


The DC Department of Corrections continues to exploit the Covid pandemic as a means to discriminate against J6 defendants, Peter Stager, an Arkansas man who has been detained in the DC jail for over 600 days, explains in a letter provided exclusively to The Gateway Pundit.

Correction officers are using Covid as an excuse to withhold political prisoners from access to basic necessities and bar inmates incarcerated for protesting the stolen 2020 election from visitation rights, Stager notes.

Stager was apprehended on January 14, 2021 for allegedly “striking a Capitol Police Officer with an American flag,” the American Gulag reports. “The officer was belly down, and ‘Police’ was clearly visible on the back of the officer. Please keep in mind that in the United States, every citizen charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.”

The 43-year-old Arkansas man is charged with eight criminal counts, including assaulting a police officer with a dangerous weapon, civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting.

Stager, a father of two, has been “denied bail, denied his basic human rights, and access to his attorney with the exception of status hearings where he has not been able to speak for himself,” his wife, Samantha Littell, notes on GiveSendGo, the crowdfunding platform she is using to raise fund to cover her husband’s legal fees.

Unlike the J6 political hostages, inmates facing murder charges are “afforded bond,” Stager contends.


My name is Peter F. Stager and I have live in Central Arkansas most of my life. I am married to my best friend and the love of my life for over 19 years. Together, my love and I have two children.

Since my detainment of over 600 days in multiple states and facilities, we have been deprived and denied access to each other. We have not hugged, kissed, smelled or even laid eyes on each other during this nightmare.

My detainment is the first time our family hasn’t been together for birthdays. In our household, you birthday is the most important day to be together as a family.

The damage caused to our loved one is due to bad policy. The Covid restrictions have been lifted and we are still denied visitation in person. All we are asking for is computer visitation like the other inmates in the DC jail and jails across the country.

Always remember, we are innocent men who haven’t ever been convicted. We are not being held on gun crimes or murder charges. Yet, if we were, chances are we would be afforded bond.

At a bare minimum, we would have visitation in person or computer visitation.

Outside of this situation this persecution would not exist if we were not J6 defendants.

God bless the American people and God bless America.

Nancy Pelosi’s Political Prisoner #376784

An estimated six hundred men and women have been apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations for protesting the stolen election on Capitol Hill on January 6 and are suffering horribly at the hands of our corrupted government.

Most of Joe Biden’s political prisoners are being denied due process, held without bail, have yet to be convicted of a crime and are languish in solitary confinement as they lose their livelihoods waiting month after month for a crooked judge and jury in Washington DC to begin to adjudicate their case.

Click here to help cover Peter’s legal and living expenses.


“Peter is a loving father to two beautiful well-rounded children, a supportive husband, and a loyal friend,” Littrell explains. “The stress and heartache that not only Peter’s kids and wife, but all the Political Prisoners’ families are going through I would not wish on anyone. I am asking for your prayers, love, and support for our loved ones and their families. “

The post EXCLUSIVE: No Longer Innocent Until Convicted, J6 Political Prisoner Peter Stager Shares Experience in Jail Over 600 Days in Letter to Gateway Pundit – Please Donate Below appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The 2022 midterms did not go the way Republican voters expected or hoped.

So what happened?

Conservative scholar and historian Victor Davis Hanson has some thoughts and as usual, his insights are solid.

He writes at Real Clear Politics:

Tuesday Takeaways

What, if anything, did the midterms tell us about the country — other than underwhelming Republicans could still take the House and Senate?

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, American elections radically changed to mail-in and early voting. They did so in a wild variety of state-by-state ways. Add ranked voting and a required majority margin to the mess and the result is that once cherished Election Day balloting becomes increasingly irrelevant.

Election Night also no longer exists. Returns are not counted for days. It is intolerable for a modern democracy to wait and wait for all sorts of different ballots both cast and counted under radically different and sometimes dubious conditions.

The Democrats — with overwhelming media and money advantages — have mastered these arts of massive and unprecedented early, mail-in, and absentee voting. Old-fashioned Republicans count on riling up their voters to show up on Election Day. But it is far easier to finesse and control the mail-in ballots than to “get out the vote.”

The country is divided in more ways than ever. America’s interior just gets redder and the bicoastal corridors bluer.

You may want to read the whole thing.

