


Something looks statistically impossible here in the 2022 midterms.

Check out 2022 vs 2010 results. 

In 2010, Republicans won the popular vote by 2.5 MM votes and gained 63 seats. 

In 2022, Republicans won the popular vote by almost 6 MM and only gained 9 (if we are lucky – cheating continues through this morning).


2022 Midterm Elections

Republican Total Votes

Democrat Total Votes


Republican Seats won

2010 Midterm Elections 

Republican Total Votes

Democrat Total Votes


Republican Seats won


Republicans lost EVERY “toss up” race in the 2022 midterm election except one

** They are still counting in four California House seats.

** They are still counting in one New Mexico House seat.


Here are the toss-up races in 2022, via Act Blue.

Greg Stanton(AZ-09) – Dem win

Josh Harder(CA-10)  – Dem win

Rudy Salas(CA-22) – still counting but losing

Christy Smith(CA-27) – still counting but losing

Mike Levin(CA-49) – – still counting but winning

Jahana Hayes(CT-05) – dem win

Sean Casten(IL-06) – dem win

Sharice Davids(KS-03) – dem win

David Trone(MD-06) – dem win

Hillary Scholten(MI-03) – dem win

Elissa Slotkin(MI-08) – dem win

Angie Craig(MN-02) – dem win

Chris Pappas(NH-01) – dem win

Annie Kuster(NH-02) – dem win

Gabe Vasquez(NM-02) – still counting dem leading

Dina Titus(NV-01) – dem win

Susie Lee(NV-03) – dem win

Steven Horsford(NV-04) – dem win

Greg Landsman(OH-01) – dem win

Marcy Kaptur(OH-09) – dem win

Abigail Spanberger(VA-07) – dem win

Michelle Vallejo(TX-15) GOP win pick-up

Adam Gray(CA-13) – still counting dem behind

Eric Sorensen(IL-17) – dem win

Frank Mrvan(IN-01) – dem win

TOTAL: 25 Toss-Up races (via Act Blue)


** 1 GOP win in Texas

** 19 Dem wins

** Five still counting including 4 California seats


Occam’s Theory would suggest – they picked the right races to cheat in – just the toss-ups.  The rest of the races– why bother?

It was a blowout by total vote – but yet somehow in the races that mattered, the Republicans lost every race except one.

Welcome to the new United Union of Socialist States. The UUSS.


The post A Democrat Miracle: The GOP Wins Midterm Elections in Massive Blow-Out but Loses Every Single Toss-Up Seat Except One – Check Out Comparison to 2010 Results appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Senators Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, and Rick Scott are circulating a letter among GOP senators to delay elections until all of the votes are counted and the Republicans know if they will hold a majority.

There are four races yet to be called: Blake Masters in Arizona, Herschel Walker in Georgia, Adam Laxalt in Nevada, and the Alaska senate race between Lisa Murkowski and Republican Kelly Tshibaka.

But GOP leaders are pushing forward with the vote for some reason.

It will be interesting to see if Mitch McConnell is elected leader of the caucus again. The minority leader did all he could to damage pro-Trump candidates and withhold funding for their campaigns.

If GOP Senators elect Mitch McConnell it will be another slap in the face to Republican and pro-Trump voters.

“Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) are circulating a letter pressing colleagues to sign onto a postponement of elections currently scheduled for Wednesday morning.” https://t.co/0YZu7egcTN

— Joe Sonka (@joesonka) November 11, 2022

The Post Millennial reported:

A number of Senate Republicans are calling for the leadership elections to be delayed after a lackluster midterm election.

Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mike Lee of Utah, and Rick Scott of Florida have circulated a letter calling on their colleagues to sign onto a postponement of the elections, which are slated for Wednesday.

“We are all disappointed that a Red Wave failed to materialize, and there are multiple reasons it did not,” the letter states, according to Politico. “We need to have serious discussions within our conference as to why and what we can do to improve our chances in 2024.”

