


The Rupert Murdoch empire and GOP establishment are going all-out in an effort to destroy President Trump and his MAGA movement.

GOP Elites HATE that they cannot control Trump. They miss the days of obedient voters and their never-ending wars and trade deals that decimated the middle class.

The GOP elites have never accepted MAGA nation. They are embarrassed by their voters. They would rather play controlled opposition than to listen to the majority of Americans who support President Trump and still believe his election was stolen.

On Thursday Rob Schmitt from Newsmax opened with a 14-minute segment on how the GOP elites, Paul Ryan, and the Murdoch empire is hoping they can destroy Trump and the pro-American movement he started.

They believe the true enemy is their voting base and not the Marxist left.

Such rotten people.

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Former President George W. Bush and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will hold a virtual conversation on Friday urgng House Republicans to continue to fund the bloody War against Russia in Ukraine.

The US has sent more than $54 billion to Ukraine.

Biden announced another $400 million to Ukraine this week.

Of course, Joe’s son Hunter is famous for his pay-for-play position with Burisma energy in Ukraine making $50,000 a month for access to “the big guy.”

Former President George W. Bush and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will hold a public conversation in Dallas amid questions among House Republicans about the importance of continuing to send money and aid to Ukraine for its fight against Russia. https://t.co/7E4VoihJu6 pic.twitter.com/r6CY1DTAza

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) November 11, 2022

Former President George W. Bush and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will hold a public conversation in Dallas on Tuesday amid questions among House Republicans about the importance of continuing to send money and aid to Ukraine for its fight against Russia.

“Ukraine is the frontline in the struggle for freedom and democracy. It’s literally under attack as we speak, and it is vitally important that the United States provide the assistance, military and otherwise to help Ukraine defend itself,” David Kramer, the managing director for global policy at the George W. Bush Institute, where the event is being held, told CNN.

“President Bush believes in standing with Ukraine.”

Zelenskyy, who Bush called the “Winston Churchill of our time” after they met in private earlier this year, will participate in Tuesday’s event virtually.

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Paul Ryan was a drag on the Republican Party.

Ryan lied to Republican voters repeatedly and refused to fund the Trump border wall when he had the chance.

Paul Ryan always hated Donald Trump and his voters.

Paul Ryan repeatedly promised to fund the Trump Border Wall.
But at every opportunity he denied the Republican President funds for his border wall.

It was not until President Trump threatened to shut down the government that Speaker Paul Ryan FINALLY pushed legislation that included ONLY $5 BILLION to fund the border wall.

President Trump promised to build a border wall with Mexico at nearly EVERY campaign stop he held in 2015-2016.

The president won the election in an electoral landslide with a promise to build a border wall on the Mexican border.

In January 2017 Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised to pass funding of $12-15 billion to build the Trump border wall.

But it was all a lie.

Paul Ryan later told Tucker Carlson he would fund the Trump border wall.

It was all a lie.

On Thursday Paul Ryan lashed out again against President Donald Trump in a coordinated attack with FOX News, Rupert Murdoch, Wall Street Journal, and GOP elites.

Paul Ryan: Trump is drag on our ticket pic.twitter.com/Q2otSFmVXP

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) November 11, 2022

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Happy Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday (belated) to all of my fellow brothers and sisters out there who served our country!

Check out “The Daily Recap” podcast to get a brief “catch up” of the previous days biggest stories!

We will be covering some of the biggest stories on The Gateway Pundit each and every weekday, as well as a twice-weekly podcast on Wednesdays and Friday nights at 9pm EST

In this episode:  Transgenders are discriminated against because their official ID doesn’t reflect their delusions, a whole reading of my Where’s Nancy story and more!!

Click here or download the Rumble app and subscribe to The Gateway Pundit as well as CannCon.  (The app will allow you to listen while your phone/device is closed)  Video will play momentarily despite “bad extension” warning:

The post Daily Recap Podcast 11-11-22: More Election Updates, DeSantis v. Trump Narrative, McCarthy “Speaker” Role in Doubt, Thankfully! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

As most of you know, Republican Adam Laxalt is currently leading Democrat Catherine Cortez 49% to 48% in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

Laxalt earlier on Thursday announced that his opponent had no path to victory.

Republican Adam Laxalt on His Democrat Opponent – She Does Not Have the Amount of Votes Left to Be Able to Catch Us (VIDEO)

As of right now, only 90% of the vote is in and counties all across the state are still counting ballots.

In order to have some kind of “transparency” many of these counties have been live-streaming ballot counting.

