


President Trump finished out his mid-term elections rally blitz with a primetime stop in Dayton, Ohio, making one last push for Republican U.S. Senate nominee J.D. Vance. Interest in the rally was stoked with reports Trump wanted to announce his 2024 presidential campaign.

Thousands attended the rally that was held on the tarmac at Dayton International Airport that started in mild sunny weather but ended in a cold, moonlit night.

TGP’s Kristinn Taylor covered the rally.

Pledge of Allegiance:

Many families attended:

Newsmax host Benny Johnson was popular with the crowd:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) spoke at the rally:

Favorite son Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) spoke as the sun set:

J.D. Vance headlined the undercard before Trump arrived:

Arrival of Trump Force One:

Trump took the stage to a raucous welcome:

Photos of Trump speaking:

Surprise guests Gov. Mike DeWine, right and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted were invited on stage by Trump:

While President Trump did the Trump dance at the end of the rally my camera decided to focus on the two people who moved within range. Can’t get every pic.

The post TGP Photos: President Trump Election Eve Rally in Dayton, Ohio appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Voters in Mercer County, New Jersey, are facing a “county-wide system outage” in their election using Dominion Voting Machines.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this issue earlier today.

Here We Go Again: Dominion Machines in Mercer, NJ Experiencing “Programming Glitch”

Voters are not being turned away, but are being asked to fill out ballots manually and place them in the slot for manual counting later.

In 2020 Mercer was a +40 Biden county. In the 2021 Governor’s race, Democrats lost 9 points over their 2020 performance in the county of 387,000 people.  The turnout in 2021 was of course significantly less.

It’s not just New Jersey, either. The Gateway Pundit has reported election day anomalies and machine outages across the country.

In Maricopa county, tabulators did not work starting at 6 am when the polls opened.

Early Voting in Arizona Spells Doom for Democrats – Barring Major Fraud in the State, Expect WINS FOR MAGA CANDIDATES – Lake, Blake, Hamadeh, Finchem! #GetOutAndVote

In Texas, the machines are also not working.


In Illinois, voters are being told to use the provided sharpies, or their vote may not count!

SHARPIEGATE UPDATE: Reported Felt Tip Pens Forced Onto Voters Are BLEEDING THROUGH Ballots and Causing Ink Streaks that Are Reportedly CHANGING VOTES – Poll Worker Says “Probably 10-15%” Of Ballots Smearing

The Champaign County Illinois Clerk’s Office announced the computer server is under cyber-attack.

BREAKING: Champaign County Clerk Reports Cyber-Attacks on Servers – Voters Told to Stay in Line

The Gateway Pundit has also reported on massive issues and election irregularities across the country.

MASSIVE ISSUES REPORTED ACROSS THE COUNTRY: Here Are Several Concerns and Anomalies We Received from our TGP Tips…

The Democrats were expecting a historic election day turnout, and they were ready.

We are seeing the same issues across the country while being told it will take all week to count the ballots.

This is not how the elections are supposed to run.

The post Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Polling locations across Maricopa County are experiencing massive lines and wait times due to the voting machine errors that are happening at 20% of polling locations.

The Gateway Pundit reported this morning that tabulators across Maricopa County are not working, and voters are being told to place their ballots in a separate bin to be counted later on.


This seems to be only happening in Republican areas.

Now, Republicans who are experiencing these issues at the polls are being disenfranchised with extremely long lines and wait times.

A voter at the Cave Creek Townhall sent a photo of the lines wrapped around the building to The Gateway Pundit.

Charlie Kirk and TPUSA COO Tyler Bowyer reported on these issues for other voters across the county.

This exact scene is playing out for THOUSANDS of voters in Phoenix. This person is on their way to a 3rd polling place in search of a polling center with functioning machines. How many voters just gave up and went home? This is unacceptable!!

Stay peaceful. Hold the line. VOTE!! https://t.co/wOAg6HSocp

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

In Suprise, AZ, a Patriot videotaped the long lines down the street.

Massive lines spotted at Marley Park in Surprise, AZ! Stay in line, vote in person. pic.twitter.com/USvF3HNrk3

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

Another picture from Lake Havasu shows how long the lines are in rural Arizona, outside Maricopa County.

Charlie Kirk reported that rural turnout is historic in this election.

Realtime pic from Lake Havasu. Reports that rural turnout is “historic” pic.twitter.com/NjGIKoIaSw

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

At 9 am, the lines in Scottsdale, Arizona, were also trailing out of the polls.

The lines in Maricopa are insane this morning. This is one poll in Scottsdale at 9am. Keep pushing. Overwhelm the system. pic.twitter.com/XybEL91lP3

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022

Another location in Chandler, Arizona, looked like it was almost 100 people long and wrapping around the sidewalk.


