
The Hobbs Effect: Maricopa County Voters Facing Long Lines, Being Forced To Travel To Multiple Voting Locations

Polling locations across Maricopa County are experiencing massive lines and wait times due to the voting machine errors that are happening at 20% of polling locations.

The Gateway Pundit reported this morning that tabulators across Maricopa County are not working, and voters are being told to place their ballots in a separate bin to be counted later on.


This seems to be only happening in Republican areas.

Now, Republicans who are experiencing these issues at the polls are being disenfranchised with extremely long lines and wait times.

A voter at the Cave Creek Townhall sent a photo of the lines wrapped around the building to The Gateway Pundit.

Charlie Kirk and TPUSA COO Tyler Bowyer reported on these issues for other voters across the county.

This exact scene is playing out for THOUSANDS of voters in Phoenix. This person is on their way to a 3rd polling place in search of a polling center with functioning machines. How many voters just gave up and went home? This is unacceptable!!

Stay peaceful. Hold the line. VOTE!! https://t.co/wOAg6HSocp

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

In Suprise, AZ, a Patriot videotaped the long lines down the street.

Massive lines spotted at Marley Park in Surprise, AZ! Stay in line, vote in person. pic.twitter.com/USvF3HNrk3

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

Another picture from Lake Havasu shows how long the lines are in rural Arizona, outside Maricopa County.

Charlie Kirk reported that rural turnout is historic in this election.

Realtime pic from Lake Havasu. Reports that rural turnout is “historic” pic.twitter.com/NjGIKoIaSw

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

At 9 am, the lines in Scottsdale, Arizona, were also trailing out of the polls.

The lines in Maricopa are insane this morning. This is one poll in Scottsdale at 9am. Keep pushing. Overwhelm the system. pic.twitter.com/XybEL91lP3

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

Another location in Chandler, Arizona, looked like it was almost 100 people long and wrapping around the sidewalk.


Current line at 1525 W Frye Rd#STAYINLINE Arizona. The entire country is watching and celebrating you! pic.twitter.com/ZNLoLPAwWc

— DoBetterAZ.com (@lacenagao) November 8, 2022

Maricopa County is seeing historic voter turnout, and the Republicans are expected to sweep the entire ticket.

This is why the machines are “malfunctioning.” They knew we would win on election day and that Republicans were banking on election day turnout.

The post The Hobbs Effect: Maricopa County Voters Facing Long Lines, Being Forced To Travel To Multiple Voting Locations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.