


RINO nepotism baby Meghan McCain is claiming that the midterms should be the “final nail” in former President Donald Trump’s political coffin.

McCain made the remarks in an op-ed published in the Daily Mail on Wednesday.

“This will go down as a giant warning sign and, hopefully, a convincing argument against the delusion that President Donald Trump is the future of the GOP,” John McCain’s bitter daughter wrote. “Too many Republicans lost in an unloseable election last night, and they have no one to blame but themselves.”

McCain still claims to be a Republican, but often seems to focus more on pleasing the left and whining about Trump. She even referred to the GOP as my party in the op-ed.

“Trump’s MAGA is cancer and it is killing my party. And this should be the final nail in his coffin,” McCain wrote. “President Trump is no kingmaker, in fact, he is the opposite. He seems to have a knack for picking losing candidates.”

McCain issued a strong endorsement for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, however.

“The GOP is not a Trump cult. The party must give the voters what they want and they’ve made it obvious,” McCain wrote.

The heiress took the opportunity to defend fellow neoconservative and disgraced politician Liz Cheney.

“Too often, they look the other way, only taking cues from Trump, and expelling people, like Congresswoman Liz Cheney, from her role in leadership,” she complained.

McCain also implied that Trump supporters are dumb.

“To put it in jargon that Trump-land can understand: they’re a bunch of losers,” McCain wrote. “I hope we can right the ship before it’s too late – and I hope that ship is steered by Ron DeSantis.”

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The Democrats are trying to steal Wisconsin’s senate seat.

Republican incumbent Senator Ron Johnson Tuesday morning blasted the media for refusing to call the race.

Senator Johnson is up by 1% against radical Marxist Mandela Barnes with 100% of the Democrat precincts reporting yet the media isn’t calling the race.

Ron Johnson is ahead by 27,374 votes with 99% reporting.

“The corporate media is refusing to call a race that is over.” Ron Johnson said. “The votes are in. In all Democrat strongholds, municipalities are reporting 100% of wards are in and counted.”

He continued, “There are some counties that have anywhere from 3-10% of the votes outstanding.”

The corporate media is refusing to call a race that is over.

The votes are in. In all Democrat strongholds, municipalities are reporting 100% of wards are in and counted.

There are some counties that have anywhere from 3-10% of the votes outstanding.

— Ron Johnson (@RonJohnsonWI) November 9, 2022

“There is no path mathematically for Lt. Gov. Barnes to overcome his 27,374 vote deficit. This race is over.” Johnson said.

These localities represent areas where we are winning by over 60%.

There is no path mathematically for Lt. Gov. Barnes to overcome his 27,374 vote deficit. This race is over.

Truth has prevailed over lies and the politics of personal destruction.

— Ron Johnson (@RonJohnsonWI) November 9, 2022

Ron Johnson claimed victory.

“I want to thank my family and everyone who supported me and worked so hard to save this U.S. Senate seat.” he said. “I will do everything I can to help make things better for Wisconsinites and to heal and unify our country.”

I want to thank my family and everyone who supported me and worked so hard to save this U.S. Senate seat.

I will do everything I can to help make things better for Wisconsinites and to heal and unify our country.

— Ron Johnson (@RonJohnsonWI) November 9, 2022

Ron Johnson’s team pressured Mandela Barnes to concede.

.@TheOtherMandela Question of the Day:

In 2020, Joe Biden claimed victory in Wisconsin with a 20,000 vote margin. Will you accept defeat trailing by 27,000 votes?

— Team RonJon (@TeamRonJon) November 9, 2022


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According to the fake news, former President Donald Trump did not see the victory he had thought his endorsement would create on election night. But that is not accurate. Trump already has tallied more clear wins than defeats.

The day before the midterm elections, former President Donald Trump released his “inspiring” list of endorsed candidates.

“We will stand up to the radical left Democrats and we will fight for America like no one has ever, ever fought before,” Trump said during a rally in Ohio.

President Trump shared his unprecedented success in 2022:

President Donald J. Trump has endorsed over 330 candidates this election cycle.