One of those counties counting ballots while live streaming is Washoe County.

Last night, however, “transparency” went out the window because at 11:24 PM Washoe County’s live stream went offline which led to viewers staring at black screens.


Looks like Washoe County’s live stream, which has been showing 4 angles of the ballot counting rooms, did go dark last night at 11:24p and stayed dark until just before 8a this morning.

We’ve reached out to Washoe County to ask what happened. https://t.co/MsWJi7lKzE pic.twitter.com/i9fdMAnTyZ

— Ben Margiott (@BenMargiott) November 10, 2022

In an official press release, Washoe County claimed that all staff left for the night 60 minutes before the live stream went offline.

In that press release officials from Washoe County stated “The courtesy cameras are connected to a computer application designed for livestream events. They intermittently lose connection with the application.”

We know that our election livestream cameras went dark overnight. We investigated what happened and how to prevent it happening again. Learn more here: https://t.co/LT8OJkxX3L

— Washoe County (@washoecounty) November 10, 2022

In conclusion, Washoe County, bizarrely stated, “In the future, we will look for a solution that would prevent software disruptions or simply not offer a courtesy livestream feed.”

So basically next time they will just get rid of the cameras altogether so voters will be in the dark completely.

UPDATE: It appears the live-stream is back online on Friday morning.

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Maricopa ballots from the August 2022 primary election.

Maricopa County  is the only jurisdiction in the country that picks up completed ballots at USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to the election department or tabulation center.

Maricopa County picks up mail-in ballots and takes them directly to its print vendor Runbeck Election Services, which is headquartered in Phoenix.

Every single completed mail-in ballot, whether mailed or dropped off at a polling place, goes to Runbeck. All mail-in ballots collected on election day, and the previous few days, are sitting at Runbeck headquarters. Maricopa has no idea how many ballots are in their possession because the ballots are at their print vendor.

Maricopa allegedly uses Runbeck because they have “high-speed scanners.”  Runbeck scans the ballots in batches to create a digital image of each envelope signature area. This batch of images is given to the Maricopa tabulation center (MCTEC) for poll worker review.  MCTEC notifies Runbeck if any of those signatures don’t match.  Runbeck separates out those bad envelopes, then delivers both sets of these envelopes by van to MCTEC, which is 6 miles away.  MCTEC then opens the envelopes and starts the tabulation process.

This “batch” process is repeated until all “mail-in” ballot envelopes are scanned at Runbeck.  This takes 10-12 days after every general election, and ballots envelopes are delivered each day by Runbeck vans.  Runbeck uses the Bluecrest Vantage mail processing machines to scan these ballot envelopes.  This machine can process 40-50,000 ballots an hour. These machines can also automatically scan the ballot signatures using embedded commercial-grade check cashing signature software from Parascript.  But Maricopa continues to use its slow manual “batch” process of reviewing signatures.

These Vantage machines cost $1.06 million each, Detroit just purchased one in early 2022.  Maricopa could purchase two of these machines and process roughly 90,000 ballots an hour in-house. But Maricopa continues to re-sign contracts with Runbeck, which prevents them from bringing all this in-house.

This is a travesty.



The post Maricopa County’s Unique Process in Handling Ballots Exposes Added Opportunity for Fraud appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Maricopa County dropped another ballot dump last night favoring the Democrats.

Bill Gates said in a press conference last night, “we have about 400 to 410,000 more to be counted. I told this group that we anticipated 90 to 99% of the ballots to be counted by Friday. That’s tomorrow, but I’m here to tell you that the goalposts have changed.”

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer then said, “we received 292,000 early ballots that were dropped off on election day.”

However, as The Gateway Pundit reported on Wednesday, Maricopa County tweeted that “~275k” ballots were received on election day, not 292,000.

Where did the 17,000 additional late early ballots come from?

These stooges did not allow any real reporters into the room to give real questions. The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday that The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson and Ben Bergquam from Real America’s Voice were physically removed from the Maricopa County presser on Thursday afternoon.

BREAKING: TGP’s Jordan Conradson and RAV’s Ben Bergquam REMOVED from Maricopa Presser — THEN DRONE FOLLOWS THEM FROM PREMISES (VIDEO)

The County will finally begin counting the “292,000” ballots that were dropped off in dropboxes on election day.

Kari Lake’s attorney Harmeet Dhillon says that this will be “bad for dems,” as they expect these next drops to favor Republican candidates.