If you want to hear more analysis from Hanson, the video below is an hour long interview with him about the midterms that covers a wide range of topics. It’s difinitely worth your time to watch:

Republicans had better figure this out before the 2024 election.

The future of the country hangs in the balance.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Victor Davis Hanson Offers Analysis On Outcome Of The Midterms appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam reported on Steve Bannon’s War Room that Patriots in Maricopa County are planning a peaceful and patriotic rally outside the elections department following Maricopa County’s attack on free speech and elections.

This will take place outside 510 S 3rd Ave. in Phoenix, Arizona at noon.

According to Bergquam, the group will protest Maricopa County’s censorship and removal of conservative press and “what’s going on in that building.”

Maricopa County is still counting the ballots from Tuesday’s election, and they are expected to continue through the weekend and into next week.

Additionally, new information has come out that some “box 3” ballots that had not been counted got mixed in with batches that had already been counted. It appears that there are many more “box 3” ballots than previously reported by the County.

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday that TGP’s  Jordan Conradson and RAV’s Ben Bergquam were physically removed from the Maricopa County presser on Thursday afternoon. Drones then began tracking and following them after they were escorted off the public land.

BREAKING: TGP’s Jordan Conradson and RAV’s Ben Bergquam REMOVED from Maricopa Presser — THEN DRONE FOLLOWS THEM FROM PREMISES (VIDEO)

The Maricopa County officials do not want any trusted journalists in the building. They only want leftist and lapdog media in their pressers as they slow-walk the election process in Maricopa County.

The PIO (Public Information Officer), Ron Coleman, coordinating the press conference, told Jordan and Ben, “You can go to the free speech zone and protest if you want to.”

Before this altercation, The Gateway Pundit sent a cease and desist letter to Maricopa County, demanding that they allow Conradson to attend the presser.

Now, we are suing Maricopa County for its failure to uphold the First Amendment by censoring and barring journalists from entering their conferences based on their definition of a journalist.

EXCLUSIVE: TGP Sends Cease and Desist Letter To Maricopa County – Files Lawsuit After Yesterday’s Attack On Journalists

Ben Bergquam received the following BS email lying about the incident and claiming that he created a “security risk.”

In reality, County employees told Bergquam to wait outside until his credential was approved, and he did just that.

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Maricopa County released a new ballot dump on Friday night.

According to Charlie Kirk and RNC Committeeman Tyler Bowyer, these ballots came from liberal Tolleson, Avondale, and South Phoenix. Charlie Kirk called the County’s choice to drop only liberal ballots “criminal”

The election was over on Tuesday and Arizona election officials are now slow walking the results to the public.

Republicans had a MASSIVE turnout on Tuesday.  Maricopa sabotaged the day with broken tabulators in 30 percent of the precincts.

Now Maricopa County is playing with the results.

On Friday, they released 72,000 ballots and said Katie Hobbs won the majority of them.

GOP voters are stunned.

The demonic left is up to their old tricks to steal the country from the American people.

The Gateway Pundit reported on yesterday’s ballot dump favoring Democrats.

However, this new dump includes the early ballots that were dropped off on election day.  Kari Lake’s attorney Harmeet Dhillon said that this will be “bad for Dems,” as they expect these next drops to favor Republican candidates.

Kari Lake War Room tweeted that this will include 17,000 election day votes that were dropped in “door 3,” some early votes, and many mail-in ballots that were dropped off on election day.

According to @maricopacounty,

8PM AZ Time Drop.

Somewhere around 80,000 votes will be released.

17,000 election day votes (door 3?)

Remainder of the few early votes.

Majority of votes tonight will be early votes drop off ON election day.

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) November 11, 2022

Even leftist “data guru” Garrett Archer admits, “the GOP cavalry is coming.”

Yavapai County has tabulated 10,087 ballots
Est. 1,983 remain (98% complete)

Batch breakdown
Governor@KariLake 73.2@katiehobbs 26.8

Senate@bgmasters 70.3@CaptMarkKelly 27.4

AZSOS@RealMarkFinchem 72.6@Adrian_Fontes 27.7

AZAG@AbrahamHamadeh 73.8@krismayes 26.2

— The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru (@Garrett_Archer) November 12, 2022

The ballot drop was a shock for Republican voters who went out in droves on election day.

What is going on?

