People typically believe that a true free market economy would turn our society into a huge dystopia, but none of the critics can explain why they hold to such beliefs. The only “good” view of the free market economy is a radical commitment to free markets.
If President Trump is looking for a federal agency to abolish, he needs to look no further than the misnamed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This agency both defies the US Constitution and the laws of economics.
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Bob analyzes President Trump’s recent remarks praising the revenue capacity of tariffs.
The Cultural Revolution continues apace in this country and it is aimed at all of the old Confederate symbols from statues to the Confederate Battle Flag. With leftist progressives there can be no discussion. Any symbol from the South equates to racism and nothing else.
President Donald Trump has openly called for the US to annex Greenland. However, Greenland‘s residents don‘t want to be part of the US empire. Unfortunately, this is another chapter in the sorry history of US acquisitions.
The Austrian school recognizes that economic analysis is timeless and the ancient story of “The Poor Man of Nippur” provides an excellent example. From time preference to the structure of production, many of the lessons are contained in this story.
Higher education has managed to con huge numbers of young people to take out six-figure loans in order to have the “college experience.” However, the so-called benefits to college are turning out to be a chimera, all funded by increasing indebtedness.
Thanks to the Fed’s balance sheet and the Fed’s policy on reverse repurchase agreements, it’s hard to tell whether the Fed is being hawkish or dovish.
One of the fallacies pushed by monetary economists is that a growing economy needs a growing supply of money in order to prevent deflation, which they claim is as harmful as inflation. However, as Austrians point out, there is no “optimum” amount of money in the economy, since prices adjust.