
US Rep Lauren Boebert Pulls Ahead After Multiple Suspicious Ballot Drops for Her Dem Opponent

US Rep. Lauren Boebert has retaken the lead in her 2022 midterm race. 

US Rep. Lauren Boebert is now ahead in her race for Congress.  She leads her Democrat opponent by more than 300 votes with 96% of the votes counted.  There is no information on why the corrupt election actors in Colorado have not completed her election counting.

Boebert was first reported a causalty of election fraud on Tuesday night.  Then yesterday it became clear that her race was not over.

UPDATE: IT’S NOT OVER YET!… Ultra MAGA Lauren Boebert Comes Back in Race Against Slimebag Leftist Who Was Caught Having an Affair inside a Storage Locker

TGP reported this morning that there were mysterious data dumps in her race all for her opponent that put the slimebag in the lead.  These really need to be investigated.

Despite having a corrupt Secretary of State and election fraud thrown in her face, GOP Rep. Boebert is now in the lead.

Strong America First candidates have had to overcome election fraud, the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP. 

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