Maricopa update:

290,000 early ballots that were dropped off in Maricopa ON ELECTION DAY alone are still outstanding. Those will start to be counted tomorrow, bad for Dems.

The election day drop-offs of early ballots in Maricopa county broke the previous record by 70%!! Yuge!!

— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 11, 2022

Talonya Adams, a victim of Katie Hobbs’ racial discrimination in the Arizona Senate, tweeted a great question asking why these ballots have not been touched by the County.

Last night’s ballot drop favored the Dems by roughly 45:55 for each race.

Why all the policy change and delayed calculation talk about early ballots delivered on #ElectionDay, when not one Election Day early ballot has been counted? #AZElections #AZGov https://t.co/db9ywHgF1J

— Talonya Adams (personal acct) (@TalonyaAdams) November 11, 2022

Additionally, the County finally started processing the 17,000 “box 3” ballots that were unable to be tabulated by in person voters on election day.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs that caused tabulators to be down, printers running out of ink, and long, long lines keeping voters waiting to cast their ballots.

Voters were waiting several hours in several Republican districts due to Katie Hobbs’ incompetence and malfeasance, or they didn’t get to vote at all because Gates said they could go elsewhere to vote. However, once they checked in at one polling location, they would be unable to check in at another if they left without voting.

EZAZ.org founder, Merissa Hamilton, noted that not one person from the fake news media has asked if the County compared the number of voters who checked in at the polls to the number of ballots received. We will never know if all legal votes were cast or if this number is accurate.

Until the media starts asking if @maricopacounty compared the voters that checked in to the number of ballots received, we will not know if all the legal votes intended to be cast were since @billgatesaz told people they could leave and vote elsewhere which wasn’t true https://t.co/F2A81jn3au

— Merissa Hamilton (@merissahamilton) November 11, 2022

Pima County also released another dump yesterday favoring Dems by about 35:65 yesterday.

Pima County (Tucson) has tabulated 20,367 ballots.

Batch breakdown
Governor@KariLake 35.2@katiehobbs 64.8

Senate@bgmasters 31.9@CaptMarkKelly 66.2

AZSOS@RealMarkFinchem 33.5@Adrian_Fontes 66.5

AZAG@AbrahamHamadeh 36@krismayes 64

— The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru (@Garrett_Archer) November 11, 2022

Katie Hobbs now supposedly leads Kari Lake in the statewide race by 26,979 votes and over 1%.

Arizona is now at 82% reporting.

Kari Lake held a 10-point lead in several recent polls, including an 11-point lead in the recent FOX 10 poll from Arizona.

The issues on election day and this counting process were criminal!

Democrats and RINO’s running Arizona’s election must be held account.

The post BREAKING: Maricopa County Gives Another Ballot Drop Favoring Democrats – Remaining “Late Early” Ballot Total Increased From ‘~275k’ to 292k appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Joe Hoft from TGP was on with Sean Morgan at America Media Periscope yesterday to discuss the midterms and the related activities that deserve our attention. 

Sean Morgan at America Media Periscope invited Joe Hoft from the Gateway Pundit on his show yesterday to discuss the 2022 Election results.

Sean is a researcher, educator, and frequent commentator in the political and economic spheres.  Check out his website SeanMorganReport.com to get access to much of his research.

Sean is a Gateway Pundit reader and follower and is very much in sync with the truth shared here at the TGP.

Sean and Joe Hoft discussed the 2022 midterms only one day after the corrupted 2022 midterms occurred.

The 2020 Election Steal was the roadmap for the 2022 Election steal that occurred on Tuesday.  Multiple instances of fraud and irregularities were discussed and the many items that impacted that election and made it uncertifiable.

Americans woke up to a gut punch on Wednesday because of the realization that we now live in a banana republic.  Americans can’t trust the Democrat Party and members of the GOP to adhere to election laws and not commit crimes.  The end justifies the means.

Listen the Sean and Joe’s discussion below:


The post Sean Morgan from America Media Periscope Interviews Joe Hoft from the Gateway Pundit on the 2022 Midterms appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

When you look at the map of the 2022 results to date for the US House you would think that New Mexico is a blue state.  However, people who live there say it isn’t so.

The problem in New Mexico is Democrat election corruption similar to the problem in other blue states.

Erin Clements, who worked alongside her husband David Clements and many others in the state to perform election audits in the state of the 2020 Election results said earlier this year:

We have found mountains of red flags in the data and multiple failures on the part of the SOS to ensure the “the purity of elections [to] guard against the abuse of the elective franchise.”

