


Michigan polls closed at 8:00PM yesterday, election day 2022. The results strongly favoring Democrats shocked the pollsters and prognosticators, who all predicted some degree of a ‘red wave’ that never materialized.

The results directly conflict with the perception by many campaign professionals, pollsters, and those in the media that were predicting strong Republican gains.

But of course nothing was done in response to the 2020 voter fraud well-documented by outlets like the Gateway Pundit. In fact, the Republicans in Michigan even made it easier to cheat by allowing clerks two extra days to ‘process’ ballots, giving potential bad actor clerks more time to cheat. This is in addition to the widespread observations of major problems with voting machines.

The journey of a ballot once cast by a legitimate and legal voter is supposed to be the collection in a poll box, delivery to the clerk who then verifies the voter is a registered, legal voter in the state’s Qualified Voter File, known as the “QVF”, the signature of the voter is checked against the one on file, and the ballot is checked for any defects. City of Detroit whistleblower Jessy Jacob came forward in 2020 to say that there were no ballots that had to be processed after 9;00PM on election night because the process was so quick for the few remaining ballots that came in close to the deadline.

And as mentioned before, clerks have had two whole extra days to count ballots, meaning that there should have been almost none that came in late.

Ballots are counted in a particular order. Absentees are counted first, then those collected on election day by in-person voters, and then any late-arriving ballots. There is little to no reason for ballots to arrive late. There is certainly no legitimate reason short of fraud for tens of thousands of ballots to arrive and start processing hours after the deadline for them to be collected.

The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video and photographic evidence that the City of Detroit in Michigan was collecting thousands of ballots significantly after the legal deadline in 2022. This video is from the Detroit Department of Elections at 2978 West Grand. Ballots are processed there, entering and exiting through the garage in the alley behind the building.

We can exclusively report that the City of Detroit was handling and beginning to process a significant number of ballots at 11:30PM on election night.

We can exclusively report that the City of Detroit was handling and beginning to process more ballots at 1:22AM on election night.

Where did these ballots come from?

Why are they arriving at the Detroit Bureau of Election so suspiciously late on election night?

What could possibly account for so many ballots arriving so late?

Every Michigan ‘drop box’ is required to have a high definition camera covering its location at all times. Michigan Patriots painstakingly examined the video from 2020 to determine how many legal votes could reasonably have been cast by dropping off ballots in the drop boxes, and the last hour of operation in 2020 the answer was about 100. The entire last day of operation showed that less than a thousand cast ballots by dropping them in ballot drop boxes. So there is no realistic way these observed ballots came from that source, and if they did not come from drop boxes, where did they come from?

Detroit/Wayne County is often the last jurisdiction to report their votes every election cycle. Republican activists have wondered whether that is a tactical decision so that they know how many votes are needed to suppress Republican votes for Senate, Governor, and for statewide proposals.

They stole the vote in 2020 from you, and it appears they may have stolen the vote from you again in 2022.

After the 2020 elections, Americans were repeatedly told that there was nothing wrong with the security and integrity of our elections.

Every single case that was filed with the judicial system was thrown out without ever hearing the presentation of evidence. No Judge wanted to face the evidence collected by election integrity patriots who painstakingly documented eyewitness statements, video evidence, statistical evidence, and expert testimony showing that the 2020 election was systematically stolen.

They were told that widespread descriptions of alleged voter fraud were widespread misinformation and disinformation.

They were told that a thousand collected affidavits were irrelevant. That the observed crimes by election workers, including unlawfully expelling only Republican poll watchers, using COVID illegally to exclude election integrity officials, and illegally sending out mass absentee voter applications were unproven theories even though they were well-documented.

They were also told that a 3:30AM van that arrived way past the 8PM legal deadline to collect ballots in 2020 was entirely normal. Many were even smeared and called ‘racists’ for just observing this voter fraud because so many major Democrat strongholds in Michigan happen to be places with a large black population.

For months the mainstream media lied about this van full of likely-illegal ballots in 2020. They initially said it didn’t exist. Then they said it was food for workers. Then they said it was camera equipment. Then they said even if it was ballots, it was just a few ballots and didn’t mean anything. Then the Gateway Pundit produced the footage that showed tens of thousands of late-arriving ballots being processed just as witnesses described in 2020, and the media never corrected their reporting, never apologized to the readers they lied to, or the way they defamed your Gateway Pundit, and nothing happened.

Detroit can cheat the vote right in front of witnessing Republicans and nothing will be done about it. Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft was banned from Twitter for reporting the simple factual video of the late-night van delivery of illegal ballots.

It’s notable that the jurisdictions Democrats cheat in usually have a friendly Soros-tied district attorney, with a friendly United States Attorney, with hard-left federal judges, and a hard-left Secretary of State and state Attorney General. If you wanted to alert authorities to the fraud, you have to complain to people more likely to put you in jail for “spreading disinformation” than they are to take your complaint seriously. Every judge at every level of the state and federal judiciary has similarly shown complete disinterest and disdain for their role in preserving election integrity. A federal Detroit Obama judge even sanctioned nine attorneys who dared file cases related to election integrity last year.