President Trump hosted 30 rallies across 17 states over the past 18 months.

President Trump hosted over 50 in-person fundraisers in support of candidates up for re-election.

President Trump delivered remarks on over 60 TeleRallies and automated calls in support of Republicans.

President Trump raised nearly $350 million this election cycle for Republican candidates and Party Committees.

Make America Great Again Inc., the main Super PAC for President Donald J. Trump, has spent $16.4 million in 5 weeks in support of U.S. Senate, Gubernational, and Attorney General races across the country.

$4 million opposing Mark Kelly and supporting Blake Masters in Arizona
$3.6 million opposing Raphael Warnock in Georgia
$3.4 million opposing John Fetterman in Pennsylvania
$2.4 million opposing Tim Ryan in Ohio
$2.1 million opposing Catherine Cortez Masto and supporting Adam Laxalt in
$1.0 million opposing Gretchen Whiter and Dana Nessel in Michigan


Trump-endorsed candidates for U.S. Senate were 21-0 in primary elections during the 2022 election cycle

When President Trump endorsed J.D. Vance on April 15, 2022, he was polling in 5th place for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. His endorsement led to a resounding 8% margin of primary victory by Vance among a 7-candidate field. In the general election, Vance was outspent by $35 million.

President Trump endorsed Blake Masters on June 2, 2022, when Masters was polling in 3rd place for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. His endorsement led to a tremendous 12% margin of primary victory by Masters among a 5-candidate field. In the general election, Masters was outspent by nearly $70 million.

President Trump endorsed Dr. Oz on April 9, 2022, when Oz was trailing his opponent by 7%. Through President Trump’s endorsement and relentless support, Oz won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. In the general election, Oz was outspent by over $16 million.

President Trump’s early endorsements of Herschel Walker, Ted Budd, and Adam Laxalt led to enormous margins of victory in their Republican primaries.

Walker won with a 55% margin of victory among a 6-candidate field.
Budd won by a 34% margin of victory among a 14-candidate field.
Laxalt won with a 22% margin of victory among an 8-candidate field.

Walker, Budd, and Laxalt were collectively outspent by over $145 million.

2 of the 3 Republican U.S. Senators up for re-election this year, who voted to impeach President Trump, retired, instead of facing voters in a Republican primary.

An additional Senator who voted to impeach – who was not up for re-election this year – resigned.


President Trump’s early endorsements of U.S. House candidates strategically enabled key Republican recruits to win their nominations without runoffs or, in some cases, any opposition.

President Trump endorsed Derrick Van Orden (Wisconsin-03) in August 2021. One year later, on August 9, 2022, Van Orden won the Republican nomination without opposition.

President Trump endorsed Monica De La Cruz (Texas-15) and Wesley Hunt (Texas-

38) in February 2022. Three weeks later, De La Cruz and Hunt won the Republican nomination without a runoff, despite running in crowded primary fields of 9 and 10 candidates, respectively.

8 of the 10 Republican U.S. Representatives who voted to impeach President Trump either retired or were defeated for re-election.

One Republican who remains survived through the diffusion of votes against him, spread across 6 other candidates. 34% of Republican votes were cast for the Representative who voted to impeach – 66% of Republican votes were cast against him.


President Trump endorsed Kari Lake on September 28, 2021. Throughout the Republican primary, Kari was outspent by her Republican opponents by a 5:1 margin. Despite the spending disadvantage, Lake won the Republican nomination by over 4%.

President Trump’s endorsements of Governor Kevin Stitt (Oklahoma) and Derek Schmidt (Kansas) resulted in overwhelming primary victories.

Below are some of the Trump-endorsed candidates:

Trump-backed candidates have won huge despite the fact that this is one of the most completely rigged elections in American history.

This past Tuesday, President Trump posted on his Truth Social account the results of the midterm elections, boasting that his favored candidates had won 174 seats and lost 9.

“174 wins and 9 losses, A GREAT EVENING, and the Fake News Media, together with their partner in crime, the Democrats, are doing everything possible to play it down. Amazing job by some really fantastic candidates!” Trump wrote.