“Holding leadership elections without hearing from the candidates as to how they will perform their leadership duties and before we know whether we will be in the majority or even who all our members are violating the most basic principles of a democratic process,” the letter reads. “It is certainly not the way leadership elections should be conducted in the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

The post GOP Senators Call for Leadership Elections to Be Postponed Until After All Elections Are Finalized – But GOP Senate Leaders Push Forward appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Bill Hennessy

Republicans lose because Republicans don’t fight. T’hey don’t report their abuser. They don’t call the cops and get away.

Republican Establishment in its natural habitat.

I listened to Steve Bannon interviewing a Republican candidate for a statewide office in Nevada. The candidate was well ahead of his Democrat opponent. Bannon wanted to help this guy, but he ended up making the candidate look like a battered woman.

The candidate aired a list of grievances that would humble Frank Costanza. All legitimate, by the way. But when asked what he’s doing about the locked rooms, the lies from election officials, the confusion, his answer was, more or less, “We have people on the inside observing and taking notes.” Mall cops.

(Mercifully, Bannon did not post a clip of this segment.)

So sad. Republicans still think this is 1958, that they and Democrats have different paths to the same goal. At least, that’s what they pretend to believe. Republicans actually suffer from pathological cognitive dissonance. The story they tell themselves—that Democrats love America as much as Republicans—is obviously untrue.

Democrats crave control of the country, for sure. They want control of everything, including every human’s brain. They want the power of life and death. In short, Democrats’ end game is the same as Hitler’s and Stalin’s. They want it all, and they don’t want to be bothered with competing goals.

Moreover, Democrats will do anything to achieve their objectives. The only thing stopping them is the Second Amendment, and they more or less admit that. American Democrats differ little from their comrades in Australia and Canada where police brutalized citizens for not wearing masks. Psychopaths love defenseless victims.

People living with battered woman syndrome may feel helpless. This can cause them to wrongly believe they deserve the abuse and that they can’t get away from it. In many cases, this is why people don’t report their abuse to the police or loved ones.


Republicans have been abused by corrupt Democrat election officials for 60 years or more, but the elections of 2020 and 2022 have made the abuse impossible to deny.

India, with over a billion people, counts 600 million ballots by 11 p.m. on election nights. The land of the free requires a month to count 60 million.

Republicans know the vote count delays, the garrisoned counting centers, the expulsion of non-Democrat observers, the late-night ballot drops days after polls closed are evidence of stolen elections. But to admit that elections are crooked would be to admit they are part of a fraud. If the vote is rigged and you’re a Republican officeholder, you won for one of two reasons:

Your election was rigged.
You’re not important enough to defeat.

Those are sobering and humiliating conclusions to reach. So the battered Republican takes careful notes and excuses his abuser.

The stages of abuse, according to Healthline, are:

Denial. The person is unable to accept that they’re being abused, or they justify it as being “just that once.”
Guilt. The person believes they caused the abuse.
Enlightenment. In this phase, the person realizes that they didn’t deserve the abuse and acknowledges that their partner has an abusive personality.
Responsibility. The person accepts that only the abuser holds responsibility for the abuse. In many cases, this is when they’ll explore their options for leaving the relationship.

That Nevada politician is stuck in stage 3. He realizes he doesn’t deserve the abuse and that Democrats have an abusive personality. But he won’t move to stage 4. Like most Republican “leaders,” he won’t leave the relationship.

Democrats begin filing lawsuits months before each election. Specious suits in pre-selected courts with pre-selected judges who will grant whatever they ask for.

Republicans are afraid to file election lawsuits, believing their abuse will only get worse or that they’ll be disinvited from the cool parties.

“Why don’t you leave him?”

“Because, when he’s good, he’s so good to me.”

To certain Republicans who’ve spent too much time in politics, “when he’s good to me” is invitations to the right soirees with George Clooney—things you have to know a Democrat to get into. They’ll take “his” punches if “he” leaves a small Army post in the Republican’s state.

How sad. How depressing.

Meanwhile, the Republicans who have not been in politics long—Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Donald Trump—fight like hell. They don’t concede (which is the whole purpose of the Looooooooong count). They don’t apologize. They don’t “respect” their Republican elders. They stand for things you and I can rally around. They paint pictures we can see and desire unlike the Turtle and that fake crier Paul Ryan.

The only faction of the Republican that’s actually growing is MAGA. The establishment GOP is like the Novus Ordo Catholic Church—closing parishes and schools because of lack of interest.