Current line at 1525 W Frye Rd#STAYINLINE Arizona. The entire country is watching and celebrating you! pic.twitter.com/ZNLoLPAwWc

— DoBetterAZ.com (@lacenagao) November 8, 2022

Maricopa County is seeing historic voter turnout, and the Republicans are expected to sweep the entire ticket.

This is why the machines are “malfunctioning.” They knew we would win on election day and that Republicans were banking on election day turnout.

The post The Hobbs Effect: Maricopa County Voters Facing Long Lines, Being Forced To Travel To Multiple Voting Locations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This is why the Democrats and Secret Sleepers are messing with Arizona voters today.

According to the latest election day exit polls:

Average so far is:

58% Republican
14% Dem
28% Other

The “other” category is likely independents leaning Republican and Republican voters who won’t talk to pollsters.


Sam Almy from Uplift Data is running the Arizona numbers every hour.

And… As of 1 PM the Democrat advantage in the state was only 16,000 ballots after early voting and half of the election day.

This looks very positive for Republicans!

Switching back to early votes Pima (9k) and Pinal (36k!) have been added to the dashboard.

With the Pinal county data, the dem lead shrinks down to +16k ballots (not including Maricopa Eday numbers)

Total: 1.6M
TO: 38.6%
Advantage: +16k D

Details: https://t.co/aebHx1ggEp pic.twitter.com/0Naq3CfxeK

— Sam Almy (@sfalmy) November 8, 2022

The post HUGE! Maricopa County Exit Polling: Only 14% of Election Day Voters are Democrats! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

With all the tabulator mishaps occurring in Arizona, Michigan, New Jersey, and various other states, the 2022 mid-terms look gloomy right now, but not everything has been a disaster.

One glimpse of light was to see General Michael Flynn working as a poll worker in Sarasota County, Florida.

In a post on Truth Social Flynn stated, “I’m working the polls down in Florida this morning and I swear democrats are angry people, frowns on their faces all wearing purple and blue”.

Flynn would continue his statement by contrasting the Democrats to republicans who seemed to be more joyful.

He would conclude his statement by saying “A YUGE RED WAVE!!!.”


Just In: General Michael Flynn Is A Poll Watcher In Florida pic.twitter.com/I61FYcAegl

— The Triune Times (@TriuneTimes) November 8, 2022

Hats off to Flynn for not just offering rhetoric about election fraud but rather being the solution to attempt to prevent it.

Previously Flynn went on Steve Bannon’s War Room and explained how he and his wife received training to be poll watchers.

LISTEN: (excuse the clear liberal bias in the tweet)

Disgraced general Michael Flynn tells Steve Bannon: “I am now part of the Republican revolution executive committee for the Sarasota GOP and I am also volunteering to be a poll watcher in the upcoming elections here” pic.twitter.com/ntwe4F5uCF

— Madeline Peltz (@peltzmadeline) September 10, 2022

The post MUST SEE: General Michael Flynn Is Working the Polls In Florida! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

This is hilarious.

‘CBS Mornings’ spent all day in Democrat precincts in Florida that Joe Biden ‘won’ in 2020 and they could not find one Charlie Crist supporter.

Democrat grifter Charlie Crist is running against highly popular Republican incumbent Governor Ron DeSantis.

Republicans boosted turnout in traditionally blue Miami-Dade.

As of 2 PM Eastern Time, traditionally blue counties in Florida continue trending red:

JUST IN: 2PM FLORIDA ELECTION UPDATE – Traditionally blue counties continue trending red
PINELLAS: R+5.22% (Biden+.3%)
MIAMI-DADE: R+1.64% (Biden+7.3%)
HILLSBOROUGH: R+2.8% (Biden+6.8%)
OSCEOLA: D+5.54% (Biden+13.8%)
PALM BEACH: D+6.1% (Biden+12.8%)

— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) November 8, 2022

A ‘CBS Mornings’ host said he took a day-long trip and spoke to dozens of people up and down the coast of Florida – all in precincts that Joe Biden supposedly ‘won’ in 2020 and he could not find one Charlie Crist supporter.


LMAO: ‘CBS Mornings’ admits it drove down to Florida and, after interviewing dozens of voters in Miami, Melbourne, and then Jacksonville at four separate restaurants, they couldn’t find ONE SINGLE person who didn’t like DeSantis. pic.twitter.com/YQa3m4xRci

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 8, 2022

It isn’t surprising that CBS can’t find one Charlie Crist supporter.

Charlie Crist last Sunday said he would impose a statewide mask mandate if the scientists told him to do so.

In August Crist labeled DeSantis supporters “haters” in his first press conference since winning the primary.

