
Annoying Nepotism Baby Meghan McCain Says Midterms are ‘Final Nail in the Coffin’ of Trump’s Political Career

RINO nepotism baby Meghan McCain is claiming that the midterms should be the “final nail” in former President Donald Trump’s political coffin.

McCain made the remarks in an op-ed published in the Daily Mail on Wednesday.

“This will go down as a giant warning sign and, hopefully, a convincing argument against the delusion that President Donald Trump is the future of the GOP,” John McCain’s bitter daughter wrote. “Too many Republicans lost in an unloseable election last night, and they have no one to blame but themselves.”

McCain still claims to be a Republican, but often seems to focus more on pleasing the left and whining about Trump. She even referred to the GOP as my party in the op-ed.

“Trump’s MAGA is cancer and it is killing my party. And this should be the final nail in his coffin,” McCain wrote. “President Trump is no kingmaker, in fact, he is the opposite. He seems to have a knack for picking losing candidates.”

McCain issued a strong endorsement for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, however.

“The GOP is not a Trump cult. The party must give the voters what they want and they’ve made it obvious,” McCain wrote.

The heiress took the opportunity to defend fellow neoconservative and disgraced politician Liz Cheney.

“Too often, they look the other way, only taking cues from Trump, and expelling people, like Congresswoman Liz Cheney, from her role in leadership,” she complained.

McCain also implied that Trump supporters are dumb.

“To put it in jargon that Trump-land can understand: they’re a bunch of losers,” McCain wrote. “I hope we can right the ship before it’s too late – and I hope that ship is steered by Ron DeSantis.”

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