I don’t hate the battered Republicans. They don’t know any better. Their methods once worked.

But the battered Republicans are fighting a 20th century war in the 21st century. You don’t have to hate them. You shouldn’t listen them. You cannot support them or elect them.

Jim Jordan for Speaker.

Rick Scott for Republican Senate Leader.

Fighters only need apply.

Read more from Bill Hennessy at Hennessy’s View

The post Battered Republican Syndrome – The First Step Toward Escape is to Admit You’re Being Abused appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

After the 2020 Election, we found numerous instances where thousands of votes disappeared from President Trump’s column and landed in the Joe Biden column.  This was never addressed over the past few years.  Of course, it happened again in the midterms. 

In 2020 we reported on an incident that occurred in Pennsylvania where votes from the third-party candidate mysteriously disappeared and appeared to move to the Biden column.

EXCLUSIVE: Votes Moved to Joe Biden in Pennsylvania on Election Night Were Labeled “Accidentally Awarded” to Libertarian Party and Given to Biden

Remember, we are not dealing with honest people.  The Democrat Party is now the party of communists.

Vote switches happened again in this election.  Ms. Diane Sare was the Independent candidate for US Senate in New York.

On election night, third-party candidate Diane Sare lost more than 25,000 ballots in the New York Senate race.

Last night I had over 55k votes and by this morning, less than 30k. pic.twitter.com/9CUHd5Yln2

— Diane Sare for U.S. Senate (@DianeSare) November 9, 2022

Ms. Sare also reported additional reductions in a tweet on Wednesday.  Sare commented that in one county she identified nearly 6,000 votes decreased from her totals by the morning of November 9, the day after the election.

Vote totals continue to drop today. One county reported over 6000 votes for me Nov. 8, and by Nov. 9 it was down to less than 200. pic.twitter.com/VNlylfanMV

— Diane Sare for U.S. Senate (@DianeSare) November 10, 2022

The voting machines used in the 2020 Election were still in use in this election.  If nothing changes, nothing changes. 

Is the Republican Party part of the election steal?  This must be considered since they say and do nothing about these obvious election anomalies.  


The post THE STEAL: It Happened Again – Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear Hours After Being Reported appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The US House race is not over.  It’s not over till the Democrats say it’s over. 

The world is watching in amazement as corrupt election directors and politicians across the country can’t seem to finalize the results of an election four days ago.  Texas and Florida can complete their election results a few hours after the election, but other states are days away, if not weeks.

The 2022 Election was supposed to be a route for the GOP.  Biden and his gang of America-destroying communists are not liked.  They are even hated for their actions in Afghanistan, withthe economy, the Jan 6 communist kangaroo court, and much more.  Most Americans can’t list three things that this administration has done for the good of America.  Many can’t name one thing.

China is very happy with the Biden regime, and so are Soros and Obama.

On Monday, the night before the election Real Clear Politics, which leans left because of its use of left-leaning polls, had the GOP winning 227 seats with a good chance at the remaining 34 toss-up seats.

But the red wave never occurred.  In states like Iowa and Florida, formerly swing states, the GOP crushed the Dems.  But in other states with known corrupt actors and politicians and fraudulent elections, the GOP failed.

Yesterday, three days after the election, CNN showed the House races as follows. 211 seats right now for the GOP, and 198 for the Dems.

But this morning CNN shows the GOP still at 211 seats but the Dems picked up 5 seats yesterday.


NBC news now projects a very narrow GOP win of 220 seats to the Dems 215.

Where is the GOP leadership as the Democrats slowly steal the US House?  Where’s McCarthy?  Where’s Ronna?

Why are we not hearing GOP leadership standing up for the candidates who are still in the race?

The post THE STEAL: The Number of House Seats Continues to Dwindle As GOP Leaders Again Allow This to Happen appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Any aspiring history Ph.D. candidate out there looking for an intriguing dissertation topic? I think this could be a hell of a book. The media world of the Second World War was still radio, newspapers, magazines and film footage shot by brave camera men on the front lines. The news media at that time could be used to spread propaganda and misinformation. In the category of misinformation, for example, there was the ghost Army of General Patton. Public news about his “Army” was backed up by a large volume of supposedly classified messages and radio traffic that the Germans were intercepting. The goal of that particular misinformation was to persuade the Germans that the Allies intended to attack at Pas de Calais. I don’t think swaying public opinion was a priority.