After the midterms she shares:

The 2022 General Election that just transpired shows a continuation of these anomalies and violations of the law. New Mexico can no longer continue to gloss over these issues. They must be dealt with now.

In her team’s analysis of the midterms, there are many issues, including the following shared in the report below:

In the 2022 General Election, multiple violations of the election code were observed and reported. Poll workers intimidated voters concerning the use of their own marking devices, even though doing so is allowed by the SOS’s own guidance document.

Moreover, election worker trainees reported that Otero County Clerk, Robyn Homes, directed them to take down names of anyone that used their own marking device and then refer them to the District Attorney.  A voter in Dona Ana County reported that she was present when a poll worker publicly cussed at and humiliated a voter who had brought their own pen to mark their ballot. Both instances are clear violations of the law and extremely inappropriate conduct for election workers.

Voters were given ballots even though they could not remember their own addresses.

But the biggest issues in New Mexico were related to Significant Evidence of Manipulation in Election Night Reporting

Initial review of the election data shows that serious anomalies occurred, and the results were not consistent with polling data or registration trends. Since 2008, Democrats have steadily been declining in percentage of registrations, while Republicans have continuously gained registrations. Yet, the 2022 election results showed a net loss of Republican seats from the top to the bottom of the ticket in New Mexico.

Election night data is reported by the SOS and sent to Edison Research which pushes results out to media outlets across the country. Edison data was available for the governor, congressional, attorney general, and secretary of state races. All but one of these races showed serious anomalies consistent with manipulation of the election.

The governor’s race was the worst with multiple instances of the drop and roll.  Huge drops occurred with the Democrat governor always benefitting the most, which were offset by ballot decreases.

US House races also made no sense.  Huge ballot increases benefitted the Democrats and then ballots were taken away later in the election process.  This is what we’ve labeled the Drop and Roll.

Whatever spin the Secretary of State and clerks may offer, we know these vote injections cannot all be legitimate. Because if the ballot uploads in the congressional races were real, there should be large corresponding increases in the votes for governor, SOS, and AG. The only increase in the congressional races that corresponded to races at the top of the ticket was the 22:08 November 8th upload. The other three large vote increases in the congressional races do not show large corresponding vote increases in the races at the top of the ticket. Therefore, those vote injections are not consistent with legitimate reporting from counties, but are consistent with fraudulent manipulation of these races.

The AG and Secretary of State races are also not reasonable with large data drops in the process that set them up for the rest of the election.  None of this appears legitimate at all.

There is much more in the report provided below:

New Mexico Results 2022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The post New Mexico Election Results Make No Sense – Numerous Instances of the Drop and Roll appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Two more counties in Oregon just voted to join the state of Idaho. Several other counties have already done this in recent years.

The reasons are pretty simple. These Oregonians are tired of being associated with the radical left that rules the city of Portland and drives policy for the rest of the state.

They feel that Idaho, a far more conservative state, much better represents their beliefs.

The New York Post reports:

Two more Oregon counties vote to become part of Idaho: ‘It’s all about values’

Fed up with their liberal lawmakers, a group of Republican voters in Eastern and Central Oregon just inched one step closer Tuesday to breaking ranks with their state to become part of Idaho.

Voters in two Oregon counties, Morrow and Wheeler, voted in a ballot measure to explore ways to leave the state, joining nine other counties in Eastern Oregon that are already part of the Greater Idaho movement, which began in 2020.

“Every win has been heart wrenching because we wanted to know what citizens truly wanted,” said Mike McCarter, one of the founders of the Greater Idaho movement Thursday. “We don’t want to impose anything, but this does send a message to the state legislature that they have to take care of us.”

Members of the movement say they do not feel represented by mostly liberal lawmakers in Oregon’s capital, Salem, and progressive urban residents in western cities such as Portland, Bend and Eugene.

This is not going to happen any time soon, but it’s important for these people to make their voices heard.

Morrow County and Wheeler County vote in favor of moving the state line between Oregon and Idaho, but the “Greater Idaho” movement still has far to go. https://t.co/UgGgBl5eAZ pic.twitter.com/8ajFeOcKVJ

— FOX 12 Oregon (@fox12oregon) November 10, 2022

The Greater Idaho movement has made headway after two Eastern Oregon counties voted to move the state lines in yesterday’s midterm election. https://t.co/SEvhjSui8I

— KOIN News (@KOINNews) November 9, 2022

Don’t be surprised if similar movements begin to pop up in other states.

People have had it with far left politics in big cities.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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