“Those who support [Ron DeSantis] should stay with him and vote for him,” Crist said shaking his fist.

“And I don’t want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there!” Crist said.

It’s time for Florida to get rid of this grifter.

Video courtesy of NewsBusters

The post ‘CBS Mornings’ Spent All Day in Democrat Precincts in Florida and Couldn’t Find One Charlie Crist Supporter (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported on an anomaly discovered in a Tennessee county’s  Dominion voting machines that caused a ballot, and all subsequent ballots, to be flagged as “provisional” ballots.  This anomaly was discovered when tabulated votes didn’t reconcile with the number of voters who voted.   The EAC wrote a report on this anomaly and, with the assistance of Dominion Voting, put a patch, not a fix, that reportedly bypassed the problem.

A team of election integrity activists turned their sites to Georgia and discovered this same anomaly occurred in a majority of the counties they were able to examine (64 of 66).   That article from the Gateway Pundit can be read here.

Now, the same team, The Election Oversight Group, has discovered what they believe to be a security feature that has been bypassed on every machine they’ve examined system log files for.

On October 19, 2022, Spalding County officials discovered a fraudulent ballot that was “seemingly scanned and accepted by the tabulator.”  The ballot was printed on lined looseleaf paper!  (vote information has been blurred out)


From the State Election Board Complaint:

1. On October 19, 2022, Spalding County election officials discovered a fraudulent ballot amongst
those that had been scanned by the ImageCast Precinct (“ICP”) tabulator1
(A copy of the fraudulent ballot is attached hereto as “Exhibit A”).

2. The ballot seems to have been printed on lined, looseleaf paper and was seemingly scanned and
accepted by the tabulator.

3. Spalding County officials contacted the Secretary of State who immediately launched an

4. In an email, Spalding officials asked Blake Evans why the IR paper verification system did not
work and allowed the fraudulent ballot to pass through undetected. Mr. Evans claimed that they
have “special lights” they can use, but did not answer the question about detection by the

5. Further investigation revealed that the Georgia Dominion Master Solutions Agreement2
hereinafter (“MSA”) contemplates the use of “BMD ballot security paper” and “in-tabulator
authenticators” as detailed below:

Dominion implements security protocols that meet or exceed EAC VVSG 2005
requirements. All of Dominion’s security protocols are designed and implemented to stay
current with the rapidly evolving EAC security requirements set forth by various
iterations of the VVSG. Dominion’s security technology is unprecedented insofar as it
takes into account every aspect and every component of the Democracy Suite platform.
This includes – but is not limited to – the full encryption of election projects, iButton
security keys, memory cards, election data, software. applications, and elections results
files. In addition, Dominion developed a custom ballot authentication system built around
an secure ballot paper stock and in-tabulator authenticators.

6. The Georgia Dominion MSA requires the use of the “BMD ballot security paper”. The
agreement states:

Annual Purchase Summary – Dominion shall provide invoices for Annual Licenses and
Warranties on January 1 of each Term year. Dominion shall provide invoices for BMD
ballot security paper upon delivery to the State for each Election during the Term. The
State shall pay invoices in a timely manner in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. All pricing in U.S. Dollars.

7. Complainants referenced the ICP System Log (“SLOG”) files generated during the 2022
primaries from 67 counties across the state, and found the Infra-Red ballot paper verification
system disabled in every single tabulator for which we have records (See example SLOG file
attached hereto as “Exhibit C”).

8. Counties have been purchasing the special IR paper, presumably at a premium compared to that
of regular ballot paper (See invoice from Dominion for IR paper, attached hereto as “Exhibit

The situation raises two issues. First, why is the ballot authentication feature not being used? Second,
If it’s not being used then why are Georgia counties purchasing the premium paper?


The below screen shots of the system log files, obtained through Open Records Request, shows that the UV/IR detection was not turned on (a “1-” signifies that it is on or “true”).  The system log files are nothing more than a report of what is done on a computer system on its startup and throughout it’s use.


We also have the receipts from Fulton County for the 2020 election showing they bought 800,000 pieces of this VoteSecure paper with the IR safety feature:


So why did Georgia counties turn this function off and who specifically turned it off?

The complaint in its entirety:

SEB Complaint – Cross and M… by Brian Lupo


The post BREAKING: Attorneys File Suit After Ballot Accepted in Georgia County on Loose-Leaf Paper with Security Feature Turned Off in ALL Examined Machines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

On Monday, turnout was 31% in Miami-Dade County, which consists of both early voting and mail-in ballots, ABC reported.

This is the general trend, according to Christina White, the Supervisor of Elections Office in Miami-Dade County, although the Republican advantage over the Democratic Party is unusual.