I think the critical issue is whether or not a government and its military leaders place high value on what social media and popular media are saying. I think it is pretty clear that the United States and the United Kingdom and NATO are depending heavily on social media to work some magic and help defeat Russia. I also think that Putin and his military leaders do not give two shits about social media. They have been very poor at countering the Western media campaign. Maybe they are just inept. That is one possibility. Alternatively, they simply may not care because they are focused on carrying out this war, not just in Ukraine, but against the West in order to secure Russia’s future.

If you have not studied the history of the American Civil War or the Soviet Union’s war with Nazi Germany, I would encourage you to read two authors–Shelby Foote’s three volume masterpiece, The Civil War: A Narrative, and When Titan’s Clashed: How The Red Army Stopped Hitler, by David Glantz and Jonathan House. Foote’s compelling account of the Civil War takes you back in time and puts you in the thicket of the bloody battles and political intrigue. When you read the account of the last year and a half of the Civil War, with General Ulysses S. Grant suffering defeat and stalemate and still continuing to press his troops forward in a grinding war of attrition that sapped the will and ability of the South to continue the war, I want you to imagine the kind of pressure that Grant might have felt if Twitter and Facebook existed.

The tactical reality on the ground — not just with Grant’s troops in Northern Virginia surrounding Richmond, but with Sherman’s Army pillaging the South through Atlanta then on to Savannah and then turning north — is clear in retrospect that the South was defeated. It just took them several months to realize that reality.

Similar lessons can be drawn from the Soviet’s initial failure to hold back the Nazi hordes. The Battle of Stalingrad, in my view, was the ultimate turning point in the war against Germany. While two years of battle lay ahead, the die was cast and the myth of the invincible Wehrmacht was destroyed. It took two more major battles — Kursk and Bagration — to make the inevitable clear.

As I noted earlier, the West is heavily invested in the belief that winning the information war will translate into battlefield success for Ukraine. Yet, we have seen how the “success” of the U.S. information wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria have turned out. Money pits that have swallowed trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars with no actual success on the ground, where it counts.

Both of these cataclysmic wars — the Civil War and World War II — are relevant to the carnage unfolding in Ukraine. The facts are very simple:

Fact one — Ukraine’s economy is in tatters and there is no viable path to restore what it was on February 24, 2022.
Fact two — Ukraine is totally dependent on Western aid to keep its army in the field.
Fact three — Ukraine does not have a viable air force and cannot provide close air support to its front-line troops. This means any Ukrainian advance on the ground is dependent on the limited armor and artillery units still intact.
Fact four — Ukraine’s ability to produce electricity and power is being steadily degraded and there is no short-term solution to keep the lights on.
Fact five — Russia has not committed its front-line forces and high-tech weaponry to the fight.
Fact six — Russia’s economy is strong despite Western efforts to sunder it.
Fact seven — Russia is economically self-sufficient. It does not need foreign exports to sustain its industrial base but the world does need critical products and minerals that only Russia produces.
Fact eight — Russian factories are operating 24/7, producing essential military equipment and technology to keep its forces in the fight.
Fact nine — Russia can mobilize and train new troops on its own territory without fear of attack from Ukraine. Ukraine cannot.

The United States and NATO are deluded. They are wielding power like the mean girls in high school, i.e. they are shunning Putin and won’t let him sit at their lunch table. They remain convinced that will crush him. What they did not count on is that Putin is building his own cafeteria and will eat the food he wants and a table he controls. In fact, many of the countries in Europe need essential resources that Russia supplies. It is just a matter of time before those girls try to get a seat at Putin’s table.

It is true that Russia relinquished, at least for now, the portion of Kherson that sits to the west of the Dnieper River. But it controls the rest of Kherson to the east of the river. If Ukraine wants Crimea it will have to cross the Dnieper and fight its way to Crimea. Ukraine does not have the military resources to do that; even with the help of the United States and NATO.

