While the US Constitution made the US a large free trade zone, prohibiting states from erecting trade barriers against each other, it also empowered the central government to erect tariffs on goods imported from outside the country.
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Mainstream economists often base their analysis upon assumptions that do not square with reality. Austrian economics, on the other…
While many are busy offering intellectually-deficient reasons as to why Kamala Harris lost—sexism, racism, Nazism, hatred of democracy—Lipton Matthews…
Historical revisionism is nothing new, and recent attempts to label an “antiracist” approach to history have wrongly been called…
While most of us know George Orwell as an authoritative critique of totalitarianism, few people know he was a…
Very difficult economic headwinds of the business cycle are coming at us.
Most economists are political apologists masquerading as economists. They are Rothbard’s “court historians” with degrees in economics instead of…
The Fed wants independence so it can serve the interests of the banker class. There is no higher principle…
Is the price premium proposed by Irving Fisher an incoherent concept, as Rothbard argued? Hansen suggests a Mises-Rothbard premium…