The Maricopa batch is 74k. @katiehobbs 54%@karilake 45.9%

— The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru (@Garrett_Archer) November 12, 2022

Kari Lake held a 10-point lead in several recent polls, including an 11-point lead in the recent FOX 10 poll from Arizona.

The War Room crowd with Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Jack Posobiec, and Bowyer.

They say the county is playing with Republicans.

The drop gives Katie Hobbs a 31,097 lead!

This election was CRIMINAL

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Some Oregon Sheriffs are refusing to enforce new gun control laws that ban high-capacity magazines and require permitting systems in order to purchase firearms.

One sheriff said he would “fight to the death” to defend his county’s Constitutional rights.

Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan released a statement on Ballot Measure 114:

“Unfortunately, we are seeing the passage of Ballot Measure 114, which creates a required permitting system in order to purchase firearms AND bans gun magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. This is a terrible law for gunowners, crime victims, and public safety.” Sheriff Duncan said.

“I want to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits.” the Sheriff said.

Union County Sheriff Cody Brown chimed in and agreed with Sheriff Duncan and said he would fight to the death to defend the 2nd Amendment.

“As Union County Sheriff I agree 100% with Sheriff Duncan! This is an infringement on our constitutional rights and will not be enforced by my office,” Union County Sheriff Cody Bowen said in a post. “This measure will only harm law abiding gun owners and result in wasted time with additional redundant background checks.” Sheriff Cody Brown said.

“To the people who chime in with me picking and choosing which laws I want to enforce or not enforce! Hear this! When it comes to our constitutional rights I’ll fight to the death to defend them. No matter what crazy law comes out of Salem!” the Sheriff said.

KOMO News reported:

Multiple Oregon sheriffs say they will refuse to enforce gun magazine capacities called for in Measure 114, which appears to be passing by a slim margin.

Malheur County Sheriff Brian Wolfe said in an interview that he also does not intend to enforce magazine capacity limits.

“That is just the way it’s going to be. We have already made that decision,” he said. “The supreme law of the land is a constitution of the United States, and I believe that this measure is totally contrary to the Constitution.”

When asked whether he believes a sheriff has the authority to supersede state law, Wolfe said, “I don’t think this is superseding anything. I don’t believe that I am superseding state law by not enforcing it. Anybody in law enforcement, including the state police, including the governor, has to pick and choose what laws they are going to be able to enforce.”

The Oregon State Sheriff’s Association has come out against the measure saying it would drain resources from state and county law enforcement offices that would be charged with issuing permits to anyone wishing to purchase a firearm.

More from KGW News:

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Due to a technical error, the Democrat candidate for Jerome’s House seat in Idaho was initially thought to have won. After it was corrected, the seat in the House was declared for a Republican candidate.

Enough votes to change the projected Idaho election results were missed in a glitch

After more nearly 700 votes were added to the tally on the state website late Thursday morning, Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck announced that Republican Jack Nelsen, not Democrat Karma Metzler Fitzgerald, had won the House seat representing Jerome, Blaine, and Lincoln counties.

Idaho News reported.

Houck said Jerome County officials noticed vote totals on the secretary of state’s website didn’t match their count for the district — District 26. Houck said his office worked with county officials starting Wednesday and discovered a glitch that prevented early votes in the county from being tallied on the state’s website.

The change gave the win to Nelsen by 83 votes — 7,916 to 7,833. Initial results had him losing by several hundred.

The change also narrowed the margin of victory in the other two legislative races in the district, but didn’t change those outcomes, Houck said.

In those races, Democratic Rep. Ned Burns’ margin of victory over Republican Mike Pohanka narrowed to fewer than 40 votes out of nearly 16,000 votes cast.

In the Senate race, Democratic Ron Taylor retained a margin of more than 500 votes out of about 16,000 cast over Republican Rep. Laurie Lickley, who was trying to make the jump to the Senate.

“None of those three counties has made their results final,” Houck said. “I’m not saying it’s going to change, but it’s still an unofficial result.”

“This isn’t a surprise to me,” he said. “This is an intense data process. It is a very intense human process. It’s not uncommon to see adjustments made. This is a much more visible one.”

If the statewide results remain unchanged, Republicans will enhance their supermajority in the House by going from 58 to 59 seats, dropping Democrats from 12 to 11 seats. The Senate, based on current vote totals as reported by the state, will remain at 28 Republicans and seven Democrats.