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Thanks to the GOP voting in ranked-choice voting, Sarah Palin has election taken from her again. 

Sarah Palin deserves a special medal of honor for her attempts to make America a great country.  The former governor of Alaska offered to help the helpless John McCain in his run for President and she was hammered by the media like no politician up to that point in history.

After helping McCain increase his popularity with the public, McCain threw her under the bus when he lost.

This past year, Palin ran for office again, this time for US Rep from Alaska.  She ended up losing the election after the GOP had more votes due to the GOP pushing through ranked choice voting in the state.

RINOs and Democrats Just Stole Future Elections in Deep Red Alaska — And the Republican Party DID NOT LIFT A FINGER to Stop It

Last night, Palin had her election taken from her again after the GOP had more votes but two candidates.

God bless Sarah Palin. 

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Since the 2020 election, the Democrat Party’s platform was to destroy the United States as a global power in 4 years or less.

It’s working pretty well.
** 5 million illegal aliens across the US southern border
** 800 deaths of illegal aliens crossing into the US – that we know about
** Record inflation – something we haven’t seen in 40 years
** Massive Failure on the international stage – Afghanistan debacle
** Arming our enemies like the Taliban with $80 billion in US weapons
** Jailing the opposition and raiding the former president’s home
** Record corruption – Pelosi and Biden families
** Destroy the US energy infrastructure

Exit polling on Tuesday showed Americans have had enough.

73% of voters were dissatisfied or angry about the destruction of the country.

So they voted Democrats back into power.

They really want us to believe this too.

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Here are the current numbers in Arizona.

The fake news, tech giants, Democrats and our elites want us to believe that a solid red state switched to the Democrat Party in 2020 and then after 2 years of complete disaster and a wide open border, Democrats came back to sweep the state for the first time ever?

Because Arizonans LOVE open borders and fentanyl!

God save us from this wickedness.

Kari Lake delivered another amazing speech on Tuesday night.

“We will take the victory when it comes. And we will turn this state around!”

Watch @KariLake‘s full speech at the election night party! pic.twitter.com/cDgNDLcIbZ

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 9, 2022

It’s not over yet.

Voter mistrust of Maricopa County Arizona election officials and their Box 3 alternative is demonstrated at the video below here. 2 hours to scan a voter ballot. A total joke.

Meanwhile, as the sun rises in Phoenix … https://t.co/VPWPQ8vARB pic.twitter.com/cI0xEDnd7R

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 9, 2022

The post ARIZONA UPDATE: Now They Want Us to Believe Democrats and Mousy Katie Hobbs Are Going to Sweep the State? …Update: It’s Not Over Yet appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

We all saw this coming.

Rural Colorado voters were so upset with record diesel prices and record inflation that they voted in a a liberal Democrat who cheated on his wife in a storage locker.

As of Wednesday morning, Lauren Boebert is losing to Adam Frisch in rural Colorado by 1% and less than 5,000 votes.

As reported earlier…

Adam Frisch is a good Democrat.
A Family Man.

Adam Frisch pictured with his family on his campaign webpage.

Why are all of these Democrats the same?

Colorado congressional candidate Adam Frisch was caught having sex in a storage locker with a woman he was having an affair with.

He later was blackmailed and sold his vote out to a business owner.

Adam Frisch is running against popular conservative Lauren Boebert.

Breitbart.com reported:

A man who owned a taxi service and storage facility in Aspen, Colorado, has claimed on video tape to the Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) campaign and in a separate exclusive interview with Breitbart News he allegedly blackmailed high profile congressional candidate Democrat Adam Frisch with surveillance footage of him showing up to a storage unit facility where, according to the business owner, Frisch was caught allegedly having an affair.

The wild story stands out even in this crazy election cycle. Democrat congressional hopeful—Frisch (pictured) is currently challenging Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) in the upcoming November midterm election—has yet to respond to the allegations when Breitbart News asked his campaign about them.

The business owner, a man named Todd Gardner, alleges on video shown to Breitbart News that he successfully blackmailed Frisch, then a city councilman in Aspen, Colorado, into changing his vote on the Aspen City Council regarding a crucial multi-million dollar transportation project. Gardner has reaffirmed those allegations to Breitbart News in a separate interview.

Gardner has provided emails which purport to back up his claim. And, Gardner points to a friend who wishes to remain anonymous but who also separately confirmed to Breitbart News that Gardner told him about the alleged affair incident contemporaneously – this all allegedly happened a few years ago. To be clear, the friend was unaware of any alleged blackmail, but does remember hearing about—and joking with Gardner about—the alleged affair in a rented storage unit.

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Utah Republican Mike Lee has won the Utah Senate race, defeating never-Trump candidate Evan McMullin.

This was a race that had some Republicans concerned a few weeks ago, but Mike Lee pulled it out.

McMullin would have been a disaster for Republicans.