The post BIG DAY for Trump-Endorsed Candidates that Fake News Media Will Not Report – 9 Losses and 174 Wins So Far! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Republican Adam Kinzinger, Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Elaine Luria will not be returning to Congress.

Democrat Rep. Elaine Luria was defeated in Virginia last night by Republican Jen Kiggans.

Luria is a member of the sham January 6 Committee.

Four members of the committee will not be returning next year.

That makes Luria the 4th member of the Sham J6 Committee to not be able to return to Congress. Kinzinger didn’t run rather than face certain defeat, Cheney was humiliated in her WY primary, and Stephanie Murphy of Florida, once considered a rising star, declined to even run. https://t.co/KLm1qKkirR

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 9, 2022

Midnight Rider and Paul Sperry reported.

Luria lost by 4 points in Virginia.

FOX News reported:

The Associated Press projects that Republican state Senator Jen Kiggans has unseated Democrat incumbent Rep. Elaine Luria, flipping Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District red in one of the most competitive House races of the 2022 midterm elections.

The Virginia race for months has been considered a “toss-up” competition between the two military veterans.

Just two weeks before election day, a Wason Center poll turned up the heat in the already competitive race, revealing that the two candidates were evenly tied, 45% to 45% in voter support.

The post Another Jan. 6 Show Trial Member Ousted: Democrat Elaine Luria Defeated in Virginia, Will Leave Congress with Liz Cheney appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

(Above map from CNN at 9 am Wednesday morning on the day after the 2022 Election.  At this time, CNN shows House at 199 GOP and 178 Dem seats awarded.) 

As the morning sun rises across the nation, Americans are waking up to the storyline that the Democrats did much better than expected last night.   

This is shocking and disheartening to many Americans.

Don’t feel alone.  Most Americans agree that the country is going in the wrong direction. CNN reported that yesterday in the results of their exit polling.  (And this is from far-left CNN.)

CNN Panel Shocked! Exit Polls Spell Trouble For Democrats: 7 in 10 Voters Unhappy with State of Nation and Largely Negative on Biden (VIDEO)

Looking at the US House map this morning you can see that the country is a sea of red.  Americans won big in many races.

We also know that there were results that never could have occurred in free and fair elections.  In Michigan, the corrupt Governor, SOS, and AG all won.  They were seriously disliked for their actions in the 2020 Election and with COVID.  It’s difficult to believe they won without massive cheating going on.

There are numerous cases where this happened across the country.  The biggest shock was the report that a man in the great state of Pennsylvania who literally cannot communicate in a normal conversation with anyone won his election.  This too is very difficult to believe.  

NBC News Calls Pennsylvania Senate Race For Democrat Fetterman – A Man with Brain Damage Who Lived Off Mommy and Daddy Until He Was 50

The good news from this election is that we now have more information that election steals are not only possible but likely.

You are not one fish going against the tide.  You are not a salmon swimming upstream.  We are the tide. 

The post Don’t Feel Alone – 7 Out of 10 Americans Are Unhappy with the State of the Union – We Are the Tide appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Publius 2.0

It seriously feels like we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history, in which all of the key competitive races have had the results directly programmed by Langley.

Americans are suffering through the most crushing economic conditions, rampant crime, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, most aggressive perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history, all topped off by an embarrassing unpopular disaster in the White House leading a shrill, tin-eared bellicose fascist junta that appears indifferent to the ordeal they are inflicting on working people.

And yet the Democrat monolith is barely dented. Either the country has large states filled with brainwashed zealots who are too stupid and mindless to comprehend the reality of the collective damage they are ratifying with votes for at best lackluster at worst appallingly unimpressive if not foolish candidates…. or we are seeing direct black box voting manipulation. Final tabulations are being perpetrated on a scale that renders typical ballot and voter fraud schemes unnecessary anachronisms as the decisive votes that have now kept the ruling junta largely intact. At worst they are literal fabrications piled onto Democrat vote totals by a few keystrokes entered in some master election hacking operation run by IC criminals in a league with and part of the Democrat Crime Syndicate.

