votes and basically get rid of them.


Below is the video of the effort to ignore citizens’ rights to a free and fair elections in 2020 in Michigan.

A witness in Michigan also reported on how the provisional ballots in Michigan were destroyed with no effort to address.

MICHIGAN WITNESS: I Saw the Detroit Plan to Destroy All Provisional Ballots, Hurt Republicans (VIDEO)

Former professor and attorney David Clements is warning about this happening again in 2022.  He says that he has heard of training events where individuals are being trained to give people provisional ballots when they are told that they already voted.

These training events are being held outside of Michigan.

Clements has recommendations for you if you ever encounter a situation where the election workers tell you that you have already voted but you can vote provisionally.

He says that in this case, a crime has occurred.  You are a victim of identity theft.  

Clements recommends contacting your local law enforcement and filing a report.  

Watch the discussion below where Attorney David Clements offers advice on this and discusses other actions to take in this election, like waiting until election day to vote.

The post Concerns that Massive Identity Theft in 2020 Election Will Occur in 2022 – Attorney Clements Tells GOP Voters: “If You’re a Victim of Identity Theft Contact Law Enforcement Immediately” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.