


A Connecticut judge on Thursday ordered Infowars founder Alex Jones to pay an additional $473 million to Sandy Hook families, Reuters reported.

This is in addition to the $1 billion Alex Jones was ordered to pay.

Last month Sandy Hook families sought $2.75 trillion in damages – in addition to the $1 billion.

“Alex Jones perpetrates this attack for one reason: greed,” the families’ lawyers said in the filing Friday. “Alex Jones will never treat them like real people, because they are too valuable to him as targets. “

“I admitted I was wrong. I admitted it was a mistake. I admitted that I followed disinformation but not on purpose. I apologized to the families. And the jury understood that. What I did to those families was wrong. But I didn’t do it on purpose,” Alex Jones said.


“At this point, the plaintiffs lawyers are merely headline chasing,” Alex Jones’ lawyer Norm Pattis responded on Twitter. “They must think the ambulances they are chasing are made of platinum. It makes the law look like a game of chance. Shame on them.”

“At this point, the plaintiffs lawyers are merely headline chasing. They must think the ambulances they are chasing are made of platinum. It makes the law look like a game of chance. Shame on them.” Sandy Hook Families Seek $2.75 Trillion From Alex Jones https://t.co/S7WkDhZ7yc

— norm_pattis (@PattisNorm) October 22, 2022

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According to 2022 exit poll data, unmarried women voted far more for the Democrats while married women voted more for Republicans.

Here is the breakdown:

Unmarried Women: 31% Republicans, 68% Democrats

Married Women: 56% Republicans, 42% Democrats

Married Men: 59% Republicans, 39% Democrats

KATV reported:

Exit poll data on voter turnout revealed that married individuals favored the GOP during this year’s midterms, while unmarried women significantly favored Democrats.

Married men voted for Republicans 20% more than they did for Democrats. Single men also favored GOP candidates on the ballot, but by a much slimmer margin of 7%, according to CNN exit polls.

The same exit polls also showed married women favored the GOP by 14%.

Unmarried women, however, sided with Democrats a whopping 37% more than they did Republicans, according to CNN’s data, which was collected from 18,571 total respondents.

Jesse Watters did a segment on his show discussing the numbers.

Video (transcript below):

Fox’s Jesse Watters: “… But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married. And it’s time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it.” pic.twitter.com/cv70BxM47S

— The Recount (@therecount) November 10, 2022

From the video:

“Also, single women are breaking for Democrats by thirty points and this makes sense when you think about how Democrat policies are designed to keep women single. Once women get married they vote Republican. Married Women, Married Men go for Republicans by double digits but single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married and it is time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it.”

Brad Wilcox from the National Marriage Project pointed out that the gender marriage story is going to become an increasingly important story and called the Democrat party “the party of unmarried women.”

The Republican Party is the party of the married and…

Increasingly unmarried men.

The Democratic Party is the party of unmarried women.

This gender*marriage story will rise in importance as share of unmarrieds climbs. pic.twitter.com/7e4WSs8gaa

— Brad Wilcox (@BradWilcoxIFS) November 9, 2022

Scott Adams said that Democrats are getting a “built-in persuasion advantage” because of this.

What is the strongest form of persuasion?

Answer: Fear

Which gender is most susceptible to fear?

Answer: Women (science agrees)

Low-T males are second (science agrees)

Democrats have a built-in persuasion advantage because their members are the easiest to scare.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) November 9, 2022

Is this part of the Democrats’ plan?

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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Today marks the 247th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Founded in 1775, even before America won her independence, the Second Continental Congress created two battalions of Continental Marines.

This video was published today by the US Marines.

Since 1862, 297 Marines have been awarded the Medal of Honor.

Lore suggests Marines earned the nickname “Devil Dogs” from German soldiers describing Marines who fought in the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918. They fought with such ferocity that they were likened to “Dogs from Hell.”

During the Battle of Belleau Wood,  Marines charged across a field into heavy German machine-gun fire but, despite suffering vast casualties, continued their advance.

“Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?” First Sgt. Dan Daly shouted to his troops as he lead them into Marine Corps history.

Happy Birthday, Marines!

