


Multiple sources provided The Gateway Pundit with reports of suspicious activity at numerous locations in Detroit, Michigan prior to the 2022 midterm elections.

Here is what we heard–

Our sources have witnessed suspicious activities in Detroit for several days now.

Over the weekend, concerned citizens, driving in two cars, followed a Penske rental truck from the Detroit Department of Elections to a non-descript, one-story warehouse in southwest Detroit.

The truck ran at least one red light, possibly related to an attempt to shake the followers. Once there, the citizens initiated a round-the-clock vigil that, at press time, is still ongoing in a bid to observe any illegal activity such as illegally-manufactured ballots being injected into the flow of legitimate ballots.

Once the truck arrived in the parking lot, the citizen vehicles parked and began observing very peculiar activities: in the space of a few hours, 12-15 cars arrived at the gate of the warehouse, slowed as if about to turn in, only to turn around or drive on once the surveillance cars were spotted.

There is a printing company located directly across the street from the warehouse and it is known to have ballots – printing capabilities, including for the 2020 election.

So concerned citizens are taking this election very seriously and they’re actually “participating in the democracy” like never before by observing at all levels of the election process. This includes providing the chain of custody that Michigan Election Law sadly doesn’t require when tens of thousands of ballots are transported from point A to point B.

Authorities are attempting to paint as voter suppression when in fact nothing could be further from the truth

Sources observed Penske rental trucks leaving the Detroit Election Center and traveling to an innocuous warehouse between the election center and Huntington Place, the former TCF Center in Detroit.

The warehouse is located near a post office and a printing company that was previously authorized to print ballots.

** Witnesses have observed vehicles arriving at the center at odd hours, even at 3:00 am in the morning.

** Our sources said that they have repeatedly been harassed by vehicles speeding by the area in a threatening manner.

Michigan activists are not going to allow a steal in 2022!


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On Monday, Mike Lindell joined Steve Bannon in the War Room for a discussion about the midterm election.

Mike Lindell has issued a stern warning to anyone who makes an attempt to steal and rig the election.

“We’re going to be watching every race,” Lindell announced.

“We’re going to have the real-time crime desk going at frankspeech.com… We are tracking every race by cyber. I want all the bad guys out there to know through the Edison report, we are watching. And we also have another way to watch what’s going on with the computers and the machines. So I’m putting them all on notice!  Steve, they’re all on notice. You can turn in at crime.frankspeech.com if you see anything.”

Watch the video below:

MIKE LINDELL: “We are tracking every race by cyber. I want all the bad guys out there to know, we are watching. I’m putting them all on notice!”pic.twitter.com/pCJegMo4n5

— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 8, 2022

Today’s election is being closely followed and reported on by The Gateway Pundit. Send information to tips@thegatewaypundit.com. Please include photos and videos. Thank you.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) blocked Attorney General Merrick Garland’s election monitors from entering polling locations.

Biden’s corrupt Justice Department this week deployed federal goons to harass poll workers in 64 key battleground precincts in 24 states.

DeSantis pushed back and told the feds they are not welcome in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

“Earlier today, the Florida Department of State received copies of your letters to Miami-Dade and Broward Counties in which you seem to indicate that the Department of Justice will send monitors inside polling places in these counties,” the DeSantis Administration wrote in a letter to John Russ, Deputy Chief & Elections Coordinator.

“We also understand you sent a similar letter to Palm Beach County. But Department of Justice monitors are not permitted under Florida law. Section 102.031(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes lists the people who “may enter any polling room or polling place.” Department of Justice personnel are not included on the list. Even if they could qualify as “law enforcement” under section 102.031(3)(a)6. of the Florida Statutes, absent some evidence concerning the need for federal intrusion, or some federal statute that preempts Florida law, the presence of federal law enforcement inside polling places would be counterproductive and could potentially undermine confidence,” the letter read, according to the Floridian Press.