Houck noted a problem also occurred with Teton County vote totals involving several hundred votes. He said workers knew there was a problem when vote totals were short of what they expected. He said workers found a box of sealed, secured early votes that hadn’t been counted. Houck said the additional votes didn’t change the outcomes of any races.

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Liz Cheney and Ray Epps

University of Chicago student Daniel Schmidt confronted Liz Cheney this week during her appearance at the university.

Schmidt asked Cheney about Ray Epps and why won’t she call for his prosecution.

Liz Cheney replied with several lies about Epps and then smeared Republicans and President Trump.

She really is an awful person.

Daniel Schmidt: Do you demand the prosecution of Ray Epps? He’s an actual insurrectionist on tape. Do you demand his prosecution?

Liz Cheney: Let me answer that question because I believe there is some confusion. (audience applauds) About, confusion about the role of Congress. And confusion about who makes decisions about prosecutions. I don’t think anybody has denied that that video tape exists. I’ve seen the video tape. I’ve seen thousands of people saying things like lets go into the Capitol. (a lie) You’ve seen trials from a number of people who did go into the Capitol. (invited in) You’ve seen convictions of thousands. So I think the question is whether or not you understand who makes prosecution decisions… As far as what I’ve seen Mr. Epps, there are conspiracies around the role he was playing that day. (another lie – what conspiracy? Name one.) People are pushing he was doing what he was doing because the federal government was telling him to. That’s not true. There’s no evidence of that. (Show the evidence) And Justice Department and the committee have both said that clearly. (Doesn’t prove anything)

For the record, Cheney called for Trump to be prosecuted so she is completely lying to the gullible students.

The rest is her typical anti-Trump bullsh*t.

Chris Schmidt is a hero… And the audience is filled with non-thinking dolts who applaud the lies they’ve been told.  What lemmings.

WATCH: I just asked @RepLizCheney if she will say, on the record, that she demands the prosecution of Ray Epps, an actual insurrectionist caught on tape who has escaped prosecution.

She refused to answer my question, called Ray Epps a conspiracy theory, and blamed Trump. pic.twitter.com/ayjVV8ocy4

— Daniel Schmidt (@RealDSchmidt) November 11, 2022

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Republican Sheriff Joe Lombardo won the Nevada governor’s race.

Joe Lombardo unseated Democrat incumbent Steve Sisolak.

BREAKING NEWS: The Fox News Decision Desk can project that Republican Sheriff Joe Lombardo will become Nevada’s next governor. https://t.co/YrVqeCIA1I pic.twitter.com/lq5ipBAFrg

— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 12, 2022

KLAS reported:

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Republican Joe Lombardo has won the Nevada gubernatorial race.

DecisionDeskHQ, which is partnering with 8 News Now, called the race for the Clark County sheriff just after 4:15 p.m. Friday.

Lombardo was leading Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak by more than 20,000 votes statewide with the final mail-in votes being tallied Friday.

Sisolak, the former head of the Clark County Commission, was elected in 2018. Lombardo served two terms as sheriff.

Sisolak was elected in 2018 and destroyed the state of Nevada with lockdowns and mask mandates.

While Nevadans were told to stay home and ‘social distance,’ a maskless Sisolak was spotted (photo below) out having the time of his life at the bars.

Good riddance!


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A Maricopa County Election judge spoke out about what she witnessed at the polls on Tuesday with tabulators not working and inaccurate ballot reporting, and her supervisors threatened her with termination.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this serious issue in Maricopa County’s General Election on Tuesday. Due to the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs, tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept voters waiting to cast their ballots.

Maricopa County recently admitted in a new statement that 70 out of 223 or over 30% of voting centers were impacted by this election day debacle after previously claiming that only about 20% were affected.

Maricopa County Now Admits That Over 30% Of Polling Locations Were Affected By Machine Failures, NOT 20% As Previously Stated – But They Want Us To Believe Only 17,000 Ballots Transported For Tabulation

Voters were told to deposit their ballots into “box 3” or “door 3” to be tabulated at the Elections Department in downtown Phoneix later. The County claims that only 17,000 votes were affected and dropped in “box 3.”