For 247 years, Marines have fought in any clime and place to defend our nation. Today, we reflect on the legacy of our Corps, and rededicate ourselves to fighting and winning the battles that lie ahead. #SemperFi

Full Video https://t.co/YPV7GIvUNs pic.twitter.com/bBxHsTXtNr

— U.S. Marines (@USMC) November 10, 2022

Marine Corps League shares Marine Corps’ history:

On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution, stating that “two Battalions of Marines be raised” for service as landing forces. With this resolution the Continental Marines were established marking the birth date of the United States Marine Corps. Serving on land and at sea, these first Marines distinguished themselves in a number of important operations, including their first amphibious raid into the Bahamas in 1776, under the command of Captain (later Major) Samuel Nicholas, Nicholas, the first commissioned officer in the Continental Marines, remained the senior Marine officer until the end of the American Revolution and is considered to be the first Marine Commandant. The Treaty between England and the new American nation in Paris in April 1783 brought an end to the Revolutionary War and as the last of the Nations Warships were sold, the Continental Navy and Marines went out of existence.

Following the Revolutionary War and the formal re-establishment of the Marine Corps in July 1798, Marines saw action in the quasi-war with France, landed in Santo Domingo and took part in many operations against the Barbary pirates along the “Shores of Tripoli.” Marines participated in numerous naval operations during the War of 1812, as well as participating in the Defense of Washington at Bladensburg, Maryland. On another front, Marines fought along side Andrew Jackson during the defeat of the British at New Orleans. The decades following the War of 1812 saw the Marines protecting American interests around the word, in the Caribbean, at the Falkland Islands, Sumatra and off the coast of West Africa, and also close to home in the operations against the Seminole Indians in Florida.

The Marine Corps has an impressive history including their ten toughest and most important battles.

View the the impressive biographies of the 297 Marines who received the Medal of Honor distinction.

As President Ronald Reagan said, ” Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the Marines don’t have that problem.”

To all our active duty and retired Marines, Happy Birthday!

Semper fidelis.

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The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held a press conference in early October “to discuss the start of early voting, how to track your ballot, and misconceptions about voter registration and the voting rolls.”

As The Gateway Pundit  reported at the time,  Maricopa County will “require an official Press Pass for members of the press to enter its facilities and/or cover events related to the 2022 General Election,” according to a new order from the County.

We later reported that TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson was blocked access to Maricopa County’s election-related events in a clear effort to silence this news organization and stop us from reporting on election discrepancies in Maricopa County.

BREAKING: Maricopa County ‘s Ministry of Truth BLOCKS The Gateway Pundit Reporter Access To 2022 Midterm Election Coverage In County

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the election day incompetence in Maricopa County, where Republican voters were turned away from the polls due to printer malfunctions and ballots not being available while facing other issues stemming from the County’s shady felt-tipped pen recommendation.

The county officials did not appreciate our reporting because we challenged their behaviors and practices.

The Gateway Pundit also reported that the RINO-controlled County hired 145 more Democratic activists than Republicans to watch the polls, which is likely illegal. They are now facing a lawsuit as a result.

On Thursday morning Ben Bergquam from Real America’s Voice was blocked from attending the press conference in Maricopa County. He did not have the proper lanyard only given to acceptable fake news reporters.

This is a travesty and likely illegal.

Via The War Room.

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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is embroiled in a battle strikingly similar to the 2020 election between President Trump and Joe Biden.  Bolsonaro forced a run-off in early October and subsequently, allegedly, lost in the October 30th election.

Despite massive popularity Bolsonara placed second to Lula de Silva, a convicted criminal and radical socialist.

Brazil only votes with computers.

Prior to the run-off, President Bolsonaro stated:

Against all odds and against everyone, we had a bigger win in the 1st round of 2022 than we had in 2018 – almost 2 million more votes! We also elected the largest House and Senate caucuses, which was our top priority at this time.
We won governors’ races in 8 states in the first election, & will win  8 more states in the runoffs. This is the biggest victory for patriots in the history of Brazil: 60% of Brazil will be governed by people who defend our values and fight for a free country.
A lot of people got discouraged by the lies spread by pollsters, who completely failed in this election. They got all their predictions wrong and are the biggest losers of this election. We beat their lies and now we’re going to win the runoff election Oct. 30!
Sound familiar?

