
BREAKING: Attorneys File Suit After Ballot Accepted in Georgia County on Loose-Leaf Paper with Security Feature Turned Off in ALL Examined Machines

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported on an anomaly discovered in a Tennessee county’s  Dominion voting machines that caused a ballot, and all subsequent ballots, to be flagged as “provisional” ballots.  This anomaly was discovered when tabulated votes didn’t reconcile with the number of voters who voted.   The EAC wrote a report on this anomaly and, with the assistance of Dominion Voting, put a patch, not a fix, that reportedly bypassed the problem.

A team of election integrity activists turned their sites to Georgia and discovered this same anomaly occurred in a majority of the counties they were able to examine (64 of 66).   That article from the Gateway Pundit can be read here.

Now, the same team, The Election Oversight Group, has discovered what they believe to be a security feature that has been bypassed on every machine they’ve examined system log files for.

On October 19, 2022, Spalding County officials discovered a fraudulent ballot that was “seemingly scanned and accepted by the tabulator.”  The ballot was printed on lined looseleaf paper!  (vote information has been blurred out)


From the State Election Board Complaint:

1. On October 19, 2022, Spalding County election officials discovered a fraudulent ballot amongst
those that had been scanned by the ImageCast Precinct (“ICP”) tabulator1
(A copy of the fraudulent ballot is attached hereto as “Exhibit A”).

2. The ballot seems to have been printed on lined, looseleaf paper and was seemingly scanned and
accepted by the tabulator.

3. Spalding County officials contacted the Secretary of State who immediately launched an

4. In an email, Spalding officials asked Blake Evans why the IR paper verification system did not
work and allowed the fraudulent ballot to pass through undetected. Mr. Evans claimed that they
have “special lights” they can use, but did not answer the question about detection by the

5. Further investigation revealed that the Georgia Dominion Master Solutions Agreement2
hereinafter (“MSA”) contemplates the use of “BMD ballot security paper” and “in-tabulator
authenticators” as detailed below:

Dominion implements security protocols that meet or exceed EAC VVSG 2005
requirements. All of Dominion’s security protocols are designed and implemented to stay
current with the rapidly evolving EAC security requirements set forth by various
iterations of the VVSG. Dominion’s security technology is unprecedented insofar as it
takes into account every aspect and every component of the Democracy Suite platform.
This includes – but is not limited to – the full encryption of election projects, iButton
security keys, memory cards, election data, software. applications, and elections results
files. In addition, Dominion developed a custom ballot authentication system built around
an secure ballot paper stock and in-tabulator authenticators.

6. The Georgia Dominion MSA requires the use of the “BMD ballot security paper”. The
agreement states:

Annual Purchase Summary – Dominion shall provide invoices for Annual Licenses and
Warranties on January 1 of each Term year. Dominion shall provide invoices for BMD
ballot security paper upon delivery to the State for each Election during the Term. The
State shall pay invoices in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. All pricing in U.S. Dollars.

7. Complainants referenced the ICP System Log (“SLOG”) files generated during the 2022
primaries from 67 counties across the state, and found the Infra-Red ballot paper verification
system disabled in every single tabulator for which we have records (See example SLOG file
attached hereto as “Exhibit C”).

8. Counties have been purchasing the special IR paper, presumably at a premium compared to that
of regular ballot paper (See invoice from Dominion for IR paper, attached hereto as “Exhibit

The situation raises two issues. First, why is the ballot authentication feature not being used? Second,
If it’s not being used then why are Georgia counties purchasing the premium paper?


The below screen shots of the system log files, obtained through Open Records Request, shows that the UV/IR detection was not turned on (a “1-” signifies that it is on or “true”).  The system log files are nothing more than a report of what is done on a computer system on its startup and throughout it’s use.


We also have the receipts from Fulton County for the 2020 election showing they bought 800,000 pieces of this VoteSecure paper with the IR safety feature:


So why did Georgia counties turn this function off and who specifically turned it off?

The complaint in its entirety:

SEB Complaint – Cross and M… by Brian Lupo


The post BREAKING: Attorneys File Suit After Ballot Accepted in Georgia County on Loose-Leaf Paper with Security Feature Turned Off in ALL Examined Machines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.