Not only were voters disenfranchised by long wait times or tabulation errors, but many may not have voted at all, or their ballots were reported as “received and counted” without actually being counted.

Michelle Swinick spoke out on this issue, and she was threatened with termination from the polls.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday, another poll worker was terminated, citing “disinformation” for telling voters they don’t know what will happen to the ballots and would wait for the machines to be back online before dropping a ballot in “box 3.”

Uncover DC reported,

Election judge Michele Swinick has come forward to report what she experienced in Maricopa County on Election Day. She worked Election Day as a judge at the Islamic Voting Center in Scottsdale, AZ. She reports that the center is heavily Republican, with “no party” designated voters as the second most populous demographic, followed by very few democrat voters, evidenced by the fact that she checked in very few of them on Election Day. She reports she spent the entire day checking in voters.

Swinick says that the tabulators all worked “perfectly” during the test the night before the election. The problem with scanning began immediately with the first ballots. Voters scanned their ballots between 4 and 12 times with very minimal success. Poll workers estimated about 1 in 10 ballots were being read for the first three hours of voting.

Voters were given options to either spoil their ballots and try again or drop them into a different section called “Door 3.” As per Swinick, their inspector had to empty the ballots from “Door 3” three times throughout the early afternoon because of the volume of ballots. Typically, ballots aren’t supposed to be removed from that box until polls close, but they made an exception because the box was jamming and became too full.

Swinick reports that the technician came to the center between 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm MT and rebooted the machines. After this, there were no further issues with ballots being run through tabulators. She reported that one of the poll workers told her, “Everything is now going smoothly with the tabulators.”

Per Swinick’s inspector, an offsite supervisor had advised “Because of the situation” to put all “door 3” ballots that had not been scanned through a tabulator into a separate black bag and to label them “misreads.” As a judge, Michele told UncoverDC that she personally signed the sticker placed over the bag’s zipper, and then these bags were sent to the tabulation center to be counted. Michele informed us that the normal process for a ballot that is “unread” is for poll workers to run the ballots through the tabulators one more time before sending them to the center. As per Swinick, this was not done.

The County had set up a website to give voters the ability to check that their vote was counted. The problem is Michele has proven that the website isn’t correct and seems to be using a voter’s “check in” as evidence their vote was tabulated rather than the actual tabulation of the vote. Michele offered her first-hand proof of this.

“My roommate ran his ballot through the tabulators 15 times as one of the 1st voters at the Islamic Center. It did not read the ballot. He was forced to drop it in door #3.

About an hour after I arrived home at 9 pm MT, my roommate checked the website to see if his vote had been counted. The website reported it was. It is mathematically impossible for his vote to have been counted by then since only an hour before, I left the center, and the ballots had not been taken from the center to the meeting point where the ballots are hand exchanged to another transport team, which takes them to the tabulation center. For his ballot to have been counted, it would have also needed to be sorted and hand-counted by a team at that center and reported into the website —all within that hour.

In the case of In Person/Day of Voting, this proves the reporting of his ballot being received & counted is actually based on his being checked into the Voting Center and him receiving a ballot to be cast—NOT his ballot being scanned and read through the tabulator or hand counted at the tabulation center.”

Michele has also been threatened by her supervisor (first name Timothy) for speaking out about what she has witnessed. He called her and said they “have been scouring social media and saw posts (that Michele) would be going on several podcasts to report information about the election.” Michele told UncoverDC that she was questioned about her podcast, what it’s about, and that they accused her of already appearing on other podcasts earlier in the day, even though, at the time, that was untrue. As per Swinick, her supervisor told her, “if I find out you have gone on any podcasts, I will terminate you.”

UncoverDC asked Michele for her opinion of what was going on, given her experience. She said:

“In my opinion, the machines were programmed to do this, and it was all planned. The process and narrative, both machines and people. It was brilliantly done. They isolated the ballots to replace or not count them in 223 bags. The hard part for them in 2020 and during the primary was getting the ballots to match their manufactured machine count. This way, they have everything isolated in the bags.”


Additionally, new information has come out that some “box 3” ballots that had not been counted got mixed in with batches that had already been counted.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this major development earlier, and it appears that there are many more “box 3” ballots than previously reported by the County.

BREAKING HUGE: Arizona Election Expert Says Maricopa County Is Underreporting Ballot Count – Lake Campaign Responds!