The experts Lindell brought together have been quite explicit and factually well-supported in laying out how the fraud goes far deeper and is far more comprehensive than any sort of ham-handed ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, or illegal voting schemes on the ground. I

Festerman’s supposed win is beyond any rational explanation and defies every known political and electoral principle and truism that we have seen hold firm throughout our entire history.

It would be suicidally ludicrous to think that this pack of criminals won’t use every last means at their disposal to the bitter end.

And there’s good old Fox News chipper as ever as they announce the results of this massive national fraud, without the slightest question as to why every indication has somehow been wrong, choosing only to focus on the handful of obvious victories that were allowed to go forward because they were either too inevitable or simply unnecessary to reverse.

The usual pedantic talking heads are actually saying this is some sort of huge indictment of the Republican party. As these thin margins demonstrate in these close defeats, the usurper demons are clever enough not to try to manufacture landslides for their brain-dead puppets. And then, of course, there’s a brewing bunch of controversy in Arizona to distract from the rest of the f**king thefts they pulled off around the country, without a trace.

The post Publius 2.0: It Feels Like We Are Watching the First Wholly Manufactured Election in Our History in Which All Key Competitive Races Were Programmed By Langley appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

A Pennsylvania election official was caught on hidden camera telling a Project Veritas journalist to “vote Democrat” inside a polling location.

The official, Christie Yang, is the election board’s Mandarin translator.

The exchange occurred inside the polling location at 609 Snyder Ave. in Philadelphia.

“I asked you to vote the Rep — I mean the Democrat down ballot,” Yang told the undercover journalist. “Because we’re trying to focus on, if the Democrats win, then at least they represent us.”

Yang explained to the journalist how she chooses is to look down the line and go with all of the Democrats.

“I don’t bother with Republicans, because they’re the Trump people,” Yang added. “But if you want the Democrat win, you must focus — if we all focus on Democrat, we can win.”

Yang said that “we need to be united right now.”

When Project Veritas brought the footage to Christopher Cwienkala, Judge of Elections for Ward 39 — Division 19, he said “I agree with you — that doesn’t look good.”

The post Pennsylvania Election Official ILLEGALLY Asks Project Veritas Journalist to ‘Vote Democrat’ in Polling Location (HIDDEN CAMERA VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

NBC News is projecting that the GOP will take the US House away from lying, corrupt communists running it now.  

The news this morning is that the Democrats and RINOs did all they could to stop the MAGA candidates from winning.  In addition, in Democrat states with ballot harvesting and major corruption led to Democrat wins.

But currently, NBC is projecting that the GOP will win the US House.

Last night Real Clear Politics predicted that the GOP was going to run away with the house.  They even stated that this was the case before the toss-ups.  Per below, the GOP was predicted to safely win 227 seats in the House, enough to win the House (218 needed).  There were also an additional 34 toss-up seats that could go to the Dems or the GOP – potentially more wins for the GOP.

Based on NBC’s prediction this morning, we are supposed to believe that Americans were so happy with open borders, inflation, the Afghanistan withdrawal, the 2020 Election steal, a senile President, and gas prices that all of the toss-up races and more went to the Democrats.

We can believe this BS or we can realize we are dealing with very corrupt people who have stolen our election, again.

The post NBC Projects that GOP Will Still Win the House After Dems Take All 34 Toss-Up Seats and 7 More GOP Seats appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Georgia is lost.

The elites and FBI want you to believe that Georgia voters value the insights of radical, whitey-hating Marxists.
But, we always knew that, didn’t we?

What’s even better is that Raphael Warnock ran over his wife with the car.

That was an added plus to Georgia voters. They really loved that.

On Tuesday, every major Republican candidate won comfortably in the Georgia elections. Even Brian Kemp won a second time against Democrat darling Stacey Abrams.

Everyone but Herschel Walker – an American icon.

Herschel Walker will head to a runoff election against radical, whitey’hating Marxist Raphael Warnock.

Warnock allegedly defeated Herschel Walker on Tuesday but did not reach the 50% threshold.

The runoff election is scheduled for December 6.