Brazil announced that they would be releasing a report on the audit that was ordered for the recent election on Wednesday.

Today, the Brazilian Defense Ministry tweeted that (Google Translate):

“The Armed Forces report did not exclude the possibility of fraud or inconsistency in electronic voting machines. Read in full:”

(Google Translated from the press release):

In order to avoid distortions in the content of the report sent yesterday (9.11) to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Ministry of Defense clarifies that the accurate work of the team of military technicians in the inspection of the electronic voting system, although not mentioned, it also did not exclude the possibility of fraud or inconsistency in the electronic voting machines and in the 2022 electoral process. Furthermore, the report indicated important aspects that require clarification. Between them:

there was a possible security risk in the generation of programs from the electronic voting machines due to the occurrence of computers accessing the TSE network during the compilation of the source code;

– the functionality tests of the polls (Integrity Test and Pilot Project with Biometrics), in the way they were carried out, were not sufficient to rule out the possibility of the influence of a possible malicious code capable of altering the functioning of the voting system; and

– there were restrictions on the technicians’ adequate access to the source code and software libraries developed by third parties, making it impossible to fully understand the execution of the code, which covers more than 17 million lines of programming.

As a result of these findings and other obstacles listed in the report, it is not possible to guarantee that the programs that were executed in the electronic voting machines are free from malicious insertions that alter their functioning.

Therefore, the Ministry of Defense urgently requested the TSE to carry out a technical investigation into what happened in the compilation of the source code and a thorough analysis of the codes that were actually executed in the electronic voting machines, creating, for these purposes, a specific commission of renowned technicians from society and technicians representing the inspection entities.

Finally, the Ministry of Defense reaffirms the permanent commitment of the Ministry and the Armed Forces to the Brazilian people, democracy, freedom, the defense of the homeland and the guarantee of Constitutional Powers, law and order.

#NotaOficial | Relatório das Forças Armadas não excluiu a possibilidade de fraude ou inconsistência nas urnas eletrônicas. Leia na íntegra: https://t.co/tNnKwOL1bY
Siga o fio e saiba mais pic.twitter.com/LmIpYAdOB4

— Ministério da Defesa (@DefesaGovBr) November 10, 2022


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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that “it is clear we are going to take the House back.”

But will he be the Speaker of The House?

The Epoch Times reported:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has declared that Republicans will take back the House of Representatives.

A GOP takeover of the House would likely mean that McCarthy will become the speaker of the House for the 118th Congress.

“I want to thank the millions of supporters across this country,” McCarthy said on Nov. 9.

Not so fast, McCarthy!

Russ Vought, who was the Director of The Office of Management and Budget under Trump, explained that Kevin McCarthy “is in serious trouble” in his race for Speaker of The House.

Twitter Thread from Russ Vought:

Kevin McCarthy is in serious trouble as a candidate for Speaker. Let me explain. 1/x

It starts with the fundamentals. The vote for Speaker is not behind closed doors. It is on the floor of the House of Representatives. There is no lying back home about how one voted. And all Dems vote against the GOP nominee, always. 2x

House conservatives will not need a majority to prevail. They merely need to block & veto until they get an acceptable candidate. Exactly how many depends on the final slim majority, but it will not be a lot. 3/x

Conservatives will have a difficult (I would say impossible) time explaining a vote for McCarthy back home for many reasons, but mainly for being a peace-time leader when we are in a cold civil war who will manage the GOP away from conflict instead of seizing it by the throat 4/x

In other words, the fundamentals present a cartel-busting vote, and all you need is a few members to go public. We already have that in
@mattgaetz, @bobgood, @chiproytx. That number will grow as members come off the trail. The trend lines are already in our direction. 5/x

Today is for thanking those already gone public. Build the numbers of members who want change & publicly say they are against McCarthy today. Talk of the replacement candidate comes next & at the moment, thwarts the momentum needed to build the fight 6/6

GOP Rep Matt Gaetz has been one of the most vocal Republicans calling out the GOP establishment for their failures.



— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) November 10, 2022

Can we get rid of the perpetual losers leading the GOP?

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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They’re gearing up to throw Joe Biden in the trash after the two-year mark.

CNN slammed Joe Biden for his tone deaf presser on Wednesday.

Joe Biden on Wednesday crawled out of his basement to deliver remarks on the 2022 midterms.

Biden answered questions from a pre-approved list of reporters after he gloated about the Democrats ‘doing better than expected.’

Joe Biden was cocky and defiant during the Q & A session of his presser after Marc Elias and the Democrat machine worked to steal races across the country.

Biden said the overwhelming majority of Americans are happy with record high inflation and soaring gas prices.

“The overwhelming majority of the American people support my economic agenda… I’m confident these policies are working,” said Biden.

A reporter asked Joe Biden about the abysmal exit polls showing 75% of Americans are unhappy with the state of the union.

“75% of people say the country is heading in the wrong direction… What do you intend to do differently?” the reporter asked Biden.

“Nothing because they’re just finding out what we’re doing,” Biden said like a true dictator.


Reporter: “75% of people say the country is heading in the wrong direction. What do you intend to do differently?”

Biden: “Nothing because they’re just finding out what we’re doing.” pic.twitter.com/WVRkVBLW7k

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 9, 2022

CNN’s Gloria Borger slammed Joe Biden for brushing off the overwhelming majority of the country.

“[Biden] said “he wouldn’t do anything different,” even amid scorching inflation “because our achievements take a long time to be recognized,” Gloria Borger said.

“That’s insulting people — and I don’t think that was a good answer from the president,” she said.


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US Rep. Lauren Boebert has retaken the lead in her 2022 midterm race. 

US Rep. Lauren Boebert is now ahead in her race for Congress.  She leads her Democrat opponent by more than 300 votes with 96% of the votes counted.  There is no information on why the corrupt election actors in Colorado have not completed her election counting.

Boebert was first reported a causalty of election fraud on Tuesday night.  Then yesterday it became clear that her race was not over.

UPDATE: IT’S NOT OVER YET!… Ultra MAGA Lauren Boebert Comes Back in Race Against Slimebag Leftist Who Was Caught Having an Affair inside a Storage Locker

TGP reported this morning that there were mysterious data dumps in her race all for her opponent that put the slimebag in the lead.  These really need to be investigated.

Despite having a corrupt Secretary of State and election fraud thrown in her face, GOP Rep. Boebert is now in the lead.

Strong America First candidates have had to overcome election fraud, the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP. 

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The Democrat’s newest megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried was forced to try and sell the crypto exchange he founded to his biggest rival on election day.

Bankman-Fried initially had a non-binding agreement that Changpeng Zhao, the leader of competitor Binance, would acquire the company.

This was after FTX saw around $6 billion of withdrawals within 72 hours.

Fox Business reported:

Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of crypto exchange FTX considered the Democrats’ “newest megadonor” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, reportedly saw around $6 billion of withdrawals within 72 hours before Tuesday morning, forcing him to sell the company to its biggest rival on Election Day.

Reuters reported that Changpeng Zhao, the leader of competitor Binance, said the company signed a nonbinding agreement on Tuesday to buy FTX’s non-U.S. unit to help cover a “liquidity crunch” at the rival exchange. The stunning bailout came about as American voters simultaneously went to the polls.

“This is a truly crazy event in startup world. Dot-com bust level event,” tech reporter Eric Newcomer tweeted of the sale.

Binance has now backed out of its plans to acquire the company.

CNBC reported:

Binance is backing out of its plans to acquire FTX, the company said Wednesday, leaving Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto empire on the verge of collapse.

The reversal comes one day after Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao announced that the world’s largest cryptocurrency firm had reached a nonbinding deal to buy FTX’s non-U.S. businesses for an undisclosed amount, rescuing the company from a liquidity crisis. Earlier this year, FTX was valued at $32 billion by private investors.

Here is the full statement from the company:

“As a result of corporate due diligence, as well as the latest news reports regarding mishandled customer funds and alleged US agency investigations, we have decided that we will not pursue the potential acquisition of FTX.com.