Okay. Enough from me. What do you think? The floor is yours.

The post Would The Soviet Union Be Able To Defeat The Nazis In World War II If Social Media existed? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Donald Trump called for a new election in Arizona in two Truth Social posts.

Trump said they “stole the election from Blake Masters.”

From Trump on Truth Social:

So in Maricopa County they’re at it again. Voting Machines in large numbers didn’t work, but only in Republican districts. People were forced to wait for hours, then got exhausted or had other things to do and left the voting lines by the thousands. Even Kari Lake was taken to a Liberal Democrat district in order to vote. Others weren’t so lucky. This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes. They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!


From Trump on Truth Social:

Idiot, and possibly corrupt, officials have lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona. MACHINES BROKEN IN REPUBLICAN AREAS. A NEW ELECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR IMMEDIATELY!

The Gateway Pundit reported on the issues with the Arizona election.

Some polling locations in Maricopa County were experiencing huge lines due to voting machine errors. Voters were told to put their ballots in a separate bin to count them later.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Polling locations across Maricopa County are experiencing massive lines and wait times due to the voting machine errors that are happening at 20% of polling locations.

The Gateway Pundit reported this morning that tabulators across Maricopa County are not working, and voters are being told to place their ballots in a separate bin to be counted later on.

This seems to be only happening in Republican areas.

Now, Republicans who are experiencing these issues at the polls are being disenfranchised with extremely long lines and wait times.

Arizona election expert Gina Swoboda claimed that there are more voters to be counted than was reported.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Arizona election expert Gina Swoboda announced on The Charlie Kirk Show on Friday that there are significantly more votes to be counted in Arzona than was reported.

Swoboda told Charlie Kirk Show that 351,000 GOP voters have not even had their vote tabulated yet.

If true, this is huge.

Should there be a new election?

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

The post “They Stole the Election from Blake Masters – Do Election Over Again!” – President Trump Calls For New Election In Arizona appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The people of Brazil do not want to have a socialist in power who stole their election.  

The people in Brazil are taking to the streets to protest the stolen election there.  Below they have signs showing their disgust.  They know the socialist Lula stole the election.


Massive protests to the stolen election in Brazil occurred yesterday at an airport.  Look at that crowd.  The people in Brazil do not want a socialist creep who stole their election taking over illegally.

Below is a video and a picture of another massive rally in Brazil.  The people don’t want an illegal regime to steal their election, their livelihood, their freedom, and their country.  (Note the date is in day/month/year format used frequently around the world.)

Here’s another picture.  The people of Brazil are not allowing their election to be stolen.  The people say:



The post BRAZIL UPDATE – Massive Gatherings Continue as People Protest the Socialists Stealing Their Election, Livelihoods, Freedom and Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

According to an internal memo addressed to Disney’s executives on Friday, the woke firm would soon begin enforcing layoffs, implementing a targeted hiring freeze, and limiting business travel to essential only as part of a wide cost-cutting initiative, CNBC reported.

“I am fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams.” Disney CEO Bob Chapek wrote in a memo to top executives.

“We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions. But that is just what leadership requires, and I thank you in advance for stepping up during this important time. Our company has weathered many challenges during our 100-year history, and I have no doubt we will achieve our goals and create a more nimble company better suited to the environment of tomorrow.”

In the letter, Chapek explains how he convened a cost structure taskforce composed of executive officers such as CFO Christine McCarthy and General Counsel Horacio Gutierrez.

“Along with me, this team will make the critical big picture decisions necessary to achieve our objectives,” Chapek said.

In the memo, he outlined the following three objectives:

to review the company’s content and marketing spending by working with content leaders and their teams.
limiting headcount additions through a targeted hiring freeze
review Selling, General, and Administrative expenses (SG&A) costs

CNBC reported:

The moves come after Disney reported disappointing quarterly results. Shares of the company fell sharply Wednesday, hitting a new 52-week low, before rebounding later in the week.

McCarthy said during Disney’s earnings call Tuesday that the company was looking for ways to trim costs.

“We are actively evaluating our cost base currently, and we’re looking for meaningful efficiencies,” she said. “Some of those are going to provide some near-term savings, and others are going to drive longer-term structural benefits.”

