What a week! Before being accused of Trumpcheerleading, the elephant in the room must be acknowledged: the Federal Reserve, its role in the inevitable boom-bust cycle, and Trump’s evolving stance on tariffs.
How should we approach the study of history? An unfortunate trend has been to implement “history by theory” in which practitioners take theories and present them as facts. An honest approach is to take the historical facts and interpret them through coherent theories.
In the 1870s and 1880s, and through the 1920s, it’s clear that many legislators and judges did not agree that birthright citizenship applied to everyone born in the borders of the US. The modern interpretation is highly debatable.
Mainstream economists define “inflation” as general increases in consumer and producer prices. Yet, such a definition misses why prices increase in the first place and why inflation should be described as an artificial increase in the money supply.
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Not only was Joe Biden a failed president domestically, but he also was a failure in his foreign policy. From sending troops to Haiti to the Ukraine war to conflict in the Middle East, Biden never missed an opportunity to make a bad situation worse.
Pundits have labeled piggy banks small change, irrational and wasteful, “just sitting around doing nothing.” As usual, they are wrong.
How did the US go from a nation that revered liberty to one with despotic governance? While political forces already were trying to push the US in a direction of centralization, the Civil War completed the job. We see the results of those centralized outcomes daily.
Without the discipline of profit-and-loss, the desires and goals of the bureaucrats, limited only by the prescriptions and budget of the legislature, necessarily guide policy.