The Floridian Press reported:

The DeSantis administration is pushing back against President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice’s apparent effort to send in election “monitors” inside state-run polling locations within several Florida counties.

In a letter to John “Bert” Russ, Deputy Chief & Elections Coordinator for the Department of Justice by Florida Department of State General Counsel Brad McVay, the DeSantis administration warns that under Florida statute, DOJ monitors “are not permitted” inside Florida polling locations.

But Department of Justice monitors are not permitted under Florida law. Section 102.031(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes lists the people who “may enter any polling room or polling place.”

The DeSantis administration will in turn dispatch its own election integrity monitors to ensure that the federal government does not interfere in Florida’s election process. The decree from the Florida Department of State comes a day or so after Broward County activist Chris Nelson first posted an email to “field clerks” he received from a source.

The author of the of email in question urges Supervisor of Elections workers to “grant them access to see the process.”

@GovRonDeSantis Pushes Back Against Biden DOJ Monitors Interfering in Florida’s Election
Reported by @javmanjarres via @Floridianpress https://t.co/ebKaQEBc0h

#Florida #FlPol

— Javier Manjarres (@JavManjarres) November 8, 2022

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The Gateway Pundit is closely monitoring the 2022 midterm elections.

We will bring you updated news throughout the day.

If you see abnormalities or issues of concern, please send tips to tips@thegatewaypundit.com.

**  Please include photos and/or videos and specify the location, the time, any additional witnesses, and other relevant information.

The following is a list of some of the issues and unusual events that have been brought to our attention this morning so far via email:

** “Two DOJ observers being allowed by inspector at Southwest Maricopa County location. I’m a clerk here.”

** “Ballots in Kansas being rejected by the reader at an extremely high rate. Most paper ballots are not being read because of a crease in the middle of the page. The elections office and county sheriffs are being notified. We also had a situation where three people saw their vote flipped on screen for a candidate.”

** “This morning, Nov. 8th, in Mount Vernon (the 38th District / Adam Kuzma is a resident and candidate for State Rep), Elizabeth Township, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania, voters were TURNED AWAY at 7:00 am this morning, poll reporters stating that “THE VOTER REGISTRATION REGISTRY DIDN’T SHOW UP TODAY”, and people could either vote by paper provisional ballot or try back again later – possibly after lunch hour.  WHAAAAT??? Same was also taking place in Bethel Park, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania. Confirmed by a friend who was turned away this morning, and also reported by Hannah Kuzma, wife of Adam Kuzma on Facebook. Local news stations are NOT REPORTING THIS! ”

** “The polling place at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2520 route 208 Walden, NY. The scanner stopped reading after less than 100 ballots. Everyone is being told to put their ballot into a slot. I don’t know what time it went down, but it was already down by 11:15. This is a red leaning area. They also print out individual ballots after each person signs on the screen. This feels like a concern because there could potentially be a difference between republican and democrat ballots since they’re printed only after they know who they are being given to.”

** “I just voted at the Baptist Church at 431 Ocotillo Rd. in Queen Creek AZ. I have not voted in person in years and did not think twice about how the ballots were handled until I came home and saw your posts. Maybe this is ok and maybe it isn’t. You would know better than me. I got my ballot, made my choices and then was told to put my ballot in a big cardboard box. With all the thru another with the machines etc. I just figured they had decided not to use the machines. Is there a way you can check this out? I am 84 years old and don’t get around real well but this is important and I wanted my ballot counted fairly so I made the trip to the polls to do so. I am going to be really upset if this is an attempt to screw this election up again. Thank you for all your help and the true coverage of our world situation these days.”

** “We voted in person at a school.  We filled out our ballots and were told to put them in a box. Is this normal?  I have never voted in person before.”

** “The tabulation machine quit working at an Austin location during early voting. They were dropping ballots straight into a box.”

** “Tabulation machines in GWINNETT COUNTY GEORGIA spitting out ballots. Thank you for all you do!”

** “Just left my polling place in Niagara County (upstate NY). Tried putting my ballot (100% conservative) into a machine and it was immediately kicked back out as “unreadable”. I was told this machine has been “acting up” and that I had to use another one which accepted it no problem on the first try.”