The post Georgia Update: Herschel Walker Is Only GOP Candidate Not to Win Outright – Heads to Runoff against Radical Whitey-Hating Marxist… Because Georgia LOVES Their Marxists! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Lindsey Graham went on NBC following last night’s tragedy.

Graham told NBC hacks, “Definitely not a Republican wave, that is for darn sure. I was in charge of Guam, so I want to take credit for that.”

Lindsey Graham sounds the sad trombone on NBC: “Definitely not a Republican wave, that is for darn sure. I was in charge of Guam, so I want to take credit for that.” pic.twitter.com/qlDpRPtHxV

— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) November 9, 2022

Lindsey did all he could to help Democrats this election cycle.

As TGP reported earlier.

Joe Biden is the worst president in US history.

** Inflation is at 40 YEAR HIGHS — and it is NOT receding!
** Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been under Joe Biden — And this is a direct result of his anti-energy policies.
** Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and armed them with $80 billion in US arms.

Including 600,000 weapons and 200 aircraft!

** The Biden regime KNEW there was an Islamist bomber in the crowd at the Kabul Airport but did nothing. This cost 13 young American lives!
** The Islamist bomber was released from Bagram prison after Joe Biden abandoned the important US asset.
** Joe Biden declared open war on his political opposition.
** Joe Biden opened the border to 2 million illegal aliens this year!
** Joe Biden allowed tons of illegal drugs entry into the country via the open border causing over 100,000 annual deaths!
** Joe Biden pushed the US economy into recession in 18 short months.

Republicans should be in GREAT SHAPE for the upcoming elections.

But Lindsey Graham wants to change the subject. Lindsey Graham wants the 2022 midterm election to be all about abortion.

Earlier this week Lindsey Graham announced legislation to ban abortion in the US after 15 weeks.

Lindsey wants to make sure Democrats have something to get them to the polls.

Lindsey and Republicans have no chance of passing such legislation. They are not in the majority.

Lindsey wants to change the subject away from Joe Biden, his friend. He wants instead to lead the GOTO efforts on the left.

On Tuesday Charlie Kirk accused Lindsey of possible “election interference.”

So was this Lindsey’s idea?  Last night Mitch McConnell lost another primary race in New Hampshire.  This was despite $5 million in attack ads against General Don Ludoc.

General Don Bolduc Wins New Hampshire Primary for US Senate Despite $4.1 Million in Attack Ads Linked to Mitch McConnell – Trump Posts Congrats (VIDEO)

So was this Lindsey’s idea to help Democrats this cycle?  Or was there someone else involved?

Was this designed to make it harder for Republican candidates to win?  That way Lindsey and Mitch McConnell can come out and lecture all of the populist GOP voters.  Would they be awful enough to do something like this?

Mediaite reported:

Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) abortion ban proposal is having trouble finding support, even among fellow Republicans. Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk added himself to the chorus of conservative critics, equating Graham’s announcement to possible “election interference” and worrying the senator could be helping to sabotage Republicans in the midterm elections.

Kirk tackled Graham’s announcement on his podcast and assured people that he is unapologetically pro-life.

“I am 100 percent pro-life. I am outspokenly pro-life,” Kirk said. “I’m so pro-life that I’ll debate anybody on the topic anytime. The only exception I could possibly imagine is the life of the mother, and I will defend that position morally, scientifically, biologically, and philosophically.”

Despite having a stance on abortion that actually goes further than Graham’s bill — which includes exceptions for rape and incest and puts a 15-week cap on abortion procedures — Kirk declared the legislation is doomed for failure.

The fact that it was Graham behind the proposal seemed to particularly bother Kirk, who admitted he could have seen the proposed legislation coming from other Republicans.

“The only rationale is you want this election to be about abortion and if it was Josh Hawley, I would say ok. Or Ted Cruz,” he said.” Why is Lindsey Graham, 25 days out from ballots going out, galloping in and saying we need a federal abortion ban? Really? Where have you been, Lindsey Graham? That feels like election interference.”


The post “Definitely Not a Republican Wave… Hats Off to the Democrats…” – Lindsey Graham on Stolen Midterms (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.