EZAZ.org founder, Merissa Hamilton, noted that not one person from the fake news media has asked if the County compared the number of voters who checked in at the polls to the number of ballots received. There is no way of knowing if all legal votes were cast and counted or if this number from the County is accurate.

Until the media starts asking if @maricopacounty compared the voters that checked in to the number of ballots received, we will not know if all the legal votes intended to be cast were since @billgatesaz told people they could leave and vote elsewhere which wasn’t true https://t.co/F2A81jn3au

— Merissa Hamilton (@merissahamilton) November 11, 2022

Maricopa County must compare the cast vote record to the election day check-ins.

The post Maricopa County Election Judge Is Threatened by Supervisors After Speaking Out About Tabulation Errors – Ballots Counted Is Based on Check-Ins NOT Scanning and Reading Through Tabulator appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The same crooks that gave Uranium One to Russia now apparently think they should review the Twitter sale to Elon Musk.

The corrupt group that approved the sale of Uranium One and 20% of the US uranium reserves to Russia, now is getting involved in the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk.

In October TGP reported that Biden is threatening to investigate Elon Musk for standing up for free speech and against censorship.  Biden threatened to use the same entity that approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia. 

Yesterday it was reported that Biden is planning on using the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS) to investigate Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

Biden Regime to Investigate Elon Musk’s Twitter Acquisition – Joe Biden Could Kill the Takeover Using National Security Excuse

This is the same group that approved of Russia’s purchase of 20% of the US uranium market under the Obama Administration which resulted in the Clinton Foundation receiving over $140 million in donations.

The Obama Administration approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia which landed the Clinton Foundation over $140 million in donations.

Andrew McCarthy reported:

The Uranium One scandal is not only, or even principally, a Clinton scandal. It is an Obama-administration scandal.

The Clintons were just doing what the Clintons do: cashing in on their “public service.” The Obama administration, with Secretary Clinton at the forefront but hardly alone, was knowingly compromising American national-security interests. The administration green-lighted the transfer of control over one-fifth of American uranium-mining capacity to Russia, a hostile regime — and specifically to Russia’s state-controlled nuclear-energy conglomerate, Rosatom. Worse, at the time the administration approved the transfer, it knew that Rosatom’s American subsidiary was engaged in a lucrative racketeering enterprise that had already committed felony extortion, fraud, and money-laundering offenses.

…Uranium is foundational to nuclear power and thus to American national security. As the New York Times explained in a report on the disturbing interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the transfer of American uranium assets to Russia, the United States gets a fifth of its electrical power from nuclear energy, but only produces a fifth of the uranium it needs. Consequently, a foreign entity would not be able to acquire rights to American uranium without the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

CFIUS is composed of the leaders of 14 U.S. government agencies involved in national security and commerce…

McCarthy notes that in 2010 Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a single speech in Russia and the Clinton Foundation at about the same time made $145 million in donations from sources connected to the sale of Uranium One to Russia.

In 2014 Putin invaded Crimea and the Obama Administration had to respond.  Obama and Hillary’s ‘reset’ with Russia was over.  Also, at that point, a racketeering scheme the FBI and DOJ had been looking into for years involving Russians related to Uranium One had to be addressed.

The national security case involved a man named Mikerin who was arrested for racketeering and also to an extortion racket against US energy companies by Russia.  An informant had kept the FBI informed of the case since at least 2010.

McCarthy writes:

…a lid needed to be kept on the case. It would have made for an epic Obama administration scandal, and a body blow to Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes, if in the midst of Russia’s 2014 aggression, public attention had been drawn to the failure, four years earlier, to prosecute a national-security case in order to protect Russia’s takeover of U.S. nuclear assets.

See the article below:

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART IX: Weissmann Covered Up Russian, Clinton and Obama Actions Related to the Sale of Uranium One to Russia

America has been taken over by a criminal and corrupt gang of nasty individuals who don’t care about justice, only power. 

Tucker summed this up nicely:

Now it looks like the Biden gang is moving ahead. Corrupt and self-proclaimed liar Jake Sullivan indicated the Biden gang is looking into the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk, claiming it’s a national security issue.

The post Jake Sullivan Indicates the Same Corrupt Entity that Authorized Sale of Uranium One to Russia Now Reviewing Sale of Twitter to Elon Musk appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.