** “All Republicans districts have no Paper to run ballots per WILK talk radio.”

** “I hope all is well! So I went to Pembroke Pines Florida to vote today and I am not sure if my vote will count. I voted for all Republicans that were listed..  So I go over to the scanning machine, and yes I asked if it was a dominion one and they said no however, the machine said it could not count my vote because I left some answer blank. Do to the fact not one Judge on the ballot was recognized as republican or democrat  so I left them blank. I asked if my other votes would be acknowledged and they said yes.Unfortunately I have no way of knowing the truth. My thoughts are why would they leave doubt in someone’s mind after what happened 24 months ago!!”

** “I voted at Lincoln elementary school in Palatine IL this morning around 8:30 am and I was given a sharpie pen to vote.”

** “My wife and I just walked down the street and voted at Celebration Baptist Church (CBC).  As we approached the church and large gym we stopped on the sidewalk and checked “available Wi-Fi” on our phones.  We detected what is reported in picture 1.  Then, we entered the building and walked down a hallway into the CBC gym (the entire building is brick with almost no windows in the gym).  Inside the gym we checked Wi-Fi again and received report in picture 2.  I asked the poll worker if the machines were hooked up to the internet and of course he said, “No. These machines don’t connect to the internet.”  Then I asked what the new, plainly labeled and locked “56K modem” was that suddenly appeared only inside the voting area.  He seemed flustered and only stated, “Well, there are houses all around this area…”  When I went to vote they had pre-positioned felt tipped pens, and could not help but notice Leon County is using Dominion voting machines. Calling the DeSantis campaign and will go down to the church to ensure the Republican poll watcher understands there is a mysterious Wi-Fi available inside the gym nobody can seem to explain.  Thought I’d send your way if you’re publishing things like this.  Thank you for watching the Freedom lanes. Love your site.”

** “Apologies, cell phones weren’t allowed in the voting area, so I don’t have photos or video. But my husband and I took our completed paper ballots to the tabulator machine this morning, 11/8/22, ~ 8:45 EST. We were instructed to drop our ballots in a horizontal slot in the machine where it just dropped down into a pile or stack of ballots apparently. When I asked what was going on with the machine, a poll worker, who was sitting there monitoring people’s dropping in their ballots, shrugged, and said a repair tech for the tabulator machine was on his way. Please log this disturbing irregularity. Leads to immense distrust, speculation, and suspicion.”

** “This morning between 6:30 and 7:00, our small town polling place (Thompson United Methodist Church -TUMC) had their WiFi networks showing, but there was an extra one as soon as I walked in the door. I have a hard time thinking it was a business or home nearby, as it only happened once I got in the church building. The network was hidden and when you click on the little “i”, there shows no IP address or any details. I do not know if this WiFi network was previously installed, only that it didn’t match the rest. Not sure if this proves anything, but I would like to pass it along just in case there is internet hooked up to the machines where we placed our ballots into.”

As of right now, TGP has received hundreds of emails. We are currently going over it and checking all of the facts.

The post MASSIVE ISSUES REPORTED ACROSS THE COUNTRY: Here Are Several Concerns and Anomalies We Received from our TGP Tips… appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Let’s have some fun on this 2022 Mid-term Election Day with this series of coincidences:

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday on the coincidence that, this morning, on Election Day, we experienced a Blood Moon, a rare total lunar eclipse in which the sun appears a reddish brown color for a couple hours.  The Blood Moon began at 3:02am on the east coast (12:02am PST).

According to Newsweek, in ancient Mesopotamia, the Blood Moon was interpreted as an omen for the king:

In ancient Mesopotamia, a lunar eclipse was considered a direct assault on the king. Given their ability to predict an eclipse with reasonable accuracy, they would put in place a proxy king for its duration. Someone considered to be expendable (it was not a popular job,) would pose as the monarch, while the real king would go into hiding and wait for the eclipse to pass. The proxy king would then conveniently disappear, and the old king be reinstated.

