


Rishi Sunak was selected Prime Minister in Great Britain on Monday.

The 42-year-old former finance minister will be the first will be Britain’s first Hindu prime minister.

BREAKING: Rishi Sunak is new UK Prime Minister. He’ll be the first British-Asian PM & first Hindu PM, and at 42, the youngest PM in modern times. I’ve backed @RishiSunak for a long time, think he’s the right guy for the job, and wish him every success. pic.twitter.com/oNfKXlk9R2

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 24, 2022

Here is the announcement from London.

Rishi Sunak will be Britain’s next prime minister.

Sir Graham Brady, 1922 committee chair, has announced Rishi Sunak has been elected leader of the Conservative Party after Penny Mordaunt pulled out of race. pic.twitter.com/MpUAMKxNfz

— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) October 24, 2022

USA Today reported:

Former finance minister Rishi Sunak completed a political comeback Monday, when he was selected prime minister by Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, just seven weeks after he was beaten to office by Liz Truss.

Sunak, 42, will be the fifth British prime minister in six years, the third in less than two months. He is Britain’s first Hindu prime minister, and the country’s first leader of color.

He won an internal party contest to be the country’s new leader following Truss’ Oct. 20 resignation. Her tenure was the shortest ever for a British prime minister and was marked by economic turmoil. British voters elect a party, not a specific leader, meaning the ruling party has latitude to change a prime minister without calling an election. Because Sunak won the party contest, he automatically becomes prime minister.

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Dilbert creator Scott Adams was criticized for a prediction he made before the 2020 Election.  It turns out that he was absolutely correct. 

On July 1, 2020, the Wrap reported on a tweet that Dilbert creator Scott Adams made at the time.  The tweet was out of line and laughable according to the report:

“Dilbert” creator Scott Adams made a fearful prediction about the 2020 presidential election on Twitter on Wednesday, telling his Republican followers that if Joe Biden is elected to the White House, “there’s a good chance you will be dead within the year.”

“Republicans will be hunted,” he wrote in a follow-up tweet, later adding, “Police will stand down.”

The comic strip creator has been outspoken about his political views both on Twitter and on his blog, where he previously endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016 and accused the Hillary Clinton campaign of stoking “violence against police, violence against Trump supporters, and death threats to bloggers such as me.”

As actor James Urbaniak noted in response to Adams’ tweets, the threat of violence against Republican voters in response to Democratic electoral victories is a recurring theme in Adams’ political commentary.

Below are Scott Adams’s tweets and a response from the unknown actor “James Urbaniak” who no one has ever heard of.

Every election year at this time, @ScottAdamsSays rolls out his Democrats’ Reign of Terror shtick. From his blog, June 2016: “But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump.” pic.twitter.com/GeOzIl9fuQ

— James Urbaniak (@JamesUrbaniak) July 1, 2020

Now two years later we know that Scott Adams was correct.

Republicans, some who attended the Jan 6 protests, and others like Steve Bannon or Roger Stone who didn’t attend the protests, are being hunted down by their government.

Many of the thousand or so individuals arrested for protesting the stolen 2020 election on Jan 6 and who did nothing wrong, had teams of FBI agents storm their homes.  Many more are sitting in the DC Gulag now for almost two years on simple misdemeanor charges with no court dates set to this day.

** See American Gulag for a list of the defendants and victims from Jan 6.

Four Trump supporters were killed that day.  Others committed suicide following the protests and government abuse.  Innocent Republicans and Trump supporters were killed.

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened to punch President Trump on that day.

Pelosi on Jan. 6 to Her Staged Camera Crew: “I Hope [Trump] Comes, I’m Going to Punch Him Out and I’m Going to Go to Jail and I’m Going to Be Happy”

And now, ministers, Christians, and God-loving Americans protesting abortion clinics are being arrested and thrown in jail.

Biden’s FBI Sends 25-30 Agents to Home of Pro-Life Author and Father of 7 – Arrest Him for Reportedly Protecting His Son from an Abortion Escort

This is Joe Biden’s America.  Republicans are being hunted down.  Scott Adams was right. 

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Dr. Andrew Huff is the former Vice President of EcoHealth Alliance, an Army veteran, and the author of a forthcoming book from Simon & Schuster called, “The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History.”

Dr. Huff reported to Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance, the notorious doctor who sent US dollars, approved by Dr. Anthony Fauci, to fund the Wuhan research labs in China.

In September, Dr. Andrew Huff sent a report on the origin of the SARS-CoV2 virus to the US Senate and Congress.

Dr. Huff provided proof that the COVID virus that killed millions and resulted in mass starvation and global economic recession was created in a Wuhan laboratory.

Dr. Andrew Huff submitted the letter and evidence under penalty of perjury.  He posted the report on his Twitter page.

Please retweet!

Below is link to the copy of the report about the REAL Origin of SARS-CoV2 sent to the US Senate and Congress last week.

My declaration in the document was provided under oath with a penalty of perjury. https://t.co/P8KipAQ4mU pic.twitter.com/fI2gvW6xqB

— Dr. Andrew G. Huff (@AGHuff) September 19, 2022

Here is the letter from Renz Law Group to Senator Johnson from their client and whistleblower Andrew Huff.