“The trend does seem to be changing a bit in Miami-Dade,” said Christina White.

As of Monday, the agency reported that 182,000 Republicans and 178,000 Democrats had cast ballots, with the Republicans having a lead of over 4,000. Those who identified with no political party cast more than 109 thousand ballots.

On Tuesday, the Republican lead in total ballots cast had grown to nearly 10,000 in Miami-Dade county.

BREAKING: Republicans expand lead to near 10,000 in Miami-Dade County, Florida in total ballots cast. These figures include both vote-by-mail and early vote, as well as Election Day ballots.

R: 222,623
D: 212,662

— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 8, 2022

Miami-Dade is going to be an absolute bloodbath for Democrats.

In 2018, Dems outvoted Republicans by at least 70k votes.

In the 22 point shift in 2020, Dems still outvoted Republicans by 90k.

Republicans have a 10k vote lead in ballots cast as of right now. pic.twitter.com/7S45VTqxt8

— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 8, 2022

“DeSantis could win Miami-Dade County based on this turnout alone, *without persuasion.* And polls have been showing an 8-10 point persuasion shift from 2020,” pollster Patrick Ruffini said.

Another user responded, “And let’s not forget that those independents have trended Republican in Miami-Dade County for the past few election cycles. A 60-40 split among NPAs would be a conservative assumption.”

As of 2 PM Eastern Time, traditionally blue counties in Florida continue trending red:

JUST IN: 2PM FLORIDA ELECTION UPDATE – Traditionally blue counties continue trending red
PINELLAS: R+5.22% (Biden+.3%)
MIAMI-DADE: R+1.64% (Biden+7.3%)
HILLSBOROUGH: R+2.8% (Biden+6.8%)
OSCEOLA: D+5.54% (Biden+13.8%)
PALM BEACH: D+6.1% (Biden+12.8%)

— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) November 8, 2022

The post HUGE: Republicans Boost Advantage to Nearly 10,000 in Traditionally Democrat Miami-Dade County, Florida Ballots Cast appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Gaum elected its first Republican non-voting delegate to the United States in decades on Tuesday.

Republican James Moylan defeated former Guam Speaker Judith Won Pat 52.2% to 47.2%.

James Moylan is Guam’s first Republican to win this seat in approximately 30 years.

#Breaking #Election2022 Update: #Guam has elected Republican James Moylan as its next delegate to the United States Congress. pic.twitter.com/28CD9rWooz

— Pasquines (@pasquines_us) November 8, 2022

*Guam finally flipped* jokes spread across social media in reference to dummy Democrat Hank Johnson’s previous statements.


— Hold the Line Poso (@JackPosobiec) November 8, 2022

Hank Johnson’s dream of flipping the island finally came true

— Infinite Dreams (@7thSon1988) November 8, 2022

Guam finally tipped over!

— Scott (@sbwnhtx) November 8, 2022

“OMG – Guam *did* tip over!”

— The Dems

— Tom (@BoreGuru) November 8, 2022

The post JUST IN: Guam Finally Flips! Elects Republican as its Delegate to US For the First Time in 30 Years appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Steve Bannon, former chief strategist for President Trump’s White House and current head of the War Room, the most compelling show on the Internet about current events, will not be going to jail today. 

Yesterday the judge overseeing his case suspended Bannon from going to jail while his case is being appealed through the courts.

Former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon will be allowed to remain free as he appeals his conviction for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay a $6,500 fine after being found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress last month.

US District Judge Carl Nichols formally stayed Bannon’s sentence on Monday as he appeals, explaining in a court filing that Bannon “is not likely to flee or pose a danger to the safety of any other person or the community if released.”

Nichols also wrote that Bannon’s appeal “is not taken for the purpose of delay but rather raises a substantial question of law that is likely to result in a reversal or an order for a new trial.”

If a higher court upholds Bannon’s conviction on the two misdemeanor counts, he will only then be forced to serve his sentence.

Bannon had refused to comply with the Jan. 6 panel’s order for him to testify and provide documents citing executive privilege.

Bannon’s arrest was not the precedent.  Under Obama, his Attorney General Holder and Head of the IRS Lerner were subpoenaed by Congress but never showed up.  Holder was accused of running guns to Mexico while Lerner was preventing conservative groups from obtaining non-profit status like far-left groups were.

BREAKING: Biden Regime to Sentence Steve Bannon to Prison Today for Defying Subpoena Before Jan. 6 Committee “Moscow Show Trial” and for Taunting “Fang-Bang Swalwell”

It was reported that Bannon was given extra time for mocking the illegitimate committee and corrupt government officials.  

The post Judge Temporarily Suspends Steve Bannon’s Prison Sentence appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.