Disney’s streaming services lost $1.47 billion last quarter, more than double the unit’s loss from a year prior. McCarthy said losses will improve in 2023, and Chapek has promised streaming will become profitable by the end of 2024.

Other large media and entertainment companies, including Warner Bros. Discovery and Netflix, have cut jobs this year as valuations have slumped. Disney hasn’t announced any plans to eliminate jobs.

Below is the full transcript of Chapek’s memo:

Disney Leaders-

As we begin fiscal 2023, I want to communicate with you directly about the cost management efforts Christine McCarthy and I referenced on this week’s earnings call. These efforts will help us to both achieve the important goal of reaching profitability for Disney+ in fiscal 2024 and make us a more efficient and nimble company overall. This work is occurring against a backdrop of economic uncertainty that all companies and our industry are contending with.

While certain macroeconomic factors are out of our control, meeting these goals requires all of us to continue doing our part to manage the things we can control—most notably, our costs. You all will have critical roles to play in this effort, and as senior leaders, I know you will get it done.

To be clear, I am confident in our ability to reach the targets we have set, and in this management team to get us there.

To help guide us on this journey, I have established a cost structure taskforce of executive officers: our CFO, Christine McCarthy and General Counsel, Horacio Gutierrez. Along with me, this team will make the critical big picture decisions necessary to achieve our objectives.

We are not starting this work from scratch and have already set several next steps—which I wanted you to hear about directly from me.

First, we have undertaken a rigorous review of the company’s content and marketing spending working with our content leaders and their teams. While we will not sacrifice quality or the strength of our unrivaled synergy machine, we must ensure our investments are both efficient and come with tangible benefits to both audiences and the company.

Second, we are limiting headcount additions through a targeted hiring freeze. Hiring for the small subset of the most critical, business-driving positions will continue, but all other roles are on hold. Your segment leaders and HR teams have more specific details on how this will apply to your teams.

Third, we are reviewing our SG&A costs and have determined that there is room for improved efficiency—as well as an opportunity to transform the organization to be more nimble. The taskforce will drive this work in partnership with segment teams to achieve both savings and organizational enhancements. As we work through this evaluation process, we will look at every avenue of operations and labor to find savings, and we do anticipate some staff reductions as part of this review. In the immediate term, business travel should now be limited to essential trips only. In-person work sessions or offsites requiring travel will need advance approval and review from a member of your executive team (i.e., direct report of the segment chairman or corporate executive officer). As much as possible, these meetings should be conducted virtually. Attendance at conferences and other external events will also be restricted and require approvals from a member of your executive team.

Our transformation is designed to ensure we thrive not just today, but well into the future—and you will hear more from our taskforce in the weeks and months ahead.

I am fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams. We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions. But that is just what leadership requires, and I thank you in advance for stepping up during this important time. Our company has weathered many challenges during our 100-year history, and I have no doubt we will achieve our goals and create a more nimble company better suited to the environment of tomorrow.

Thank you again for your leadership.


The post Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney to Begin Mass Layoffs and Freeze Hiring as Part of a Massive Cost-Cutting Initiative appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This passes for humor on the left.

Stephen Colbert described the midterm elections not as a red wave but a pink splash, “It’s what happens when you wash your klan robes with your MAGA hats.”

The audience loved it.

Genocidal talk wrapped up in poor humor.

Via The Wrap.

Stephen Colbert celebrated the absence of the “Red Wave” Republicans had predicted for the 2022 midterm elections with some laundry wordplay.

On Thursday’s show, “The Late Show” host rattled off the latest headlines on the topic, such as “The Red Wave Was More Like a Pink Splash.”

“It was a salmon drizzle, a rosy wash,” Colbert said. “It’s like what happens when you accidentally wash your Klan robes with your MAGA hat.”

Greg Gutfeld on FOX News overtook Colbert in ratings back in August.

“Wash your Klan robes with your MAGA Hat…” -Steven Colbert pic.twitter.com/JoREhaKiMD

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill7) November 11, 2022

The post “It’s What Happens When You Accidentally Wash Your Klan Robes With Your MAGA Hats” – Stephen Colbert on Midterm Elections (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.