EcoHealth Whistleblower Andrew Huff Provides Evidence that COVID-19 Was Created in Wuhan Lab by Jim Hoft on Scribd

On Friday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke with Dr. Andrew Huff on his explosive testimony on the origins of the COVID-19 virus.

This was a riveting interview.

In this clip Dr. Andrew Huff explains how Ecohealth, used funding by Dr. Tony Fauci and the NIAID, to fund the gain of function research that developed the COVID-19 virus in a Wuhan Lab.

Dr. Andrew Huff has the receipts and sent his evidence recently to leaders in Congress.

Dr. Huff told The Gateway Pundit the government then tried to cover this up. They still are covering this up.

Dr. Andrew Huff is a key player in exposing the truth of Dr. Fauci, EcoHealth, Dr. Dazcak, and their funding of deadly gain of function projects.

Dr. Huff told The Gateway Pundit that everyone knew this was gain of function research. 

He added that the government is trying to cover this up because Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak were funding the research at the Wuhan bio lab!

Dr. Andrew Huff:  Peter Daszak had created a way to brand the organization to sort of greenwash the scientific research which he was doing. One of the first things that happened when I worked at EcoHealth Alliance is I was asked to review the understanding the bat coronavirus emergence risk proposal.  That’s the proposal that passed the NAID, Dr. Anthony Fauci money through EcoHealth alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Biology to do the gain of function work. There was no question in my mind when I reviewed this proposal that it was gain of function work. I’ve been against it since I was a PhD student and since I learned what it was, that’s fine. It actually splits. At the time, back in 2014, this was a hotly debated issue whether or not gain of function research should be occurring. And it’s not totally a black-and-white issue.  Actually, some gain of function research is necessary so that we can build live attenuated vaccines. The question is, how much evolution do they do in the laboratory to advance the pathogen or the agent to make an effective vaccine? And the problem was with this coronavirus gain of function work is that they actually evolved it 150,000 years into the future so that there’s no potential and no way that this virus would ever occur in nature…

… If you look at the epidemiology or the data of all the case data, this disease emerged in September or October of 2019.  That’s a hard fact. Okay?  We can prove it.  So the question is, why does the US government go into panic or cover up about that?  And it’s real simple. It’s real simple.  It’s because the US government funded the development of the agents in a number of US laboratories and they split up different parts of the work to these different laboratories.  And that all happened where I worked at EcoHealth.

This exchange starts around the 3:50 minute marker.

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A judge in New York ruled that the continued use of COVID as the excuse for using absentee ballots in elections is not constitutional. 

The New York Post reported on this ruling out of the state:

Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail due to fear of COVID-19 is unconstitutional, a state judge said Friday in a ruling that Republican and Conservative Party leaders hailed as a victory for fair elections.

The 28-page ruling by Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone ordered local boards of election to stop counting the absentee ballots they’ve already received.

FOX News reported yesterday on this development in New York state:

A judge in New York ruled that voting by mail over fears of the coronavirus is unconstitutional.

The Democrat-controlled legislature “appears poised to continue the expanded absentee voting provisions of New York State Election Law … in an Orwellian perpetual state of health emergency and cloaked in the veneer of ‘voter enfranchisement,’” Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone, a Republican, wrote in her ruling Friday.

The 28-page ruling ordered local election boards to stop counting absentee ballots they’ve already received and to “preserve” them until after Election Day on Nov. 8 or after the resolution of a lawsuit filed by Republicans in the state. The ruling does not invalidate ballots that have already been mailed.

In 2020, delays, litigation and mistakes by election boards that faced a flood of absentee ballots led to long waits for election results. The Democratic-controlled legislature eventually passed a law allowing for early counting of absentee voting.

Democrats in the state are appealing the ruling.  They know that without cheating, they have no chance of winning elections.

In the 2020 Election one of the means that the Democrats stole the election was related to absentee ballots.

We saw mules involved in dropping off ballots in drop boxes in the movie 2000 Mules.

We also saw how absentee ballots were used as the basis to manufacture wins for Biden after the 2020 Election in states like Pennsylvania where GOP poll watchers were prevented from observing inside the ballot counting rooms.

The election was over when Americans couldn’t witness what was going on behind the scenes after Election day – related to counting absentee ballots.

The 2020 election was #NonTransparent by force. #Bullying to cheat. #StopTheSteal pic.twitter.com/qgF0lpJfkJ

— Dr. Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) December 5, 2020

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Check out “The Daily Recap” podcast to get a brief “catch up” of the previous days biggest stories!

We will be covering some of the biggest stories on The Gateway Pundit each and every weekday, as well as a twice-weekly podcast on Wednesdays and Friday nights at 9pm EST.

From this episode:  President Trump caught revealing “classified” info to Bob Woodard and CNN bites hook line and sinker!, plus while vaccines are about to be mandated in many schools across the country, Germany releases a study showing 1 in 700 children are hospitalized with severe adverse reactions, and more!

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The post Daily Recap 10-24-22: CNN reveals their Trump Derangement Syndrome with “classified” info he revealed, COVID scheduled for children while Germany sees 1 in 700 kids hospitalized, and more appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.