The second “long shot” coincidence?  President Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946.  Yup, you guess it: this day also experienced a Blood Moon!

So when is the next blood moon?  March 14th, 2025 (3/14/25), Pi Day, potentially the second full month after President Trump is elected for his second term (if he does in fact announce another run on 11/15/2022).

What are the odds!!

A total lunar eclipse – sometimes called a #BloodMoon – is set to peak Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 5:17am ET (1017 UTC). It’s the last one until 2025.

Find out if you’re in an eclipse viewing area or watch it live with @NASAMoon experts: https://t.co/wm937tJHVe pic.twitter.com/CIOwcjyb6p

— NASA (@NASA) November 7, 2022

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Voting machines in Mercer, New Jersey are experiencing a “programming glitch” that is causing issues with the Dominion machines ability to process votes.  Voters are not being turned away, but are being asked to fill out ballots manually and place them in the slot for manual counting later.

From the New Jersey Globe:

Voting machines throughout Mercer County are facing technical difficulties this morning, but no voters are being turned away and machine votes are still being cast.

The issue involves a programming glitch with optical scanners, which count votes after ballots are filled out.

Programmers from the voting machine manufacturer, Dominion, are in site trying to work through the problem, the New Jersey Globe has confirmed.

“There is a slot on the top of the scanner and voters can vote and are voting manually,” said Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello.  “We are asking poll workers to use the official ballots because they can still vote them manually, and place them in the slot in the scanning machines and we will count them manually.”

While issues with optical scanners won’t prevent voting — ballots are still being printed properly – it could delay the counting of votes tonight.  That might impact the speed by which election return in Hamilton, Lawrence, East Windsor, Hightstown and Robbinsville – all towns in New Jersey’s 3rd congressional district potentially impedes counts in the closely watched House race between Rep. Andy Kim (D-Moorestown) and Republican Bob Healey.

In 2020 Mercer was a +40 Biden county.  In the 2021 Governor’s race, Democrats lost 9 points over their 2020 performance in the county of 387,000 people.  The turnout in 2021 was of course significantly less.

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Over the weekend, TGP reported that the Biden regime was harassing a local county clerk in Missouri in an effort to plant federal DOJ employees onsite during today’s election process.  

Assistant US Attorney Charles Thomas wrote Cole County Missouri Clerk Steve Korsmeyer this week and notified him that the Biden DOJ will be in Jefferson City, Missouri on Monday and Tuesday to inspect and harass election officials during the midterm elections in Missouri.

Charles Thomas says he is working with the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.

As most of you are aware, this is the most radical far-left office in the US government.

Why are they making a visit to the middle of Missouri on election day? Why did they spring this on the Cole County Clerk now?

And does the DOJ have jurisdiction over Missouri elections?

And should they not have gone through the Secretary of State’s office?

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is very capable, and honest, and has an open door. Why did they bypass the Missouri Secretary of State?

On Sunday Secretary of State Ashcroft responded on Twitter to the actions by the corrupt Biden DOJ.

Secretary of State Ashcroft announced he was supporting Steve Korsmeyer, who rightfully declined the DOJ’s offer to harass voters in Cole County.

Under Missouri law, the local election authority is empowered to decide who, other than voters and poll workers, may be at polling locations. Cole County Clerk Steve Korsmeyer has rightfully declined to allow this over-reach and the secretary of state’s office fully supports him.

— Missouri SOS Office (@MissouriSOS) November 6, 2022

While the U.S. DOJ could clearly learn a lot from Missouri about non-partisanship and how to administer accessible, secure and credible elections, it would be highly inappropriate for federal agents to violate the law by intimidating Missouri voters at the polls on Election Day.

— Missouri SOS Office (@MissouriSOS) November 6, 2022

Secretary of State Ashcroft goes further and offer the DOJ to discuss their request further at his office.  SOS Ashcroft backs the local county clerk.