Breitbart News reports:

Sen. Mike Lee Wins Reelection, Defeats Never Trumper Evan McMullin

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) won reelection on Tuesday night, defeating Never Trumper and Utah independent Senate candidate Evan McMullin, according to projections.

Fox News called the race in favor of Lee, who will enter his third term.

Unlike most states, Lee did not face off against a Democrat as his primary opponent. Instead, he had independent candidate McMullin. Instead of pushing their own candidate, the Utah Democrat Party endorsed McMullin’s bid to oust Lee instead of their own.

Lee and others have consistently criticized McMullin for his cozy ties with the Democrat Party, which includes using the Democrat fundraising tool ActBlue, fundraising with Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), and fundraising with leftist activists such as Alyssa Milano. McMullin has even paid over $1.9 million to Democrat operatives to carry out his campaign.

This is why Lee has accused McMullin of feeding the “Democrat industrial complex.”

Even though he has pledged that he would remain independent in the Senate if he were elected, Lee and others have predicted that he would have caucused with the Democrats if he were elected.

This is a huge relief.

BREAKING: Mike Lee (R) defeats Evan McMullin (I) in Utah Senate Race, @FoxNews projects pic.twitter.com/12LlW1ohTd

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) November 9, 2022


Senator Mike Lee will win re-election against independent candidate Evan McMullin, despite phony ‘Republican’ Mitt Romney ghosting him during campaign

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 9, 2022

Thank you, Utah. Your voice has been heard tonight. I’m honored to be your Senator. The best is yet to come for Utah and for America.

The end of an election cycle isn’t the end of a process; it’s the beginning. This is where the real work begins. pic.twitter.com/6RtRgvDXya

— Mike Lee (@MikeLeeforUtah) November 9, 2022

Way to go, Mike Lee!

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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It appears the Democrats are going to hold the senate after Pennsylvania flipped retiring Republican Pat Toomey’s seat to Democrat Fetterman.

NBC News called the Pennsylvania senate race for Democrat John Fetterman.

Fetterman has brain damage and can barely speak after his massive stroke in May.

John Fetterman also lived off of his mommy and daddy until he was 50 years old.

BREAKING: Democrat John Fetterman wins U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania, NBC News projects. https://t.co/NqjTEpNhkv pic.twitter.com/34lAQYk4KR

— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 9, 2022

Dr. Mehmet Oz has not conceded to Fetterman yet.

Fetterman cannot communicate with giant monitors and stenographers typing out questions in real time, but he is headed to the US Senate.


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In a normal time, in a normal country, voters would reject record gas prices, record inflation, record crime rates, war and corruption.

But not today.

Once again, Democrats proved they can survive anything as long as they have their fraud.

Americans reject every single dish the Democrats served. Yet, Democrats shocked Americans on Tuesday to win the US Senate, steal battleground states, and possibly keep the US Congress in Nancy Pelosi’s control, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians in US history.

Republicans dominated in states like Florida and Ohio, states Democrats have not yet stolen with their mail-in ballots, bloated voter rolls, ballot trafficking and manufacturing operations.

But Democrat John Fetterman, who never held a job and cannot form sentences, won in Pennsylvania. Colorado stole popular conservative Lauren Boebert’s seat with their mail-in voting. Georgia elected a Trump-hating governor but Marxist radical Raphael Warnock who likes to scream about whitey at his church won the first round of the Senate race.

California and New York proved to America that once the communists take control there is no going back – to civility.

The Witches of Eastwick won Michigan.

Ron Johnson is barely leading in Wisconsin to another black Marxist radical who wants to empty the prisons onto the streets of America.

And in Arizona, a red state, we are supposed to believe Kari Lake and Blake Masters are going to lose?

By morning we will see the true damage.

Tuesday was a blood moon. It turned into a bloodbath for Republicans.

Republicans believed they would have a great midterm. They forgot that America is now under the control of the Communists.

God help us.

Life is about to get REALLY painful.

The post BLOOD MOON BLOODBATH… Democrats Steal Midterms, Communism Comes Home to America… Crime, Inflation, Record Gas Prices, War, Open Borders and Corruption WIN BIG appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Democrat youths burn New York City in past protest.

New York Democrats Chuck Schumer won his Senate seat in New York.

Kathy Hochul defeated Lee Zeldin in the New York governor’s race.

Crazy Letitia James won her reelection by 12 points for Attorney General because everyone loves the crime wave sweeping the state.

Let it burn.

It was a great night for criminals – In office and on the streets.

The post LET IT BURN: Democrats Schumer, Hochul, and Letitia James Win in New York Because Crime Is King appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Harriet Hageman won the Wyoming House race to replace dirtbag Liz Cheney.

Hageman won 72 percent of the ballots today.

Liz Cheney got spanked in her primary election in Wyoming.

She lost by 28 points.

Crazy Liz Cheney Compares Herself to Abe Lincoln in Concession Speech After Getting Trounced by 28 Points in Wyoming (Video)

The post Republican Harriet Hageman Wins Wyoming House Race to Replace Dirtbag Liz Cheney appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.