In the beginning, our hope was to be able to support FTX’s customers to provide liquidity, but the issues are beyond our control or ability to help.

Every time a major player in an industry fails, retail consumers will suffer. We have seen over the last several years that the crypto ecosystem is becoming more resilient and we believe in time that outliers that misuse user funds will be weeded out by the free market.

As regulatory frameworks are developed and as the industry continues to evolve toward greater decentralization, the ecosystem will grow stronger.”

FTX was also turned down by other rival crypto exchanges, Coinbase and OKX.

They now either need to find a new buyer or file for bankruptcy.

Fortune reported:

Now that Binance indeed has backed out, FTX will need to find another way to fill what could be a $6 billion (or greater) hole in its balance sheet. This could mean finding a new buyer. This could also mean bankruptcy.

Filing for bankruptcy, though, is a lengthy process that doesn’t guarantee all creditors will be repaid. While some of the big-name venture capital firms like Sequoia, SoftBank, and Tiger Global Management, likely will be prioritized, smaller FTX investors could lose out.

Is this what happened?

So WSJ says FTX had $16b in customer assets, and they gave $10b to Alameda who blew it all…


— db (@tier10k) November 10, 2022

Bankman-Fried was the second biggest left-wing donor in 2022 behind Soros.

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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IT HAPPENED AGAIN!  In 2020 and now in 2022.  This comes as no surprise. 

On Tuesday in the 2022 Midterms, the “Drop and Roll” occurred in the Michigan Governor race just like it happened in the 2020 Presidential Election.  It also occurred in the Minnesota Governor’s race, the Georgia Senate race, and GOP Rep. Lauren Boehbert’s race too. 

The crooks and criminals are stealing US Elections in multiple ways.  One of the biggest ways in which the 2020 Election for President was stolen using the method we labeled “The Drop and Roll.”

In the Drop and Roll incidents in the 2020 Election, we identified that at around the point where 90% of the expected ballots were returned, a large batch of ballots was “dropped” with nearly every ballot for Joe Biden.  These batches were as large as 330,000 ballots for Biden in Virginia at one time.

Then, after that point, nearly all the batches of ballots recorded in the election were at the same ratio of Biden to Trump with Biden always receiving more ballots than President Trump.  These results were not random and clearly not legitimate.

The drops were always in favor of Biden and now the Democrat candidates in races across the country. 

Below is a video we produced in 2020.

On Tuesday night on Frank Speech, numerous instances of the Drop and Roll in the 2022 Election were uncovered. 

Mike Lindell held at least one segment on Frank Speech showing the results in the 2022 Midterms were littered with instances of suspicious data dumps.  Below is a segment from Tuesday night where in real time these ballot drops and adjustments were identified.

Emerald Robinson at Frank News discussed these activities related to what we labeled the Drop and Roll in a report on Wednesday.

It was always the case that the Washington uniparty was going to rig the elections against Trump-aligned candidates. The Swamp was not interested in victories for candidates like Blake Masters and Kari Lake in Arizona, Herschel Walker in Georgia, Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania — and it was not interested in the continued careers of “troublemakers” like Lauren Boebert and Ron Johnson. Notice that almost all of those races are currently “too close to call” this morning — or called for the Democrat long before the votes could be counted.

Democrats needed to disrupt the Republican vote in Arizona to stop Masters and Lake — and what a coincidence! — the machines go down in the red precincts of Maricopa County and keep working elsewhere!

Democrats needed to disrupt the Republican vote to stop Lee Zeldin in New York — and what a coincidence! — the machines go down in Suffolk County!

That’s Lee Zeldin’s hometown.

A day after the election, the corporate media is telling you that “late arriving mail-in ballots” are still to be counted in order to decide elections in Arizona, Nevada, and elsewhere.

If you can believe these obvious lies, you can believe anything.

Along with the Georgia Senate race and the Minnesota governor’s race, Robinson shared the following chart on the unexplainable activity in US Senate race in Illinois.  How do hundreds of thousands of votes appear and then disappear in a Senate race?  Did hundreds of thousands of voters change their minds?

Robinson also shared the results in the AG race in Michigan where a huge data drop landed in the corrupt AG’s pile of votes late in the evening.


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