If the DOJ desires to meet to discuss this matter further, they may meet at my office instead of trying to bully a hard working county official.

— Missouri SOS Office (@MissouriSOS) November 6, 2022

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The polls opened in Maricopa County at 6 am, and already voters are being told that the tabulators are not working.

Katie Hobbs is the current Secretary of State in charge of elections.  She is failing – again!

Instead of tabulating their ballot directly, voters are being told to put their ballot into a box under the tabulator so that their ballot may be tabulated at a later time downtown.

Voters are told to just drop their ballot into the open door seen below.

The Gateway Pundit has received numerous reports of this happening on Tuesday morning.

This is happening across Maricopa County.

Richard Baris says the malfunctioning is WIDESPREAD ACROSS THE COUNTY!

This started with a single location. Then a few. Now, it’s sounding as if this is widespread and very serious. https://t.co/4b5CmdUjnu

— Rich Baris “The People’s Pundit” (@Peoples_Pundit) November 8, 2022

Now the tabulators are not working in Texas!


Arizona GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward tweeted this out moments ago–

It’s not only happening in Arizona… https://t.co/05P9t78iPB

— Dr. Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) November 8, 2022

The post BREAKING: TABULATORS IN TEXAS ALSO NOT WORKING! It’s Not Just Arizona! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Conservative Jewish voters are waiting in lines HUNDREDS OF YARDS LONG in New York today.

The conservative Jewish voters are being forced to stand in line for hours to vote today.

This is anti-Semitism. They are not allowing the conservative Jews to vote.

Where is the Anti-Defamation League?

Via Richard Baris and Yossi Gestetner.

A voting lime this 10:15 AM in #NY17 outside of the voting/polling location room itself where there are many more people.#VoterSupression#NYGov

cc @GovKathyHochul @leezeldin pic.twitter.com/0HvlTQNkiP

— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 8, 2022


No. NO. NO!

Do NOT leave!

Hold the line!

An hour or even two hours today in the line will help avoid many more hours of pain elsewhere.

Oh, and next time vote early! There is a whole week for it! pic.twitter.com/p56bDqQJ12

— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) November 8, 2022

The post Anti-Semitism in Action: New York Officials Understaff Conservative Jewish Precinct in New York – Creating Line Hundreds of Yards Long, Waiting Time for Hours appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

In her first sit-down interview since her husband was “attacked”, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasted no time comparing the attack on her husband to the events that occurred on January 6th.

As expected,  CNN host Anderson Cooper didn’t ask any hardnose questions but rather asked if January 6th was comparable to the attack on her husband.

Pelosi would respond to Cooper’s question in no time and stated “Absolutely. No question. It’s the same thing. A copycatter.”


Anderson: “Do you draw the same line [between the assault on your husband and January 6]?

Pelosi: “Absolutely. No question. It’s the same thing. A copycatter.” pic.twitter.com/niZqISI9jm

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 8, 2022

Anderson Cooper would then stop with the softball questions and continue his interview by asking Pelosi if she has talked to her husband about the attack.

Pelosi however quickly sidestepped the question and replied “We haven’t quite had that conversation because any revisiting of it is really traumatizing.”

Anderson: “Has [Paul] been able to talk to you about what he was thinking when he woke up and saw this person in the room?”

Pelosi: “We haven’t quite had that conversation because any revisiting of it is really traumatizing.” pic.twitter.com/Jqziyp4ViV

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 8, 2022

Cooper would conclude his last question regarding Paul Pelosi’s attack by asking Nancy if she wanted to hear her husband’s 911 call.

The House Speaker would respond by saying “I don’t think so. I don’t know if I’ll have to. I just don’t know. That’s all a matter on the legal side of things.”

Her response shows that Elon Musk was right and that “there’s more to this story than meets the eye.”

The post Nancy Pelosi Sits Down With CNN and Compares Husband’s Attack to January 6th appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.